Vol 13, No 80 (2024)

Issue Description

This issue presents a diverse and multidisciplinary collection of articles addressing current challenges and innovative approaches in various fields, focusing on sustainability, education, technology, and culture. The texts explore topics ranging from the impact of institutions on peace and justice to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 16, to the implementation of technological tools such as open-source software and virtual laboratories in educational environments.

The section includes studies on the influence of artificial intelligence in shaping marketing strategies, the creation of therapeutic fairy tales for children and adults, and the analysis of the role of national security boards. Research on decentralization in post-war reconstruction in Ukraine and the role of civil society in public administration also stand out.

In the educational and cultural spheres, the articles examine the use of interactive whiteboards in inclusive education, the educational potential of fanfiction, and the contemporary poetics of dystopia. The ethical reasoning in technological contexts and the internationalization of teaching as a tool for professional development are also explored.

This edition reflects a commitment to providing a platform for critical reflection, innovation, and the exchange of knowledge in both academic and practical contexts.


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