www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.29
How to Cite:
Mosendz, O., Ponomarevska, O., Tereshchenko, O., Mykhailiuk, O., & Gula, Y. (2023). Strategic perspectives of design
development in Ukraine: theory, practice and development innovations. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 310-318.
Strategic perspectives of design development in Ukraine: theory,
practice and development innovations
Perspectivas estratégicas del desarrollo del diseño en Ucrania: teoría, práctica e
innovaciones de desarrollo
Received: February 7, 2023 Accepted: April 1, 2023
Written by:
Oksana Mosendz1
Olena Ponomarevska2
Olha Tereshchenko3
Olga Mykhailiuk4
Yevhen Gula5
The modern development of the information and
globalized society causes new requirements for
design. The purpose of the article is to analyze
the strategic perspectives of design in modern
Ukraine, to investigate certain theoretical and
practical aspects of its development, the
possibility of introducing innovations. General
scientific methods were used. The forecasting
method also made it possible to highlight the
problem of the further transformation of design
in the world and in Ukraine. In the results, new
ideas and prospects for the development of
design, caused by the restructuring of its concept
from the classical to the neoclassical stage,
innovative solutions in the development of the
design environment are traced. The prospect of
further harmonization of EN, ISO, IEC standards
with Ukrainian samples has also been proven.
The further development of design as an
educational specialty is a promising direction,
the effectiveness of which can be controlled
thanks to the mechanism of accreditation of
Doctor of the Philosophy, field of study Culture and Art, Associate Professor Department of Fine Arts and Design, Faculty of
Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Studi Arts, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Candidate of Study of Art, Associate Professor Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, Educational-scientific
institute of architecture, design and geodesy, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
Postgraduate, Assistant, Department of Art and Costume Design, Faculty of Design, Kyiv, Ukraine, National University of
Technology and Design, Ukraine.
PhD in Design, Associate Professor Department of Graphic Design, Faculty of Design, Kyiv, Ukraine, National University of
Technologies and Design, Ukraine.
Professor, Head of the Department of Graphic Design, Faculty of Design, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design,
Kyiv, Ukraine.
Mosendz, O., Ponomarevska, O., Tereshchenko, O., Mykhailiuk, O., Gula, Y. / Volume 12 - Issue 63: 310-318 / March, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational programs. It is suggested to turn to
informal education, which is more dynamic than
classical university education, and allows you to
acquire not only professional, but also business
skills. The conclusions showed that further
transformations of design will influence the
creative development of designers.
Keywords: design, Ukraine, digitalization,
innovation, higher education.
Modern social development, the widespread
integration of digital technology in everyday life
bring major changes in the functioning of all
spheres of human activity. In particular, it also
refers to the new horizons of the use of design,
because modern consumers need not only the
functionality of products (performance of direct
duties) but also in the aesthetic appearance and
compliance with a certain style. Thanks to this,
some world-famous corporations have now
earned themselves a certain image, which acts as
an advertising business card, as the quality of
their products. Similar processes are also
characteristic of architecture, industrial
production, services (including digital and the
Accordingly, the modern attention of scientists to
the field of design, its likely ways of
development, and the prospects for integration
with the digitalization of society are relevant
vectors for research. Equally important are the
scientific aspects of design studies, their
disclosure using pedagogical methods, the
introduction of updated national standards that
meet the requirements of modernity, etc. All this
only adds to the interest of design problematics,
which is especially important in Ukraine under
specific circumstances. Russian aggression of
2022 has paid attention to problematic moments
of design functioning as separate directions of the
educational, business community of Ukrainians'
everyday life. Along with the demand for
everything Ukrainian, it causes the necessity of
the development of different spheres of design, at
least allocation of ways for further development
and improvement of this sphere.
The aim of the article is to analyze the strategic
prospects of design in contemporary Ukraine, to
explore some of the theoretical and practical
aspects of its development, the possibility of
innovation. Accordingly, the main objectives of
the study are as follows:
1. To trace new ideas and competencies that
are used in the restructuring of the design
concept at the current stage of development.
2. To characterize the administrative and legal
aspect of design development in Ukraine.
