www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.12
How to Cite:
Mytnyk, A., Ivashkevych, E., Chanchykov, I., Predko, V., & Stakhova, O. (2023). Professional training of future psychologists in
the information space in higher education institutions. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 112-121.
Professional training of future psychologists in the information space
in higher education institutions
Професійна підготовка майбутніх психологів в інформаційному просторі
закладів вищої освіти
Received: January 5, 2023 Accepted: February 28, 2023
Written by:
Alexander Mytnyk49
Ernest Ivashkevych50
Illia Chanchykov51
Viktoria Predko52
Olha Stakhova53
The article lights up the professional training of
future psychologists in higher education
institutions of Ukraine and considers the
specifics of the professional training of future
psychologists. Future specialists professional
training in psychology is considered one of the
key problems of the theory, science and practice
of psychology. The article reviews the main areas
of work of a psychologist in the education
system. We noted various criteria for personal
self-realization of future psychologists. The
article shows the theoretical foundations of the
structure of the psychologist's professional
personality for work with adolescent children.
The use of modern pedagogical technologies
during the professional training of future
psychologists is currently expedient in the
informational educational space. The article
shows that the desire to quickly win the status of
an adult, to achieve independence, is
characteristic of adolescence, and the
У статті висвітлено професійну підготовку
майбутніх психологів у закладах вищої освіти
України та розглянуто особливості професійної
підготовки майбутніх психологів. Професійна
підготовка майбутніх фахівців з псизології
вважається однією з ключових проблем теорії,
науки і практики психології. Стаття оглядає
основні напрями роботи психолога в системі
освіти. Ми зауважили різні критерії
особистісної самореалізації майбутніх
психологів. У статті показано теоретичні
засади структури професійної особистості
психолога для роботи з дітьми підліткового
віку. Використання сучасних педагогічних
технологій під час професійної підготовки
майбутніх психологів є нині доцільним в
інформаційному освітньому просторі. У статті
показано, що своєрідним для підліткового віку
є прагнення швидше вибороти статус
дорослого, досягти самостійності, а також
розглянуто особливості психолого-
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Practical Psychology, Faculty of Pedagogy, National
Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine.
Ph. D in Psychology, Professor’s Assistant of the Department of English Language Practice and Teaching Methodology, Rivne
State University of the Humanities, Ukraine.
Ph.D in Psychology, Teacher of the Department of Practical Psychology, Faculty of Pedagogy, National Pedagogical Dragomanov
University, Ukraine.
Ph. D., Senior Research Fellow Ukrainian Scientific and Methodical Center of Practical Psychology and Social Work Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ph. D. in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Speech Therapy and Inclusive Education, Zhytomyr
Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine.
Mytnyk, A., Ivashkevych, E., Chanchykov, I., Predko, V., Stakhova, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 61: 112-121 / January, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
peculiarities of psychological and pedagogical
conditions and the organization of the
educational process of training practical
psychologists in the information space are also
considered. During the analysis of scientific
works and consideration of trends in the
development of education, the article revealed
contradictions characteristic of the system of
higher psychological education.
Keywords: psychologist, information space,
teenagers, education, professional training.
педагогічних умов та організації освітнього
процесу підготовки практичних психологів в
інформаційному просторі. Практика
підготовки психологів показує, наразі звична
система навчання не повною мірою забезпечує
формування майбутнього фахівця, який
спроможний належним чином здійснювати
свої професійні обов’язки та виконувати
професійні функції. Під час аналізу наукових
праць та розгляду тенденцій розвитку освіти, у
статті виявлено протирічча, характерні системі
вищої психологічної освіти.
Ключові слова: психолог, інформаційний
простір, підлітки, освіта, професійна
The latest period of the development of
Ukrainian society can be considered a crisis:
military actions, political and social instability -
all this provokes the development of insecurity in
one's future, a decrease in self-confidence,
endurance and vitality of the individual. There is
an urgent problem among young people who are
just entering active public life and acquiring the
profession of a psychologist (Shevchenko, 2018).
