Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.60.12.18
How to Cite:
Sovhira, S., Braslavska, O., Dushechkina, N., Liulenko, S., & Zadorozhna, O. (2022). Training of future teachers of natural sciences
for the use of information and communication technologies in their professional activities. Amazonia Investiga, 11(60), 167-176.
Training of future teachers of natural sciences for the use of
information and communication technologies in their professional
Підготовка майбутніх учителів природничих дисциплін до використання
інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в професійній діяльності
Received: December 3, 2022 Accepted: December 29, 2022
Written by:
Svitlana Sovhira79
Oksana Braslavska80
Nataliia Dushechkina81
Svitlana Liulenko82
Olena Zadorozhna83
Today, an important aspect of future teachers
training, in particular, natural sciences, is the
usage of innovative technologies and approaches
in the educational process of higher education
institutions. The features of training future
teachers of natural sciences using information
and communication technologies are considered.
The general global trends in the development of
informatization of education are highlighted:
expansion of the scope of use new information
The principles of using information and
communication technologies in the educational
process are highlighted: the principle of
visibility; the principle of expediency; the
principle of systematicity and consistency; the
principle of strength of knowledge; the principle
of accessibility; the principle of
individualization; the principle of connecting
Сьогодні важливим аспектом підготовки
майбутніх учителів, зокрема, природничих
дисциплін, є використання цифрових
технологій і підходів у навчальному процесі
вищих навчальних закладів. Розглянуто
особливості підготовки майбутніх учителів
природничих дисциплін з використанням
цифрових технологій. Висвітлено
загальносвітові тенденції розвитку
інформатизації освіти: розширення сфери
використання нових технологій. Розглянуто
принципи використання інформаційно-
комунікаційних технологій у навчальному
процесі: принцип наочності; принцип
доцільності; принцип системності та
послідовності; принцип міцності знання;
принцип доступності; принцип
індивідуалізації; принцип зв'язку теорії з
практикою; принцип мультимедійності;
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Сhemistry, Еcology and Methods of their Training, Pavlo
Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Geography and Methods of Teaching, Рavlo Tychyna Uman
State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Ecology and Methods of their Training,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Methods of its Training, Pavlo Tychyna
Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Ecology and Methods of their Training,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
theory with practice; the principle of multimedia;
the principle of interactivity. Online tools are
highlighted to enable the use of innovative
technologies for teaching future teachers of
natural sciences. It is noted that in the educational
system there are applications and information
and communication technologies that widely
used in the education system: word
supercomputers, databases, demonstration
programs, catalogue organization schemes,
planners, graphic packages, etc.
Keywords: training, use of information and
communication technologies, future teachers of
natural sciences, professional activity, distance
принцип інтерактивності. Висвітлено онлайн-
інструменти, що дозволяють використовувати
інноваційні технології для навчання майбутніх
учителів природничих дисциплін.
Зазначається, що в освітній системі є прикладні
та інформаційні технології, які широко
використовуються в системі освіти: текстові
процесори, електронні таблиці, платформи
розробки презентацій, системи керування
базами даних, органайзери, графічні пакети
Ключові слова: навчання, застосування
інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій,
майбутні вчителі природничих дисциплін,
професійна діяльність, дистанційне навчання.
In the modern conditions of reforming the
domestic education system, the problem of
training a new generation of teachers capable of
professional activity in the context of the
transition of the world community to the
information society is of particular importance.
The great importance in the creation and
effective functioning of an innovative
educational environment at this stage is the
introduction of recent information technologies
into the educational development of higher
education institutions, thereby ensuring the
gradual transition of the learning process to a
new, qualitative level (Makhometa et al., 2019).
The rapid growth of scientific knowledge that
humanity has accumulated (every 2 years the
total content of information increases 6-8 times),
prompted the emergence of computer
technology, the significance of which is obvious
to each of us, especially in quarantine conditions.
Therefore, in accordance with the evolutionary
changes in the system of society, a generation of
new children is coming, which is able to meet the
challenges of the time. This requires a change in
methodological approaches to teacher training,
the formation of systematic pedagogical thinking
(Stepaniuk, 2020).
Educators of the new generation must be able to
competently choose and apply exactly those
technologies that fully correspond to the content
and goals of studying a specific discipline,
contribute to the harmonious development of
students, taking into account their individual
characteristics. A modern teacher must not only
be able to teach "his" subject, but also master
information technologies and creatively apply
them in a specific educational field.
