Published 2024-11-30
- responsible management, resource-saving, administrative management, social responsibility, factor analysis, innovative approaches to management.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Oleg Tkach, Volodymyr Saienko, Tetyana Vader, Oksana Morhulets, Nadiia Bielikova

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In modern business, a rational combination of administrative and responsible management is an integrated management instrument promoting adaptive development and implementation of innovative technologies. The study aims to generalise approaches to defining the essence and role of responsible management in the administrative management system and clarify the factors that ensure the efficiency of management processes. To achieve the research objective, factor analysis was used to systematise the main factors that influence the effectiveness of the responsible business management system. As a result of the factor analysis on the example of PJSC CB “Privat Bank”, it was found that for today's business, it is essential to analyse a significant set of indicators and study them in dynamics. Two factors were explicitly identified for the selected company: the factor of strategic development and business reliability, which includes the banking business reliability ratio, the equity protection ratio, the maximum risk ratio, the rating of the reliability of banking products, the rating of public confidence in the bank; as well as the factor of investment attractiveness of the business, which includes the capital multiplier coefficient, the standard of significant risks. In general, the combination of administrative and responsible management can open up significant additional opportunities for effective development.
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