Psychological science is reaching new frontiers
and fulfills an increasing role in solving urgent
problems of education, production, and the
sphere of human communication. The strategy
for the development of the psychological service
of the education system of Ukraine, approved by
the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine, emphasizes the need for professional
assistance in the self-development of an
individual, the protection of the mental health of
all participants in the educational process.
The success of these assignments depends on the
degree of professional skill of psychologists and
the formation of their readiness for practical
activities. Readiness for work is a complex
personal creation that involves a number of
components that collectively allow a certain
person to successfully implement a specific job.
The practice of training psychologists shows that
the existing traditional education system does not
fully ensure the formation of a future specialist
who can fulfill his professional duties and fulfill
professional functions at a high level. Not every
specialist who has a professional education is
able to perform the functions of a psychologist,
and even more so to provide psychological
assistance to clients.
The analysis of trends in the development of
higher education, scientific works and modern
practice of psychological activity revealed a
number of contradictions inherent in the system
of higher psychological education: between the
objective and socially determined need of society
for psychologists capable of preventive,
psychodiagnostic and psychocorrective work
with clients and their lack of orientation towards
this professional training in the conditions of the
institution; between the level of preparation of
students and the ability to apply their knowledge,
abilities and skills in practice (Bochelyuk, 2014).
The need for the domestic system of higher
education to enter the world educational space,
the importance of raising the competitiveness of
graduates of higher education institutions on the
labor market poses the task of an unbiased
assessment of the current situation, primarily
from the standpoint of the existing world.
Improving the procedure for training specialists
also outlines the identification of the causes of
existing contradictions and the search for
opportunities to overcome them. These
circumstances determine the relevance of this
study (Vintyuk, 2016).
The purpose. The purpose of this paper is to
determine the specifics of professional training
of future psychologists in the information space
of higher educational institutions and emphasize
the importance and necessity of the
psychological readiness of doctors for work,
who, according to the requirements of their
profession, must be highly qualified
psychologists for quality patient care.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Literature Review
O. Kokun (2012) considers the main
psychological problems of professional
development of a modern psychologist. He paid
special attention to the psychological features of
the professional development of specialists in
professions of the "person-person" type. The
author describes that «…results of empirical
research aimed at identifying the peculiarities of
the development of professional orientation and
competence of specialists at different stages of
professional development».
O. Vasylieva (2021) considered that «…the
importance of innovative pedagogical
technologies in the system of professional
training of future psychologists in higher
education, as well as their role as a means of
optimizing professional psychological
education». She analyzed the basic concepts of
the terminological apparatus of pedagogical
modernization. The author emphasized that
«…the study offers a list of innovative
educational technologies that should be used in
the system of professional training of
psychologists to increase the level of
effectiveness of their professional education:
personality-oriented, developmental, research,
modular development, distance, project, group,
differentiated training». In the article attention is
focused on the fact that the implementation of
innovative procedures at all levels of
professional training of students of higher
educational institutions should be regular and be
built taking into account the realities of the
changing world and the requirements of the labor
T. Kravchenko et al., (2022) underlines that
«…the innovation of computer technologies,
especially multimedia ones, is a necessary
condition for the functioning of specialists in
modern society, since specialists are at the center
of the educational process, during the
improvement of professional competence».
O. Plakhotnik et al., (2022) illustrate the position
of multimedia teaching tools which are hopeful
and very effective tools that let the educator not
only to present an array of information in a larger
volume than traditional sources of information,
but also to include text, graphs, diagrams, sound,
animation, video, etc. in a visually integrated
O. Shchyrbul et al., (2022) explane the essence
of the concept of multimedia. In the situation of
media education, multimedia lists a number of
functions: informational, interpretive, cultural,
entertainment, and educational. The necessity to
see the requests charted in the article in the
circumstances of informatization of the
educational process involves the educator to have
knowledge and skills in the field of multimedia
pedagogical technologies, knowledge of
advanced methods and means of modern science.