In these conditions, the task of training is not just
a teacher who knows information technologies,
but a researcher, innovator and experimenter, a
person capable of creative searches, a critical
assessment of the historical pedagogical heritage,
capable of adaptation in society and constant
changes in technology and technology. It is
necessary to prepare the teacher of natural
disciplines for innovative activities at school,
which includes in-depth training in the field of
information technologies, readiness for
innovative activities in the field of using
information technologies, and readiness for
student education in accordance with the
requirements of modern society.
Modern education reforms with a focus on
integration expand and complicate the tasks
facing the system of training future teachers of
natural sciences. They allow him to navigate
freely in the new conditions of the information
Pedagogical practice needs scientifically based
recommendations to overcome the spontaneous
approach to the process of forming future science
teachers' skills to implement information
integration. Therefore, the higher pedagogical
school faces another requirement today - the
training of a teacher capable of conducting
professional activities at a high level in the
conditions of information technologies.
In connection with the above, there is a need to
consider the future teachers training of natural
sciences for the use of information and
communication technologies in their
professional activities. The article also shows
which universal programs and information and
Sovhira, S., Braslavska, O., Dushechkina, N., Liulenko, S., Zadorozhna, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 60: 167-176 / December, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
communication technologies are used in the
education system. The priority measures for the
implementation of the remote form of teacher
counseling are shown.
Literature Review
Makhometa et al., (2019) outlined the problem of
methodological future teachers training of
natural and mathematical courses. One of the
innovative educational technologies that
contribute to refining the value of natural and
mathematical education is the introduction of
research training technology.
Gurevich et al., (2012) described the latest
methods of implementing information and
communication technologies, their creative self-
realization. Attention is paid to innovative forms
and methods of teaching, the use of interactive
technologies, the information educational
environment, and the organization of project
A. Hura (2018) defined the role and diversity of
information technologies in the future teachers
training of environmental sciences. The
following information and communication
technologies that are most often used in lectures,
practical and laboratory classes are highlighted:
electronic textbook; information system;
electronic workshop; electronic task book;
electronic system for assessing and controlling
O. Vorobyova 's (2022) research is devoted to the
actual problems of forming key digital and
professional competencies of teachers, which
ensure the implementation of pedagogical
practice using digital technologies and tools to
achieve new educational results.
Shchyrbul et al., (2022) show that «…the
modernization of the educational sector requires
globalization, democratization, and the transition
to an information technology society».
Polishchuk et al., (2022) are revealed in the
article that «…the purpose of education is to
create an effective system using multimedia
technologies that ensures the formation of highly
qualified employees, implement educational
policy as a priority function of the state».
Shunkov et al., (2022) was found that «…a
promising area is the use of multimedia
technology in educational activities to create a
design of a virtual computer environment by
means of digitizing audiovisual information».
Kotiash et al., (2022) substantiates that «…the
need for widespread use of information and
communication technologies as an important
factor in accelerating scientific and technological
progress, automation and intensification of
production, creation of new high-performance
technologies, improving planning and
Sutadji et al., (2021) pay their attentions «…on
the analysis of differences in implementation of
the assessment carried out, assignment
techniques, assessment components, and post-
assessment at the State University of Malang in
two different fields of science, namely natural
sciences and social sciences».
Kuzminskyi et al., (2021) considered the
education of students in universities during
distance learning, demonstrated the features of
distance learning, highlighted the special features
of distance learning in the preparation of students
and in the introduction of these technologies into
the educational process of the university. The
article established that the improvement of
pedagogical support during distance learning
improves under the following conditions: the
presence of students in digital education, taking
into account the psychological needs of
perception, memory, attention and age
characteristics of students, their individual
characteristics, the creation of a psychological
benefit that dedicates the skill to communication
by means of digital technologies.
The research of Teplytskyi et al., (2015) allowed
us «…to determine the conditions of professional
training of future teachers of natural and
mathematical disciplines by means of computer
modeling, to develop a structural and functional
model of training, to select socio-constructivist
forms of organization, methods and means of
teaching computer modeling to future teachers of
natural and mathematical disciplines».
The purpose. To identify new approaches to
training future teachers of natural sciences
through the use of information and
communication technologies in professional
To achieve the purpose, we used methods that
made it possible to comprehensively understand
the subject, namely: theoretical (analysis of
moral, educational, mental studios), which
allowed us to substantiate the conceptual
foundations of the work; informative and logical
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
method used for analysis, synthesis,
systematization and generalization of scientific
provisions; comparative historical analysis to
compare the domestic and foreign content of
methodological professional training of teachers
in natural disciplines.