3. To explore the possibilities of design as an
element of the creative economy for
4. Analyze innovative solutions in the
development of design environment.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Given the comprehensive digitalization and
globalization, the question of strategic
development of design activities is relevant and
of interest to many European and American
scholars. Calabretta & Kleinsmann (2017)
through the lens of the technological revolution
investigated the main changes taking place in the
field of design. The researchers note that the
active development of digital technology has
influenced changes in the way companies to
innovate and create new products: “as a key
function of innovation, design has also evolved
to better support companies in dealing with the
speed and complexity of technological,
economic, and societal change” (Calabretta &
Kleinsmann, 2017, p. 292). Camburn et al.,
(2017), through the lens of integrated analysis,
highlighted the major ongoing innovative
changes taking place in today's design
environment. Gemser & Barczak (2020)
explored features of future design development
through an analysis of the likely design
trajectories of the field. Hay, Cash & McKilligan
(2020) characterized the problem of cognitive
design analysis. The researchers note that current
environmental trends in the use of artificial
intelligence constitute major long-term
challenges to the development of cognitive
design systems. Magistretti, Dell’Era & Verganti
(2020) provide a detailed review of the
technology development literature to
demonstrate how companies can develop
technology to promote innovation. Verganti,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Vendraminelli& Iansiti (2020) outlined key
innovations in the era of artificial intelligence.
Meanwhile, May et al., (2021) characterized the
importance of design in shaping social
innovation. Micheli et al., (2018) investigated the
problem of design thinking formation. Syomka
(2017) analyzed the specifics of the use of
bionics in the design environment of Ukraine.
The researcher notes that this style is
predominantly characterized by the use of light
colors, atypical zoning techniques, structural
system of construction, modular principle.
Varyvonchyk & Kulyk (2022) described the
current innovative design trends in Ukraine.
Researchers note that the widespread use of
modern innovative methods of modeling and
design, the use of unique techniques of non-
traditional materials provide unlimited
opportunities for the designer's activity. Despite
this, the problem of the modern and economic
potential of design in Ukraine and its
improvement remains understudied. Also
debatable is the problem of legislative regulation
of design in Ukraine, its standardization. This
aspect requires further analysis. In addition, the
problem of the development of non-classical
design and coverage of new competencies of
designers in connection with the digitalization
and globalization of society is understudied.
The study is formed based on general scientific
and specifically scientific research methods. In
particular, among the general scientific methods
used analysis, synthesis, concretization,
forecasting. By means of the analysis, the main
subject of the research (design development
strategy) is divided into smaller parts (research of
the administrative and legal aspect of design
development in Ukraine, analysis of innovative
creative economy through the prism of design,
etc.). Based on synthesis the above-mentioned
elements are united and own hypotheses
concerning strategic development of design in
Ukraine are formed. The problem of further
transformation of design in the world and
Ukraine is reflected through the use of
The main method of the study was the method of
content analysis of scientific literature. The use
of this research approach made it possible to
systematically review scientific texts on the
subject, identify current expert assessments of
the state of development of the design field in
Ukraine, and identify and compare it with the
capabilities of modern European countries and
the United States. Thanks to the systematic
description and categorization of scientific
literature, it was also possible to realize the
purpose and objectives of the study in accordance
with various aspects of evaluative judgments and
research hypotheses.
Between specially scientific methods the legal
and historical principles of research are allocated.
In work legal methods are applied through a
prism of use of a dogmatic approach for an
explanation of reality. Of separate importance
was the use of the historical method by which the
development of design from the classical to the
non-classical period is reflected.
Results and Discussion
Restructuring of the design concept from
classical to the non-classical stage of
development: new ideas, new competencies
Nowadays design is recognized as an integral
part of the innovative activity of most modern
organizations and enterprises. Newly established
organizations and companies recognize that in
the conditions of global competition in Ukraine
and internationally they must constantly
innovate, develop, shape new products and
services, and focus on the differences of their
work from their competitors, winning new
customers and retaining old ones. At the same
time, in order to remain competitive, today's
design institutions must keep up with innovative
changes (Borgianni et al., 2020). Calabretta &
Kleinsmann, 2017).
Contemporary researchers have noted that
among the significant qualities of “classic”
design are dominated by the principles of
economic manufacturability, engineering
functionality, financial pragmatism, sales growth
trends, and gross margin (Camburn et al., 2017).