S. Shevchenko (2018) considered the problem of
the relationship between self-confidence and
resilience in the background of professional
future psychologists training. The author
emphasizes that «…based on the theoretical
analysis of scientific research, it defines the
content of the concepts of "viability" and
"resilience", it is argued that self-confidence acts
as a certain hypothetical construct that allows a
person to choose a certain value position in
relation to himself, to the world and, based on
this position, build his own strategy of life».
V. Bochelyuk (2014) proved that «…the
experience of training psychologists shows that
the existing traditional training system does not
fully ensure the formation of a future
professional who is able to perform his
professional duties and realize professional
functions at a high level».
Yu. Vintyuk (2016) notes that «…the
improvement of the system of training
psychologists and provides for identifying the
causes of existing inconsistencies of specialists
and finding opportunities to overcome them».
To achieve our objective, we used a set of
research methods that complement and test each
other, which include: theoretical methods:
studying the works of teachers, psychologists,
methodologists, philosophers, psychological
specialists, as well as government documents on
research, the use of modern teaching methods
and technologies; studying and analyzing
methodological manuals and recommendations;
empirical methods: psychological and
pedagogical observation.
Theoretical methods.
According to V. Noskov (1999), the training of
modern psychologists is impossible «…without
changing the content of the educational process,
the educational values of which should be:
humanistic principles, scientifically based
psychological and pedagogical teaching
methods, the certainty of psychologists-teachers
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
regarding the understanding of the mechanisms
of psychophysical mental movement, spiritual
properties of the individual».
The problem of using innovative technologies
and methods in the system of professional
training of future specialists and doctors is
relevant in modern higher education. The
orientation of the modern education system is
reflected in the new system of requirements for
the content of educational programs, methods of
their implementation, and learning outcomes.
New approaches to professional training of
future psychologists and doctors require teachers
of higher educational institutions to master and
implement innovative teaching methods, use
innovative learning technologies in the
information space.
Modern training of specialists has a technocratic
orientation, which is expressed in the information
and subject content of training and in didactic
and algorithmic methods that correspond to the
traditional attitude in psychology to teaching
methods of assimilation and understanding of
knowledge. When training future specialists, the
emphasis should be placed on the acceptance of
knowledge, on the transformation of message
values into the recipient's own values, since only
the values accepted by the person form the basis
of his activity and regulate individual behavior.
At the same time, external orientations can be
included in their own value system if: this does
not cause moral and orientation dissonance,
internal discomfort; external values do not
contradict the values already existing in the
personal structure; a new orientation that has
arisen as a result of accepting values allows the
individual to satisfy any of their needs (Yaraya,
2011; Radchuk, Adamska, & Oliinyk, 2019;
Sapargaliyeva et al., 2023).
Empirical methods
Generalization of the main theoretical aspects of
pedagogical innovation in the psychological and
pedagogical literature allows us to reveal
innovative pedagogical technologies, the use of
which in the process of professional training of
future psychologists and doctors is appropriate
and rational at the present stage in the
information space (the research was based on
O. Vasylieva (2021):
personality-oriented training aimed at
ensuring independent thinking, making your
own choice in the learning process;
developmental training aimed at developing
of new design technologies, methods of
developing and finding optimal solutions to
problem situations is implemented by
immersing students in the developing
environment, giving them freedom to put
forward hypotheses with their subsequent
justification and independent choice of ways
to solve problems;
research activities aimed at developing
future specialists' research skills, educating
an active creative person;
modular and educational training aimed at
the formation of self-educational
competence among future specialists, which
is possible thanks to innovative software and
methodological support, in particular:
electronic textbooks, graph schemes of
academic disciplines, research projects, self-
realization programs, etc.;
distance learning aimed at interaction of
teachers and students in the process of
mastering knowledge, skills, abilities and
methods of cognitive activity in the
educational environment of information and
communication technologies;
project-based training aimed at stimulating
students' interest in new knowledge,
developing their own personality by solving
personal problems and using this knowledge
in practical activities;
group training on the use of interactive
methods of personal and educational
influence, aimed at the formation of internal
motivation for active assimilation of
knowledge, communicative qualities of
future specialists, activation of mental
activity in particular (group, frontal;
collective, cooperative; situational
modeling; discussions);
differentiated training aimed at developing
the ability to learn, the need to find
alternative solutions to typical and non-
standard situations, the ability to generate
new original ideas.
