Published 2024-03-30
- competency-based teaching, cultural research / policy, competency, creative, art, creativity, higher education, educational environment.
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The article considers the issues of the competency-based approach in higher education and the role of cultural and creative competencies in the modern educational discourse. The aim of the article is to define the peculiarities of forming cultural and creative competencies of students in artistic specialties in higher education institutions of Ukraine, as well as to elucidate the influence of these competencies on the competitiveness and professional career advancement of specialists in both domestic and global labor markets. The research methodology includes a combination of systemic-differentiated, comparative, synergistic, cultural, axiological, structural-functional, and empirical methods, which are employed to clarify the peculiarities of forming cultural and creative competencies during students’ professional training in artistic specialties. The article demonstrates the peculiarities of forming cultural and creative competencies in the Standards of Higher Education and educational-professional programs, examines role of the educational environment in forming creative competencies and its peculiarities as an educational-creative environment using the example of training students in artistic specialties at Kharkiv State Academy of Culture. Promising directions for improving creativity development in educational-creative environments of educational institutions are identified, which enhance the competitiveness of professionals in artistic specialties and contribute to the resolution of crisis phenomena in society.
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