The influence of corporate commitment educators on the efficiency of educational institutions

  • Hamdi Serin Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq
Keywords: Corporate Commitment, Job Responsibility, Job Commitment, Commitment to Work Team, School Commitment.


The aim of this study is to determine the level of teachers' corporate commitment. For this purpose, a scale was applied to 47 teachers in 12 general schools. The scale is a 5-point Likert-type scale consisting of 28 items. The reliability and validity studies of the scale were conducted. As a result of factor analysis, it was found that this scale was a one-dimensional scale. The scale consists of 4 factors. These factors are named as subscales as following: dedication to the school, dedication to the teaching profession and dedication to the working group. The study concludes that the effective efficiency of institutions depends on the adaptation of the objectives and values of the school and its profession by teachers.


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Author Biography

Hamdi Serin, Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq

Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq


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How to Cite
Serin, H. (2019). The influence of corporate commitment educators on the efficiency of educational institutions. Amazonia Investiga, 8(19), 595-604. Retrieved from
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