• Lucelly Correa Cruz Universidad de la Amazonia, Colombia.
  • Diego Felipe Arbeláez Campillo Universidad de la Amazonia, Colombia.
Keywords: Teaching and learning, qualitative research


The following article is part of the research project teaching of auditing in public accounting program under the control approach developed Latin and Anglo-Saxon in the Master of Science Education, University of Amazonia. Likewise purpose of this paper is to present a reflection on the results on the question: What do you consider most important in the educational process, teaching or learning? made to teachers and students.
This research is descriptive and interpretive qualitative approach. The techniques used in collecting data were focus group and the virtual interview.
From the analysis of data collected and relating, it was determined that learning is an individual process that is performed for the acquisition of higher levels of knowledge, which must be permanent and not for a moment, of course, that to obtain higher levels of learning is essential to the advice of a person (teacher) that tells you, what you drive or the grounds to take the way that learning.


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Author Biographies

Lucelly Correa Cruz, Universidad de la Amazonia, Colombia.

Lucelly Correa Cruz; Universidad de la Amazonia, Profesora Ocasional Programa Administración de Empresas; Grupo de investigación: Desarrollo Institucional Integrado. Administradora de Empresas, Psicóloga Social Comunitaria, especialista en Gerencia de mercadeo; Magister en Ciencias de la Educación

Diego Felipe Arbeláez Campillo, Universidad de la Amazonia, Colombia.

Diego Felipe Arbeláez Campillo; Universidad de la Amazonia, Profesor Ocasional Programa Contaduría Pública; grupo de investigación: Huella Amazonica y Desarrollo Institucional Integrado. Contador público, especialista en Revisoría Fiscal; Magister en Ciencias de la Educación


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How to Cite
Correa Cruz, L., & Arbeláez Campillo, D. (2012). LA ENSEÑANZA Y EL APRENDIZAJE DESDE LAS CONCEPCIONES DE DOCENTES Y ESTUDIANTES. Amazonia Investiga, 1(1), 94-105.
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