The methodological level shows the
interrelationship of fundamental approaches to
solving the problem of training future teachers of
natural sciences to use information and
communication technologies in professional
In a number of methodological approaches, the
advantage is the competence approach, which in
synergistic interaction with systemic, person-
oriented, activity, technological, contextual,
reflexive and co-evolutionary-noospheric
approaches, will ensure the effectiveness of their
combined pedagogical influence on the
formation of training of future teachers of natural
sciences to use information- communication
technologies in professional activity.
The methodological bases of intelligence are:
deep philosophical and cultural provisions
on the interaction of nature and man, which
justify the idea of co-evolution of nature and
sustainable development of society and the
need to harmonize mutual influences in the
system "nature - man - society";
an epistemological concept that
characterizes the main stages of the process
of knowledge acquisition (sensation,
perception, comprehension, understanding,
generalization, consolidation, application)
and shows the relationship of value,
motivation and activity components;
psychological-pedagogical foundations of
updating the content (improvement of the
educational process, improvement of the
quality of training of specialists and entry of
the national system of higher education into
the European and world educational
The article shows the methodical system of
training future teachers of natural sciences,
which reflects the system of goals, content,
organizational forms, methods and means that
provide professionally oriented training, aimed at
mastering all components of professional
competence and forming their readiness for the
development of students' environmental
Results and Discussion
Today, an important aspect of future teachers
training, in particular, environmental sciences, is
the use of innovative technologies and
approaches in the educational process in
universities. The problem of future teachers
training using information and communication
technologies is currently open and relevant. One
of the priority areas for modernizing the
professional training of future teachers of natural
sciences in higher education institutions is the
combination of traditional training with the
introduction of innovations, information and
communication technologies (Makhometa et a.,
An important provision of the document, which
has been included in all important UNESCO
documents in recent years, is to assign
information and communication technologies the
role of technology. Therefore, information and
communication technologies should be used to:
provide opportunities for success for everyone,
so as not to increase the difference in
opportunities to get a quality education between
the poorest and the richest. Moreover, to support
models of effective development; so that in the
dissemination of information and culture, some
countries do not prevail over others, to reduce the
monopoly of mass media; to ensure adequate
participation of all countries and individuals in
the construction and use of human information
The practice of information technologies requires
the creation of a new educational paradigm. It is
generally accepted that an education applicant
must be an active participant in the educational
process. By means of information and
communication technologies, it is realistic to put
this principle of didactics in the basis of the entire
educational process at school (Shakotko, 2008).
General global tendencies in the change of
informatization of education are: expansion of
the scope of use of new information and
communication technologies; transition from
episodic to systematic use of information
technologies in the study of educational subjects,
courses; the emergence of fundamentally new
learning tools, intellectualization of educational
systems; extensive use of information
technologies in extracurricular work, which
helps to overcome the gap between educational
and professional actions; creation of the
foundations of information culture in mastering
various specialties.
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
When studying biology and ecology, the
following technologies should be used: project,
information, group, game, modeling of the
educational process at school. The use of
information and communication technologies
allows you to change the nature of students'
educational and cognitive activities, activate
independent work with various means
electronic textbooks, manuals, multimedia
projector, systems for monitoring and evaluating
knowledge, skills and abilities. Future teachers of
natural sciences are interested in designing the
learning cycle (goal formulation, selection of
means of presenting material on a computer,
search for interactive exercises and tasks.
Diagnostic electronic testing systems facilitate
the assessment and maintenance of rating records
of academic achievements. It is possible to
determine the individual characteristics and
inclinations of students based on the designed
and presented search information from the global
internet. Since the presentation of educational
material using computer technology (multimedia
presentations, publications, and educational
websites) is quite multifaceted and diverse,
because everyone approaches the creation of
didactic, visual, methodological works on paper
or electronic media in their own way.
