Published 2024-11-30
- European integration, European Union, international trade turnover, international relations, business climate.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Oleg Batrymenko, Viktor Melnyk

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article examines the key elements and criteria for European integration, focusing on the specifics of establishing new connections between Ukraine and EU member states. The study analyses the dynamics and structure of Ukraine’s trade turnover from 2013 to 2023, highlighting a significant increase in trade volumes with EU countries following Russia's invasion in 2022. It explores the importance of regulating migration processes and enhancing economic security as part of Ukraine's path towards European integration. The research emphasises the need for greater transparency and cooperation between the state, businesses, and civil society to accelerate Ukraine's integration process. The analysis underscores the pivotal role of legislative initiatives in fostering a favourable business environment and promoting harmonious socio-economic relations among stakeholders. The findings of the study hold practical significance in the context of developing harmonious socio-economic relations among participants in global production processes.
This article examines the key elements and criteria of European integration, focusing on the establishment of new ties between Ukraine and EU member states. The study analyses the dynamics and structure of Ukraine’s trade turnover from 2013 to 2023, highlighting a significant increase in trade volumes with EU countries following Russia's invasion in 2022. It explores the importance of regulating migration processes and enhancing economic security as integral parts of Ukraine's path toward European integration. The research emphasises the need for greater transparency and collaboration between the state, businesses, and civil society to accelerate Ukraine's integration process. The analysis underscores the pivotal role of legislative initiatives in creating a favourable business environment and fostering harmonious socio-economic relations among stakeholders. The study’s findings have practical relevance in the context of developing harmonious socio-economic relations among participants in global production processes.
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