For this reason, the competence of designers is
measured by the depth of their practical mastery
of these categories and the skill of being able to
find an organic combination of often conflicting
requirements. However, according to Plantec et
al., (2019), an unplanned reliance on industrial
mechanisms of mass production has entailed a
crisis of competence for designers. At the same
time, the loss of a human reference point during
the design and moral relativism in design goals
have influenced conformism to become almost
the only means of professional communication
and human socialization through the lens of
design activity. Modern transformational
changes require original solutions from
designers, while at the same time, the universal
set of humanitarian guidelines has led to the fact
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
that “classical” design as the highest form of
theory and practice has receded to second place
(Dell’Era et al., 2020). For this reason, non-
classical design is relevant in the world. Note that
the term non-classical period of design
development refers to this type of design activity
caused by the expansion of new rationalities in
the context of social and cultural crises (Gemser
& Barczak, 2020). The neoclassical stage of
design is effective in the rapid and global
transformation of the new economy because that
is when both the rational and emotional part of
human nature influences customer and consumer
choices. (Gemser & Barczak, 2020). For this
reason, in order to ensure cultural connotation, it
is necessary to rethink the content of design:
from functional modernism to non-utilitarian
transmodernism. We predict that processes of
such refinement should contribute to the
emergence of new principles of design
organization, new approaches, and
competencies. (See Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Schematic model of the relationship between non-classical design and new competencies of designers
Article authors’ development
Among the key advantages of a professional
designer in Ukraine, the logical ability to
comprehensively solve complex problems
traditionally plays an important role. Separately,
given modern transformations, critical thinking,
innate creativity, originality, empirical
actualization, digital competence, and
information literacy play an important place.
The restructuring of the design concept entails
the designer's personal creative mobility and
his/her ability to switch to different types of
design activities, the development of heuristic
and critical thinking, and integration (Liedtka,
2014). The mentioned skills and beliefs should
influence the professional activity of the designer
in Ukraine. We believe that such qualities as
flexibility of thinking, openness to changes,
readiness for new situations will become
important for the non-classical Ukrainian
designer because the competence of the latter
will become aimed at mastering the qualities
necessary for professional development:
mobility, mastering the fundamental and
practical knowledge of technique and art. Also
important will be self-critical thinking, that is, the
ability to choose among the many author's
solutions the best and successful (Hay et al.,
2020). In addition, the skill to refute typical
models and optimal innovations will be
important. At the same time, digital competence
occupies almost the main role in the sphere of
innovative designer skills (Magistretti et al.,
2020). Now in Ukraine in the conditions of large-
scale digitalization, it is especially relevant for all
specialists. The ability to understand digital
technologies, critically perceive digital
information - all this will be required from the
designer of the future. In general, the designer's
awareness of their professional uniqueness will
influence the formation of a new active unit of
design activity, as delineated personal branding
today is the foundation for the formation of
working and competent tactics of personal
leadership (Dell’Era et al., 2020). Contemporary
researchers also argue that the skills of
The neoclassical period of
design: the technological
development of accepted
Conditions for development:
global transformation of society,
The emergence of new
principles of organization
of design, new
approaches and methods
of shaping the design
Accordingly, new
competencies are emerging
in designers Logical Thinking
Critical analysis,
Digital Literacy
Information competence
Openness to change
The result: the formation of a
specialist of the future, capable
of responding adequately to
modern changes
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
organizing authorial individualization of a design
product through inclusive ergonomic
empowerment should be among the important
new competencies of the contemporary designer
(Verganti et al., 2020). The skills of organizing
radicalization of a design product through the
formation of symbolic product imagery, active
participation in the deindustrialization of product
manufacturing processes using 3D printing,
application of automated devices, outsourcing,
etc. are also becoming important.
Design in Ukraine: the administrative and
legal aspecto
Extremely relevant direction of design
development is the formation of an appropriate
regulatory framework, development, and
implementation of certain provisions regarding
regional and industry design-ergonomic services,
relevant departments that functioned in
enterprises, in scientific and production
institutions, etc. (May et al., 2021). For this
reason, there is a need, first of all, for appropriate
accreditation of design structures, as well as - the
development of national standards and other
legal documentation that would define the design
quality of products and ways to comply with the
control of them. In fact, in the context of the
creation of design centers that would develop
appropriate design projects and perform an
examination of the consumer quality of industrial
products, advising producers of goods and
services on design issues (Shkitsa et al., 2020).