Let us highlight the principles of using
information technologies in the educational
development: the principle of visibility; the
principle of expediency; the principle of
systematicity and consistency; the principle of
strength of knowledge; the principle of
accessibility; the principle of individualization;
the principle of connecting theory with practice;
the principle of multimedia; the principle of
Digital technologies are not just a carrier of
relevant information, but also perform a specific
function, clearly defined by the teacher, which is
able to develop and accumulate knowledge of a
particular specialty. Most often, the following
information and communication technologies are
used in lectures, practical and laboratory classes:
an electronic textbook; an information and
reference system; an electronic workshop; an
electronic task book; an electronic system for
assessing and controlling knowledge (Hura,
To teach future teachers of environmental
sciences to use innovative technologies, you
should use various online tools during a front-end
survey. One of the modern online tools that is
admired by educational applicants, regardless of
their age, is Kahoot! This is an educational
service that allows you to conduct interactive
educational games: quizzes, discussions,
surveys, etc. You can access it via the web
browser or the Kahoot app! In Google Play or the
App Store.
One more online facility that lets you to make
cooperative exercises is LearningApps.org. This
service is a constructor for developing many
tasks in several subject parts for use both during
classroom classes and in extracurricular
The Learningapps app is a Web 2.0 application
for supporting educational processes in various
types of educational institutions. The
Learningapps Constructor is designed to develop
and store interactive tasks in various subject
disciplines, with the help of which educational
applicants can test and consolidate their
knowledge in a playful way, which pays to the
creation of their mental interest. The service
offers many interactive exercises that have been
developed for various forms of the educational
process. Through the classes with the help of this
service, you can not only activate the educational
activities of applicants for higher education, but
also demonstrate to future teachers how these
exercises can be used in working with an
interactive whiteboard, as well as how to use
different workouts for pupils while performing
independent work (Makhometa et al., 2019).
In the education system, universal Office
applications and information and communication
technologies are generally used: word
processors, spreadsheets, presentation
preparation programs, database management
systems, organizers, graphic packages, etc.
Thanks to modern information technologies,
such as e-mail, teleconferences or ICQ,
communication between applicants in the
educational process can be distributed in space
and time. Therefore, for example, teachers and
applicants for education can communicate with
each other, being in different countries, at a
convenient time for them, which is relevant in
Ukraine during wartime.
Modern tools focused on Internet Technologies
open up significant opportunities for visualizing
educational materials and building interactive
virtual laboratory workshops that are organically
integrated into the educational process. Now the
market of electronic educational resources is
developing rapidly, teachers are offered a
significant choice of pedagogical software tools.
Every day, the possibilities of resources aimed at
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
improving the efficiency of the educational
process and the quality of students' knowledge
are growing.
They require widespread implementation of
modeling and information technologies in the
educational process, as well as the creation of
appropriate electronic publications. At the
present stage, there is a discrepancy between the
ways of presenting educational material in
electronic publications and modern educational
theories. Most e-learning materials are created as
static hypertext documents, which sometimes
include Flash animations. At the same time, the
educational process will be more effective if
interactive, multimedia educational resources are
used, which provide active teaching methods.
This discrepancy arises because the process of
creating and implementing an informational
educational environment for active learning is a
complex task that requires time and significant
material costs.
It is justified and effective to use pedagogical
software tools in the educational process, if they
have a high level of interactivity, which ensures
the dialogue of educational applicants with the
computer, and this, in turn, occurs when
cooperation is carried out between the
educational applicant and the computer. The
consequences of such cooperation are a high
level of motivation to solve the tasks set by the
participants of the studied processes.
Multimedia courses adapted to a particular
specialty and aimed at forming knowledge, skills
and abilities in a particular field of knowledge,
profession based on the use of demonstration
material, electronic textbooks, laboratory
workshops, etc. are widely used.
Experience shows that the use of interactive
multimedia lectures allows you to integrate a
variety of information presentation
environments, text, and dynamic graphics, audio
and video materials that provide each applicant
with the opportunity to become an active
participant in the educational process.
The great importance for professionally oriented
disciplines is the implementation of modeling
using computers, as well as performing virtual
laboratory work.
For this purpose, computer tools are used that
allow you to create simulators, models, and
laboratory work that cannot be performed in real
In the process of developing multimedia courses,
it is important to solve one of the main didactic
tasks of this subject area modeling and the most
general method of influencing objects of
cognition. Modeling using computers allows you
to demonstrate and investigate the basic
properties of objects, phenomena that occur in
various processes, etc. (Gurevich et al., 2012).
For the second year in a row, the entire world
found itself in difficult economic and
psychological conditions caused by the
pandemic. The transition to online, distance or
mixed learning has become an unexpected and
quite serious challenge for all participants in the
educational process: from teachers to students
(Moskalyuk, 2021; Dibrova et al., 2021; Sovhira,
Chyrva & Bahrii, 2018).
