Evaluation process

1. Articles submitted by authors undergo a preliminary review by the publication's editor, which is conducted in accordance with the journal's editorial policy and the criteria set forth in the author guidelines.

2.  Document similarity checks are carried out using the Turnitin Similarity Check software.

3.  If an article exhibits citation issues as indicated by the similarity report, it will be returned to the authors for correction before resubmission. Furthermore, if it is found that the document's content has been previously published elsewhere, the article will be rejected, and the authors will be subject to sanctions by the journal.
4. If the Turnitin Similary Check software report determines that the document has no similarity, the editor sends two reviewers from the subject area of knowledge. The journal's editorial policy has established that many of our authors can be contacted as peer reviewers. [See Author Guidelines]
5. The document is delivered to the reviewers without the name of the authors. The author or authors will also not know the name of the reviewers. Reviewers will record their evaluation in an evaluation format provided by the journal. [View format].
6.  Once the evaluation process is completed, the reviewers send their concept to the journal editor. Reviewers may recommend:
o Acceptance without changes.
o Acceptance with minor modifications.
o Revision and resubmission with major modifications.
o Rejection.
7.  Once the favorable or unfavorable opinion is obtained, the reviewers' opinion will be communicated to the authors, who must address the observations or suggestions for the publication of the article within the time indicated by the editor.
8.  If the document requires modifications, the editor will send the report to the author and request that the changes be made. Once the author makes the suggested modifications, he must send it to the editor and again the editor sends the adjusted document to the reviewers.
9.  After completing this process, the editor will determine if the article will be published or not.
10.  If the document is rejected, the manuscript will be withdrawn and cannot be submitted to the journal again.

Peer Review Process Workflow

Policy on Submission of Previously Published Documents

Our journal is dedicated to preserving the originality of academic content. Therefore, we do not accept manuscripts that have been previously published elsewhere. All submitted documents must be unpublished and not under consideration by any other publication concurrently.

Detection and Procedure for Previously Published Content

We employ advanced similarity detection tools to identify any significant overlap with previously published works. Should a manuscript be found to contain previously published content, the editorial committee will conduct an investigation to determine the nature and extent of the infraction.

Sanctions for Authors

Should a manuscript be found in violation of this policy:

  • Manuscript Rejection: The manuscript will be immediately rejected.
  • Temporary or Permanent Ban: The authors responsible for the submission may face a temporary or permanent ban on future submissions to our journal.
  • Notification to Affiliated Institutions: We will inform the authors' affiliated institutions and research funders about the infraction.


Authors may appeal the decision by providing evidence that the content is original or that the use of previously published material is justified and complies with fair use policies and copyright laws. Appeals will be reviewed by the editorial committee, and the final decision will be communicated to the author.

These policies are designed to maintain the integrity of the academic literature and ensure that our journal only publishes original and high-quality work. We appreciate the cooperation of our authors in adhering to these guidelines.