The analysis of innovative pedagogical
technologies gives grounds for highlighting the
features of this approach, in particular:
creation of an educational environment in
the information space, in which
interpersonal and intergroup mechanisms of
successful development and self-
development of the individual and group,
cognitive activity, cooperation and creativity
are updated;
interaction and mutual integration of the
vocational training system with practice,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
which implies compliance of the goals,
objectives, content of vocational education
with the real needs of practice, prospects for
its development, and at the same time
modern scientific achievements.
Fundamental concepts and original technologies
are the theoretical and methodological basis for
the development of subject-oriented professional
training of psychologists at the current stage.
The methodology for selecting the content of the
professional training of future psychologists
should be aimed at solving both tactical and
strategic tasks and be based on a set of both
general didactic principles and provisions
specifically aimed at ensuring the effectiveness
of such training.
The modern methodology of professional
training of future practical psychologists assumes
personal centering.
For the most part, educational and
methodological provision of professional
training of practical psychologists is not
addressed to the personality of the future
professional, which does not provide for the
actualization of its potential and does not create
a "zone of its promising development"
The issue of modernization of higher education,
improvement of the traditional system of
professional and methodical training of future
psychologists is acute. Emphasis is placed on
increasing the level of their professionalism,
competence, and intellectual culture. All these
questions are considered by us in the article.
Results and Discussion
The experience of training psychologists shows
that the existing traditional training system does
not fully ensure the formation of a professional
psychologist who is able to perform various
duties at a high level that he faces in practice.
In the professional activity of a psychologist and
doctor, there are several main areas of work, such
as psychodiagnostics, correction, counseling,
prognostics, rehabilitation, therapy, and
prevention. Among them, psychodiagnostic and
correctional work is of key, initial importance,
and serves as the basis for all other activities of a
practical psychologist and doctor. The role of
these activities increases when working with
adolescents whose mental development is
accompanied by certain difficulties and problems
that require timely identification and correction.
Therefore, it is especially important to study the
development of personal readiness of
psychologists, first, for diagnostic and
correctional work with schoolchildren. The
initial link of the system of training practical
psychologists should be special professional
training in this direction, integrating all other
elements of this system (Vyshnovskyi, 2007).
One of the most important problems of our time
is the problem of pedagogically expedient and
non-confrontational adaptation of a young
person's personality to social changes, his
preparation for independent life in society. This
requires the help of psychologists who carry out
career guidance, diagnostic, correctional and
developmental, rehabilitation and educational
work with all participants in the educational
process: students of general education schools
and vocational educational institutions, students,
teachers, parents. Such activities have a positive
impact on the development and formation of the
personality of young citizens of Ukraine. The
creation of optimal psychological and
pedagogical conditions for the formation of
future specialists, increasing the level of their
professional training, socialization and
adaptation to activities in the labor collective
require appropriate psychological support. In
addition, the development of psychological
support for the purpose of constructive
implementation of practical social and
psychological assistance in the educational
process, in a person's life, the use of modern
psychological approaches by teachers and
doctors, the development of psychological
recommendations regarding the style of
pedagogical influence, etc.
Employees of the psychological service of
educational institutions should assist future
specialists in choosing a specific field of
professional activity and recommendations for a
successful choice of profession. Because of
psychological consultation, it is planned to
identify physiological, psychophysiological
capabilities and features of the human body,
formulate conclusions about the presence or
absence of medical contraindications to work in
the chosen specialty, and so on. This makes it
possible to draw a scientifically based conclusion
about the professional suitability of an individual
for a particular profession (Rudenko et al., 2012;
Andrushchenko et al., 2022).
