Published 2024-11-30
- economic theory, sharing economy, sharing consumption, sustainability, market.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Svitlana Marushchak, Oleg Varenyk, Oleksii Zhuk, Grygoriy Shamborovskyi, Sergii Vasylyk

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The sharing economy has emerged as a disruptive force, transforming how goods and services are accessed and utilized. This paper comprehensively analyzes the benefits, challenges, and impacts of the sharing economy on traditional markets. Through a systematic literature review, the study examines this collaborative model's economic, social, and environmental implications. Key findings highlight the increased efficiency and sustainability of resource utilization but also reveal challenges such as regulatory complexities and disruptions in conventional business models. The study underscores the need for holistic frameworks to protect stakeholders and ensure the sustainable growth of sharing economy platforms. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of continuous research to address emerging trends and challenges in this dynamic landscape.
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