Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)


Milton Cesar Andrade Adaime
Universidad de la Amazonia - Universidad de los Andes
Author Biography

Milton César Andrade Adaime; Universidad de la Amazonia, Profesor ocasional del Programa de Administración de Empresas; Administrador de Empresas, Especialista en Evaluación Social de Proyectos de la Universidad de los Andes, Magister en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de la Amazonia.

Wilder Bravo Preciado
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas en convenio con la Universidad de la Amazonia - - Universidad de la Amazonía
Author Biography

Wilder Bravo Preciado. Ingeniero de Sistemas de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas en convenio con la Universidad de la Amazonia, Magister en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de la Amazonía. Docente IE Técnico Industrial.

Published 2013-06-26


  • Entrepreneurship, competency, teaching strategies, technology, computers.

How to Cite

Andrade Adaime, M. C., & Bravo Preciado, W. (2013). PROPUESTA DIDÁCTICA PARA LA ENSEÑANZA DEL EMPRENDIMIENTO. Amazonia Investiga, 2(2), 32–45. Retrieved from https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/638


This article presents an overview of the steps executed during the process of research on teaching entrepreneurship in the Business Administration Program atf the University of Amazonia and that developed in the framework of the Master of Education Sciences. As a starting point for research, established the current state of the problem from the application of a student survey and a semistructured interview teachers in first year of training in entrepreneurship emphasis. The data collected were processed by SPSS software.
In the theoretical references assumed knowledge as a permanent process of construction and nature hermeneutic methodology that allows the reconstruction, the ongoing restatement process and content; also reviews some models of teaching and learning enterprise in higher education implemented in Colombia, the result of national experiences and current regulations regarding the problem and the joint investigation with the use of technological tools.
As one of the research results generated for a didactic teaching entrepreneurship built under the competency based training approach, creative thinking and information technology as a teaching resource. They are used meaningful learning and teaching for understanding and teaching approaches for teaching, implemented in the educational content management system "Moodle".


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