The development of such activities would allow
a direct impact on improving product quality, the
introduction of appropriate accreditation would
actualize the influence of the centers on the
relevant processes.
Regulatory support of the functioning of the
design sphere, obviously, should create and
develop an appropriate legal basis for its work,
the bases of harmonization with the developed
directives of the European Union member states,
other interstate standards. It also refers to the
prospects of creating their own Ukrainian
legislation, which would optimize the living
environment of people, improve the quality and
competitiveness of manufactured physical and
digital products. It is important that with
Ukraine's accession to the World Trade
Organization (hereinafter - the WTO) intensified
work to address problems of harmonization of
the adopted national standards with interstate,
established information interaction with the
WTO member countries.
It is also important to note that the fundamental
difference from the old, previously adopted
system of State Standards of Ukraine (hereinafter
DSTU) from other international systems of
standardization is the status of standards.
Interstate standards are implemented voluntarily,
while the requirements of DSTU, which are still
partially in force in Ukraine in some areas,
sometimes have mandatory requirements. The
updated national standards of Ukraine already
have a voluntary status. Appeal to ISO and EN
standards in the field of design is to update
certain provisions of current DSTU norms. In
particular, we are talking about reformatting the
principles and methods of design and its use, the
terms and definitions of the main concepts, a new
understanding of the principles and methodology
of design to formulate and create comfortable
and safe working conditions and leisure for a
better performance of mental or physical loads,
the use of design industry safety during
manufacturing operations at various stages
(creating designs, testing, and commissioning).
Compliance with European and international
standards EN, ISO, IES is also aimed at
guaranteeing greater competitiveness of
Ukrainian products and generally increasing the
quality of life of the population. However, such a
global goal requires further improvement of the
quality of human life (Shkitsa et al., 2020). It
should be taken into account that the level of
requirements of international standards in foreign
practice is generally used as a baseline. Other
national standards in European countries and the
United States are much higher than this simple
baseline. It is also important that in the leading
countries of the world, the standards of special
associations are actively used - in the work of
organizations of scientific, technical, and
professional direction, which are characterized
by even higher requirements.
Separate mention should be made of
standardization in the educational sphere.
Prospective development of design is a further
evolution of the control of higher education in
Ukraine, in particular the specialty 022 Design.
According to this document (for the training of
bachelors in higher education - from December
13, 2018) determine the basic and special
competencies that a design specialist must master
during training. Since the development of the
specialty does not stand still, here is the
corresponding codification of the rules of
training in universities will have a constant
update and focus on the latest patterns used in the
leading universities of the world. The
introduction of appropriate accreditation
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
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schemes conducted by the National Agency for
Educational Quality Assurance will have a
positive effect, as this body will have the power
to monitor the implementation of updating
educational programs, links with other
disciplines and programs of study, quality control
of teaching, etc. (Micheli et al., 2018). This
experience for the Ukrainian realities is quite
innovative, so its development in the future will
have a positive impact on the development of
design, in particular the theoretical and practical
aspects of implementation.
Design as an Element of Creative Economy:
Experience for Ukraine
The legal transformation for the design field is
relevant because of its economic potential.
Researchers point out that design services in
general are valuable and represent significant
financial resources in Europe and America. As an
example, cite indicators of GDP, which brings to
the national treasury in the UK and Ireland - 71
billion pounds and 38 billion euros, respectively.
for the Ukrainian reality, such figures are
exorbitant, but design services are still little
appreciated by entrepreneurs. Even the existing
statistics about the workers and entrepreneurs
involved in the industry is rather arbitrary.
It was found that most companies working in the
market and individuals entrepreneurs are
registered in Kyiv. This corresponds to global
tendencies to concentrate production, intellectual
and economic flows in the capitals of states. On
the other hand, the probable reason for this
situation is the lack of educational facilities in
other regions, as they have few registered
university training programs. Often regions
simply do not have master's programs for
relevant training, and even existing ones may
have outdated content or teaching methods
(Shkitsa et al., 2020). Obviously, the introduction
of permanent accreditation of educational
programs can improve this situation. The design
industry is focused on the use of qualified
personnel - creative professionals because the
success of entrepreneurship will depend on their
level of work (Plantec et al., 2019).