The role of the teacher changes a lot in this
educational process. The teacher is entrusted
with such functions as observing and evaluating
the cognitive process, changing the studied
course, helping the student in drawing up a
personal academic plan, managing projects, etc.
Analyzing the advantages of distance education
from the point of view of teacher-student
communication, we reveal the following main
features: self-education as the basis of distance
learning, which involves the student's own
motivation for his own studies, as well as a
separate level of self-organization. One-on-one
communication, similar to a one-on-one
consultation. Many-to-many interaction means
that simultaneous communication of many
students is allowed, sharing experiences and
impressions with each other.
Therefore, distance education has many
prerogatives over traditional education:
progressive educational resources, availability of
information keys, individualization of education,
comfortable consultation procedure, democratic
relations between student and teacher, practical
schedule and place of activity (Kuzminsky et al.,
2021; Volek, 2018; Bilyk et al., 2021).
Distance or mixed learning encourages and
promotes the use of technologies, namely
working with email, websites, platforms, and
courses, communication via Viber, forums,
chats, conferences and webinars. Prometheus,
TeachHub, EdEra, and vseosvita.ua distance
courses are very popular, which are focused on
obtaining theoretical knowledge and practical
skills in a short time. The Padlet, Classroom,
Moodle, and Zoom video conferencing platforms
are the most well known that are great for both
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
teachers and students. The e-Bug system is quite
common, which is a free educational resource for
use in the educational process and at home. Its
purpose is to make training interesting and
provide information about microorganisms, the
spread, prevention and treatment of infectious
diseases, etc. The resource contains lesson plans,
worksheets, animations, demo experiments,
presentations, online games, visualizations, and
materials that will make learning at home easier.
Mind Meister software helps you create thought
maps and allows users to visualize their thoughts
in the cloud using cloud storage. The program is
easy to use and allows you to distribute changes
in the form of maps in real time to all users and
on all devices. Mind Meister offers a number of
features that allow users to brainstorm online,
plan projects, develop business strategies, create
large presentations, and more.
Easel.ly, Visual.ly, Canva.com, Infogr.am,
Piktochart.com services for creating online
infographics. These platforms are interesting and
easy to use, and have significant support for
templates with accessible visual effects. The
important thing is that the services are free and
allow users to create graphics, presentations,
posters, and so on. Very original and new is the
use of 3D animal models in Google. Using your
smartphone or laptop, you can view models of
tiger, green turtle, pony and many other animals,
which makes learning fun for both children and
The Moza Map and Moza Book resources will
help you diversify your training tools with
illustrations, animations, and presentations, as
well as applications that will help you conduct
experiments and learn educational material more
easily. In the process of studying human
anatomy, collections of 3D atlases and the 3D
Human anatomy resource will help which
contain the best mobile applications available for
smartphones, tablets and computers and are
aimed at learning new techniques. The resources
of Science in school, BiomeViewer (global
ecosystem research), BioNetwork (virtual
microscope), Teach Genenics (genetic research)
and Sheppard Software (free educational games)
will help to make learning fun, interactive and
more memorable.
Another educational site that features videos and
free online games, among other activities, is
National Geographic Kids. The site is focused on
studying plants and animals, but you can also
virtually visit different countries, learn
interesting facts, participate in quizzes, and post
comments and photos.
Therefore, a prerequisite for the training of a
modern teacher of natural sciences is
familiarization with the latest discoveries of
Science, and the Internet is a unique tool for
solving many educational problems, improving
the efficiency and level of training in general
(Moskalyuk, 2021; Nurmukhanbetova et al.,
Skype helps you communicate with a group of
educational applicants. It is advisable to use it in
training and afford educational material to a
broader variety of education applicants, taking a
computer linked to the Internet, so that education
applicants who are not at school can use Skype to
study at all, in actual time.
Online tool Padlet designed for creating and
filling the content of a virtual whiteboard (space)
with the ability to edit together. It is necessary to
use the Padlet board for organizing group work
of educational applicants during brainstorming,
generalization and systematization of
knowledge, reflection; for placing educational
material or tasks for its search; as a place for
placing ideas for projects and discussing them; as
a tool for forming combined actions of
educational applicants during the lesson and
outside it.
The Trello online tool is also a virtual
whiteboard, which is a good helper for teachers
in working on joint online projects together with
educational applicants. Using this tool, you can
distribute tasks by type, and applicants for
education, in the course of work, see its results
(what they have done, what needs to be
completed). Therefore, applicants for education
learn to effectively organize their work in virtual
mode understand the essence of teamwork. This
is a useful visual tool in the work of a teacher.
