Local development factors from the organizational management perspective

Keywords: self-organization, endogenous development, local development, sustainable development, territorial development.


The evolution of local development, as a strategic axis for the development of a country, is the first component involved in the political speech and in regulatory protocols in the Ecuadorian territory, which has signed agreements with international multilateral organizations. The following article analyzes the social factors of local community formation as a social system and the management of the authorities of such community. As conclusion, it is indispensable the improvement of the local government system, the development of the studied resources and the opportunities to support social activity.


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Author Biographies

Arnaldo Vergara-Romero, Universidad Espíritu Santo.

MSc.in Economics, Universidad Espíritu Santo, Research Associate, Research Departments, Samborondón, Ecuador.

Rafael Sorhegui-Ortega, Universidad Ecotec.

Ph.D. in Economics, Universidad Ecotec, Research Director, Research Departments, Samborondón, Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Vergara-Romero, A., & Sorhegui-Ortega, R. (2020). Local development factors from the organizational management perspective. Amazonia Investiga, 9(33), 46-50. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.33.09.5
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