An important aspect was that the growth of the
design services market in Ukraine is extensive. It
occurs at the expense of the growth of the number
of orders, rather than the added value of the work
of specialists. For the market itself, the opposite
scenario would be much more effective - growth
at the expense of increasing the cost of projects.
In the future, if such trends persist, the services
of designers may turn into secondary work - the
gross execution of low-cost and template orders
that compete little with other, more experienced
designers (Shkitsa et al., 2020). An innovative
way to address this prospective development
problem was to form individual designers'
associations into larger organizations. It would
also become more realistic to execute more
complex and more valuable projects, which
would accelerate qualitative development(See
Table 1).
Table 1.
The main problems of design development in Ukraine and their solutions
Problems of design development in Ukraine
Proposed solutions
Growth of the design services market in Ukraine -
Encourage individual designers to organize themselves
into larger organizations. This would allow them to
exchange creative ideas (develop) and be much more
stable in the service market.
Lack of business competence
Introduction of additional informal education - special
courses introducing designers to the basics of
entrepreneurship outside of working hours
Low level of innovativeness in design solutions
Acquaintance with the modern innovative trends,
improvement of designers' qualifications, and the
introduction of additional non-formal education.
Little attention to the education of designers at the
regional level
The system of introducing permanent accreditation of
educational programs should improve the situation.
Article authors’ development
A tangible problem in the designer market is the
lack of business competence. Typically, business
owners or independent designers have a poor
understanding of the business model for their
entrepreneurial activities. For this reason, they
are also poorly aware of the potential threats that
will arise during development. Because
employees and executives have a poor
understanding of the economics of how their
business functions, the percentage of
bankruptcies can increase. An effective way to
get out of this situation and further develop
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
design would be to introduce additional informal
education - special courses that introduce
designers to the basics of entrepreneurship
outside of working hours (Mosely et al., 2018).
This pathway is quite innovative - it involves
building relevant business competencies, self-
directed education, and practical skills. While
non-formal education does not provide formal
and nationally recognized qualifications, it can
also accelerate the acquisition of certain
professional qualifications that will be useful in
project implementation. Flexibility is a tangible
advantage of non-formal education. In addition,
the formal decisions and regulations for higher
education take a long time, whereas with non-
formal education teachers independently
formulate the goals and content of their courses,
focusing on modern challenges. Also, non-
formal education is quite dynamic (Bystryakova
et al., 2017). Instead of a long university
education, a few months of classes are offered,
which already allow you to do your work more
effectively. For this reason, the use of non-formal
education in design in Ukraine is a quite
promising area of development.
Innovative solutions in the development of the
design environment
An important circumstance of increasing interest
in design is the globalization of the economy, at
the same time an important reason for the interest
in design is the proliferation of design because
there are still a significant number of separate
forms and dimensions of design activity.
English-language sources name more than fifty
types of design activities, in particular: animation
design, applied design, architectural design,
biological design, business design, co-design,
communication design, configuration design,
convergent design, design activism, design
cultures, design management, empathic design,
experimental design, fashion design, game
design, graphic design, interior design, market
design, modular design, service design, social
design, spatial design, strategic design, universal
design, visual communication design, etc.
Consequently, innovative trends in these types of
design may vary, but there are some that apply to
all areas of design activity.
The term innovation process in design should be
understood as creative thinking, influencing the
formation of innovations to improve the quality
of the public and cultural environment. At the
same time, innovations arising in design are
realized by special technologies or gradual
innovations that the market demands
(Varyvonchyk & Kulyk, 2022). Also, this term
should be understood as innovations that have a
direct impact on the transformation of new
markets, contributing to the emergence of new
Today's innovative design environment concepts
require addressing different principles and
aspects of human activity (Camburn et al., 2017).
In particular, Plantec et al., (2019) note that new
design trends should be borrowed from other
industries, so neuroimaging techniques have
emerged in design, and the issue of design
neurocognition has become particularly debated
and relevant. Neuroimaging techniques
“contribute to connecting the neurophysiological
and neuropsychological aspects of design
creativity” (Plantec et al., 2019, p. 160). At the
same time, Hay et al., (2020) note that
neurocognitive research has enabled the
emergence of new methods and tools to
transform design shaped by current
The use of interactive technologies is a common
innovation because an interactive environment
can simplify people's lives and improve their
comfort. A separate innovation is following the
worldview of ecological design (Varyvonchyk &
Kulyk, 2022). Although it has not yet completed
its final formation, it is becoming increasingly
popular among designers in Ukraine. For
example, in the context of ecological architecture
there is an emphasis on the use of local ecological
data, the adoption of green original solutions, etc.