The following criteria for personal self-
realization of future psychologists and doctors
are highlighted:
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
a) low level of personal anxiety;
b) low level of aggressiveness;
c) the expressed strength of the «I»;
d) flexibility of views;
e) developed empathy;
f) high level of creativity;
g) self-confidence;
h) emotional stability;
i) independence (independence of judgments).
Speech is one of the main tools of a
psychologist's and doctor activity and a form of
representation of his professional consciousness,
and speech competence is a professionally
important quality for a psychologist. As a
component of professional competence, a
complex of knowledge, skills, characterizes it
and abilities that provide the ability to perceive,
understand and create texts that contain
information expressed by specific means of
language concerning the object of his profession,
as well as store such information in memory and
process it in the course of mental operations.
Speech proficiency, as the most active means of
psychological influence, is an important
regulatory mechanism for professional
interaction between a psychologist and doctor
with a client. The psychologist's speech influence
on the client is determined by the level of
development of the linguistic structure of
utterances, their psychological saturation and
verbal creativity of the psychologist and doctor
(Antonova, 2007).
As shown by N. Antonova (2007), at different
stages of professionalization, the professional «I-
concept» of psychologists and doctors undergoes
significant changes: ideas about the ideal
psychologist, about real well known
representatives of this profession and about
themselves as a professional change:
The stage of choosing a profession (starting
professional training). First-year students
are characterized by greater anxiety. They
are not very sure that the psychologist has
the qualities attributed to him, and doubt that
they have them in themselves. At this stage,
the professional «I-concept» is blurred and
contradictory. This is also confirmed by the
fact that first-year students attribute opposite
qualities to the professional psychologist
and themselves, such as the desire for
affiliation and self-affirmation, trust and
The stage of the beginning of professional
development (completion of training). For
fifth-year students, a greater «saturation» of
the image of a psychologist with
professionally important qualities is
characteristic, which add up to a complete
picture. When describing one's real «I»,
certain contradictions continue to persist, but
the description of the «I-ideal» practically
coincides with the image of a real
psychologist and is characterized by the
absence of intrapersonal contradictions.
Therefore, we can say that the desire to join
the professional community is characterized
by the desire to adapt to objective
requirements, without violating the integral,
harmonious, internally coordinated
personality, which should become a
professional psychologist. By the fifth year,
the desire for greater sobriety in grades
(yourself, people, and profession) also
Stage of professional adaptation. Young
professionals (with up to three years of
experience) attribute quite high indicators to
their own real image, which may indicate
recognition and perception of the versatility
of their own personality. There is also a
desire to focus on cooperation, instead of a
willingness to help and sympathize with
others. Contact with the real work of a
psychologist leads to a departure from the
desire to help «each and every one», the
content of targeted assistance that is
necessary for a particular person in this
situation is realized, that is, there is a
decrease in the romanticization of the chosen
The stage of forming an individual activity style.
Specialists with more than three years of
experience note in their real image of the «I» the
predominance of an optimistic and active mood,
focused on their own picture of the world, with a
tendency to authenticity and optimism. The self-
image is almost formed (Andrushchenko et al.,
A. Matvienko and A. Zatvorniuk (2014)
highlighted that «…the peculiarities of
psychological and pedagogical conditions and
organization of the educational process of
training practical psychologists in the
information space»:
1) designing the content of psychological
disciplines with a focus on the formation of
a culture of thinking of future psychologists
and constructive solution of professional
2) application in the educational process of
fundamental, conceptual and
psychotechnical knowledge of psychology,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
as well as game and creative methods that
activate the personal potential of future
practical psychologists, guide and improve
the process of professional training;
3) taking into account the level of reflectivity,
formation of self-management skills and
creative thinking of students in the
framework of training for the purpose of
self-development and self-improvement of
future specialists in the field of psychology;
4) the use of psychological means of activating
students' professional training in the forms
of purposeful application of professionally
important qualities;
5) application of the main forms of
psychological support for future
psychologists in extracurricular activities
(psychological counseling centers,
psychological clubs);
6) the use of socio-psychological trainings of
professional and personal growth aimed at
activating the relevant structures in the
personality of the future specialist;
7) participation in training groups to master a
set of relevant psychological knowledge for
self-knowledge and the ability to have a
positive self-attitude to yourself and life;
8) the use of various training activities aimed at
solving the problems of professional training
of future psychologists.