QR codes allow you to attract educational
applicants to study, organize game and research
activities of educational applicants, organize QR
quests, and much more.
Online training materials help to further motivate
applicants for education, diversify classes and
make them more modern. Most of them can be
used on the mobile devices of educational
applicants, and they contain libraries of ready-
made exercises. For example, in the classroom,
you can offer educational applicants
LearningApps an online feedback application
in which educational applicants determine how
well they have mastered the educational material,
what questions are unclear. The service is based
on working with templates: from working with
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
maps to solving crosswords and creating
knowledge maps. Wordart.com is a web service
for visualizing and creating a word cloud. Word
clouds can be used to visualize natural
terminology on a particular topic in a visual way.
This helps you quickly remember information.
Powtoon.com and SparkolVideoScribe are web
services for forming active videos,
communicating infographics, presentations, and
video creaming. The finished video can be
available on YouTube or Vimeo, as well as
uploaded as Ppt, Pdf formats, or embedded on
your website/blog using HTML code. With the
support of scribing, you can fast appeal the
attention of listeners, provide them with extra
material and highlight the chief facts of the
Keep in mind that quizzes and tests help students
get interested in the topic, facilitate its
perception, assimilation, and test their
knowledge. Google Forms is a resource that has
a large number of design templates, which allows
you to create forms for classes on any topic.
Online test Pad is a website that allows you to
work with constructors for creating tests,
crosswords, surveys, and dialog simulators free.
A unique tool for organizing group work and
reflection is MindMeister. This service allows
you to create intelligence maps, the use of which
in the educational process provides feedback, in
particular, through final and formative
Effective in the professional training of future
teachers of natural sciences and in teaching
students is the use of online tools using gadgets.
For example, Nearpod is an online tool that
allows teachers to create individual tasks and
track their progress using mobile devices. A
special feature of this service is that users can
connect to Nearpod 3D and Nearpod VR. The use
of the above-mentioned web services in practical
activities provides an opportunity to intensify the
learning process, increase the level of
professional training of future teachers of natural
sciences, and contributes to the development of
end-to-end skills of students (Vorobyova, 2022;
Plakhotnik et al., 2022).
We would like to emphasize that teachers should
be well-versed in managing a wide range of
information resources and managing the reform
of the educational sector in relation to the
standards of the European educational space.
This process is very long, and Ukraine is doing
everything possible to go in this direction.
Authorities are creating regulations for distance
education, expanding blended learning
approaches, and working to increase the number
of schools with Internet connections and access
to digital devices and equipment.
This work aims to implement sustainable and
flexible approaches in future educational
activities aimed at preserving the continuity of
learning through measures to expand
digitalization of higher education (Kuzminsky et
al., 2021).
The involvement of network information and
communication technologies in the educational
process of object-oriented modeling provides an
opportunity to organize remote consultations in
the form of electronic correspondence, chat or
forums, audio and video conferences, etc. Their
implementation allows any student to receive
advice at a convenient time; to provide publicity
to the consulting process through posting
questions and answers on a specialized forum; as
a result, to increase the effectiveness of
consulting by avoiding the same type of
questions. In addition, to accumulate a bank of
standard questions and answers available to
different generations of students; to promptly
inform students about the tasks of control and
practical works, make announcements, etc.
Additional advantages of this form of
consultation are its transparency, modernity and
compliance with the requirements of the Bologna
To implement the remote form of counseling, the
following priority measures are necessary:
1) creation and placement on the Internet of a
consultation point in the form of a forum with
sections conducted by individual teachers;
2) development and approval of regulations on
remote counseling of students; 3) providing
students and teachers with internet tools for
conducting remote counseling (Teplytskyi et al.,
In connection with an important aspect of future
teachers training of environmental sciences, it is
the use of innovative technologies and
approaches in the educational process of higher
education institutions. Therefore, we have
considered the specifics of training future
teachers of natural sciences using information
and communication technologies. The general
global trends in the development of
informatization of education are highlighted; the
principles of using information technologies in
the educational process and online tools for the
Volume 11 - Issue 60
/ December 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
possibility of using innovative technologies for
teaching future teachers of natural sciences are
highlighted. The advantages of distance learning
in comparison with traditional training are
shown. The most popular distance courses that
are focused on obtaining theoretical knowledge
and practical skills in a short time are analyzed.
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