The use of the principles of biomorphism
contributes to the likening of design structures to
natural objects, the use of various dynamic
structures (Syomka, 2017).
Separately, we should mention light design,
which can be used to implement original lighting
solutions in order to give the space the necessary
shapes, to improve it from a visual point of view
(Borgianni et al., 2020). At the same time, the
key tools of light design are categories such as
space, shape, color, texture of things. Note that
the use of modern innovative methods of
modeling and design, the use of unique and non-
traditional materials provide unlimited
opportunities for the activities of the modern
designer (Varyvonchyk & Kulyk, 2022). In
particular, carbon fiber is now actively used in
world design. This material came to interior and
object design from the aviation and automobile
industry, it is ultralight, rigid, and megastrength
- such set of qualities gives designers new
opportunities. Another innovative material is
methacrylic, a type of plastic that has more
machining possibilities. On the other hand,
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
innovative designers are using plexiglass (acrylic
glass), which is a textbook example for “space”
design (Camburn et al., 2017). Cocoon polymer
was not created for design intentions but was
used in construction as an insulating material, but
it is one of the most popular materials today.
Another innovative design trend is the use of
synthetic resin. It all started when the designer
Gaetano Pesce found an alternative use for
synthetic materials - the result was the Tavolone
table. To create the tabletop, the designer poured
cutting color resins into a mold, where they were
able to mix with each other. Another famous
experiment with synthetic resins is a product
(sculptural table Pangea) of Italian designers
Renzo Martini and Andrea Cedri, reminiscent of
natural phenomena - stalactite outgrowths. In
addition, the masters used futuristic
configurations. These trends are among the most
common in Europe.
1. So, at the present stage of design
development, there are two periods: classical
and non-classical. The neoclassical stage of
design will become effective in the context
of rapid digital transformation.
Consequently, a rethinking of the content of
design, from functional modernism to non-
utilitarian transmodernism, is especially
important to ensure cultural connotation. We
predict that processes of such improvement
will influence the emergence of new
principles of design organization and new
competencies of designers. The
restructuring of design will affect the need
for personal creative mobility of the
designer, the development of heuristic,
critical thinking, socialization, digital
literacy, self-criticism, skills of organizing
authorial individualization of the design
product, etc. It will also be important to
master the variation methodology, that is,
the use of the design method most
appropriate to the situation and type of
2. The administrative and legal aspect is
important for the development of design in
Ukraine, and it needs to be further improved.
In particular, the current regulatory
documents in place in Ukraine must comply
with the directives of the European Union
member states and other international
standards. A separate area is the
development of Ukrainian legislation that
will optimize the human environment,
improve the quality and competitiveness of
physical and digital products.
3. It has been proven that the development of
the creative economy has an impact on the
further development of design. At the same
time, this process is accompanied by
considerable difficulties: a low level of
innovation in design solutions, a lack of
powerful players in the design market, and
little attention is paid to the education of
designers at the regional level. These
problems are important vectors for further
modernization. The above-mentioned
vectors of modernization of design thinking
and the professional values of designers will
contribute to a new understanding of design
in Ukraine as a transversal intercultural
competence that develops philosophical,
artistic, and personal-emotional
understanding. At the same time, the
powerful digitalization of society will
influence the transformation of design in
Ukraine as a whole: new forms and
principles of work organization will appear.
4. Important aspects of the problem are
standardization of designers' work and
turning to European models. Thanks to
Ukraine's membership in the WTO and other
world organizations, there is a gradual
adaptation and harmonization of design
requirements to EU standards. An important
direction of further work, for this reason,
will be the adaptation of existing educational
programs to the requirements of modern
education, which can be carried out through
a system of accreditation, which is
periodically carried out by special state
bodies. At the same time, the reality requires
turning to non-formal education as a cheap,
dynamic alternative to higher education
(there are few master's programs in the
specialty 022 Design in Ukraine). This is
important not only to obtain the relevant
professional competencies but also to obtain
additional business competencies, important
for the further development of this business
within the state borders.
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