Let us highlight the features of professional
training of future psychologists:
not everyone can work as a psychologist, so
the training process should include the
formation of professionally important
personality traits of a specialist
(psychological worldview, personality
orientation, self-regulation skills,
development of professional intuition,
specific self-concept, altruistic attitudes,
forms and methods of professional training
in the field of psychology should be
commensurate with the content of this
training, so in the course of training they
should evolve from academic lectures, at the
stage of theoretical assimilation of
knowledge, to practical, more active ones
seminars, trainings, workshops and others;
practicing psychologists should specialize in
a specific type of practical psychology, in
the process of professional training, the
selection and deepening of professional
orientation of future specialists should be
carried out, a certain specialization in a
specific type (technique) of work (child
psychotherapy, marital counseling,
individual psychocorrection of deviant
the central method of organizing and
presenting educational material should be a
random (situational) approach;
professional training of a psychologist is
impossible without theoretical and practical
assimilation of ethical norms (psychological
deontology) (Matvienko & Zatvornyuk,
2014). This position is important for doctors,
who, according to the requirements of their
profession, must be highly qualified
psychologists for quality patient care.
The features of the professional position of a
psychologist of an educational institution
double subordination: according to the
professional line, it reports to the head of the
relevant department in the educational
management bodies, according to the
administrative line to the director of the
educational institution, which often creates
unfavorable conditions of activity. As a
result of contradictory tasks set by the
administration that do not agree with the
professional principles of the psychologist;
takes a «position next to» in relation to the
child, unlike the teacher with a position
«opposite» to the child. The psychologist of
an educational institution does not have the
right to refuse to work with a child who
needs it; on the contrary, he is obliged to take
all measures to make this work possible;
since most of the child's psychological
problems are secondary, arising from a wide
range of social, economic, and pedagogical
problems, their solution requires the
psychologist of the educational institution to
be an intermediary in coordinating the
efforts of all parties, sometimes not
interested in joint activities. Unlike a teacher
who independently solves educational tasks,
the activity of a psychologist and its
effectiveness depend on the degree of
acceptance of its tasks by other participants
in the pedagogical process;
in comparison with a consulting
psychologist, he faces a much larger range
of tasks, so he does not have enough
knowledge and skills of one or two types of
the content of the activity requires
possession of not only special psychological
knowledge, but also knowledge of modern
pedagogical technologies used in education;
in the course of the psychologist's activity,
his functional status is updated, depending
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
on the professional situation, with whom
(adults or children, with sick or healthy
people, etc.) and with what type of problems
(professional, personal, family, etc.) he
works. Studying the features of the
educational space and the above-mentioned
features of the activity of an educational
psychologist, we can assume a less
pronounced nature of updating its
professionally differentiated properties;
rather, on the contrary, the formation of
professionalism of an educational
psychologist is associated with the
universalization of his knowledge and
experience (Kobylyanska, 2019).
