Vol. 8 No. 24 (2019)

The specifics of the appointment of forensic examinations in the investigation of corruption-related crimes committed in cyberspace

Valerii Tishchenko
National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukrain, Department of of Criminalistics of National University «Odesa Law Academy»
Larysa Bielik
Department of Criminalistics of National University «Odesa Law Academy»
Olena Samoilenko
Department of Criminalistics of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Published 2019-11-21


  • Judicial expertise, crime investigation, corruption, cyberspace, corruption-related crimes, crime.

How to Cite

Tishchenko, V., Bielik, L., & Samoilenko, O. (2019). The specifics of the appointment of forensic examinations in the investigation of corruption-related crimes committed in cyberspace. Amazonia Investiga, 8(24), 280–287. Retrieved from https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/984


Relevance. The study is relevance due to the problem of cybercrime, including corruption-related crimes, which were caused by the rapid worldwide development of computer technology, as well as the widespread use of cyberspace networks and the digitization of information-sharing processes in society.

The object of the study is the public relations that arise in the process of judicial expertise in the investigation of corruption-related crimes committed in cyberspace.

Several research methods have been used in the writing of this research article. The dialectical method was the first and foremost method in the study of judicial expertise. The method of analysis, the synthesis method, and comparison method were used during the research process.

Research results.  The authors of this scientific article came to the conclusion that the specific nature of the use of forensic investigations in the investigation of corruption offenses committed in cyberspace is one of the main forms of use of specialized knowledge in criminal proceedings and the result of which is the conclusion of expert opinion, which is the source of evidence in criminal proceedings. In addition, it was noted that all the issues that are solved by the examination of telecommunication systems (equipment) and tools have a diagnostic nature, and a list of typical issues should be fixed in the appropriate instructions.


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