The features of the result of the activity of a
psychologist of an educational institution
the result of the activity of a psychologist of
an educational institution is not obvious and
achieved, in contrast to the result of the
teacher's activity measured by students'
in comparison with the immediate result of
the practical psychologist's activity in the
form of positive reflection of the client with
the effect of assistance, participation and
hope for improvement. The immediate result
of the educational psychologist's activity
may be a reflection of a different nature,
caused by the concern «what is wrong with
me (my child, my activity) that attracted the
attention of the psychologist of the
educational institution»;
the delayed result of the psychologist-client
interaction is usually known only to the
client himself, while the delayed result of the
educational psychologist's activity is
expected, it can be observed and evaluated
by all participants in the pedagogical
responsibility for the course and result of the
activities of the practical psychologist and
the client, as a rule, is assigned to the client
himself, responsibility for the course and
result of pedagogical activities depends not
only on the specific teacher. Also on his
colleagues, the student himself and on his
family, while responsibility for the course
and result of the activities of the educational
psychologist is individual, that is, entirely
lies with this specialist (Kobylyanska,
Professional training of future psychological
personnel is one of the key problems in the
theory, science and practice of psychology.
Researchers and practitioners who assess the
education system draw conclusions about the
crisis state of training psychologists. The crisis is
manifested in the fact that the level of readiness
of graduates of higher educational institutions in
our country does not meet the requirements of
society and international standards. Modern
professional training is not focused on quality
indicators, new principles and technologies of
training. There is a gap between the general
cultural and professional components in training,
which does not ensure the formation of a
professional culture of a psychologist, his
readiness for professional activity.
As the experience of highly developed countries
shows, the tasks of training future specialists of
the education system are most effectively solved
on the ways of its professionalization,
humanitarization, and creativity. The key
problems are the humanitarization of education,
because it sets the strategy for creating a holistic
education system. Therefore, a new approach to
the very understanding of specialist training in
line with general humanistic trends in society is
The main areas of work of a psychologist in the
education system are defined as
psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection,
psychoprophylaxis, rehabilitation, psychological
forecasting, and psychological expertise.
In the process of professional development of
future psychologists-practitioners and doctors, it
is important to diagnose their readiness for
professional activity: not only theoretical training
is important, but also age, psychological
characteristics of the future specialist, existing
experience in communicating with children,
formed value orientations. Having an initial level
of Teacher Education, future psychologists and
practitioners get the opportunity to implement in
practice the theoretical knowledge gained during
their studies.
Professional training of practical psychologists
consists of three conditional blocks: theoretical
and experimental training the study of classical
psychological disciplines, carried out by
traditional methods (general psychology, history
of psychology, personality psychology, age
psychology, experimental psychology, etc.).
Mastering the theoretical foundations of practical
psychology, which is carried out through the
participation of students in active (interactive)
forms of educational activities: seminars, master
classes, trainings, discussions (psychological
counseling, the basics of psychotherapy and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
psychocorrection, psychological service in the
education system, etc.). Mastering practical
psychological technologies, techniques and
methods of forming skills in working with people
(groups), which is carried out in the process of
practical work and during participation in
workshops. Such three-level training of future
practical psychologists will allow: to carry out
professional selection in the course of training
and deepen the professional orientation of
students; systematically teach the basics of
scientific and practical psychology; to form
professionally significant personality traits and
skills of practical work of a specialist
(Shavrovska & Smalius, 2011).
Therefore, the professional training of future
psychologists in higher education institutions of
Ukraine is highlighted. The article considers the
features of professional training of future
psychologists, the main directions of work of a
psychologist and doctors in the education system.
Criteria for personal self-realization of future
psychologists are highlighted. The theoretical
foundations of the formation of a professional
psychologist to work with adolescent children
are considered. Generalization of the main
theoretical aspects of pedagogical innovation in
the psychological and pedagogical literature
allowed us to reveal innovative pedagogical
technologies, the use of which in the process of
professional training of future psychologists is
appropriate and rational at the present stage in the
information space. In the professional activity of
a psychologist, several main areas of work,
which is an important aspect for doctors, who,
according to the requirements of their profession,
must be highly qualified psychologists for
quality patient care.
We see prospects for further research in finding
out the main areas of work of a psychologist in
the education system.
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