Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.16
How to Cite:
Velychko-Solomennyk, Z., Velychko, N., Bondarenko, A., Kyrylenko, Y., & Shumska, L. (2022). Development of Ukrainian choral
art in conditions of digitalization. Amazonia Investiga, 11(58), 151-160. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.58.10.16
Development of Ukrainian choral art in conditions of digitalization
Розвиток українського хорового мистецтва в умовах цифровізації
Received: October 25, 2022 Accepted: November 30, 2022
Written by:
Zlata Velychko-Solomennyk62
Nelia Velychko63
Andrii Bondarenko64
Yana Kyrylenko65
Lyudmyla Shumska66
The topicality of the topic lies in the peculiarities
of the development of digital technologies and
the factors of their influence on the cultural
activity of Ukrainian art. With the development
of digital technologies, new opportunities are
opening up to ensure the development of
Ukrainian choral art. The scientific work aims to
study the qualitative characteristics of modern
Ukrainian artistic formation based on the
improvement of teaching, popularization, and
analysis of Ukrainian choral art. The object of
research is modern methods of development of
Ukrainian choral art with the help of global
promotion of digitization processes, which affect
not only the socio-economic environment of the
country but also the quality of creation and
development of cultural and ethical factors. . The
research methodology consists in the use of
modern means of digital technologies to promote
the development of Ukrainian choral art. In
addition, the research uses analytical, statistical,
and deductive methods to explain the
development of Ukrainian choral art in the
JEl classification
D80 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty: General
J17 - Value of Life; Forgone Income
Z00 - Other Special Topics: General
Teacher at the Department of Choir Conducting, Methodist of the Highest Category. Researcher at the Department of History of
Ukrainian Music and Musical Folklore, Department of Choir Conducting, National Music Academy of Ukraine at the
P.I. Tchaikovsky, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Professor, Department of Choir Conducting P. I. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD, Music Art, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Faculty of Musical Art and Choreography, Department of Academic and Pop Vocal, Kyiv
Metropolitan University after Boris Grinchenko, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, professor, Educational and Scientific Institute of Arts named after Alexander Rostovsky.
Department of Vocal and Choral Skills, Nizhyn Gogol State University (NGSU), Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
conditions of digitalization. The obtained results
of the research are important both for improving
the tools of Ukrainian art and for conducting
research on the methodology of development of
Ukrainian choral art.
Keywords: digitization, digital technologies,
Ukrainian culture, choral art, music, Ukrainian
folk art, innovations.
Currently, the issue of the development of digital
technologies faces all spheres of human activity
both social-economic and ethical-cultural ones.
The development of digitalization affects all
areas of human activity and improves the results
of the created product, optimizing business
processes and facilitating everyday social life.
With the help of digital technologies, Ukrainian
culture can gain a number of competitive
advantages in the international community.
There are opportunities for preserving the
Ukrainian creative heritage, promoting it at the
world level, opening channels of communication
with the international community, etc. In
addition, the development of Ukrainian choral art
in the conditions of digitalization is also
determined by the prospects of a technical nature.
In order to analyse the compositions and musical
works, one can use digital models of data
analysis and sound frequencies, which can
characterize the main indicators of the work
construction and the quality of its performance.
With the help of digital technologies, it is
possible to carry out a technical analysis of
choral art; in fact, modern means of analysing a
musical composition can be added to the cultural
and creative process of performing a music work.
The main spectrum of the research is the use of
digitalization to popularise Ukrainian choral art,
forasmuch as the spread of Ukrainian culture
provides not only brand advantages, but also a
number of strategic political and social
privileges. The choral art of the Ukrainian people
contains a number of characteristic features that
are performed during traditional customs:
weddings, holidays, religious events, etc. As a
rule, Ukrainian choral art is closely intersected
with historical events, and even there is the
proverb “For the Ukrainian people, the world
without a song is like the world without the
sunlight”. This is the truth: every historical event
and people’s daily life is expressed in a song. It
is with the help of the Ukrainian song that you
can describe the cultural life of people,
forasmuch as there is a lot of such material, and
it is different in character and theme. It is
important to be able to correctly structure the
material according to these aspects. Digital
technologies open opportunities for structuring,
popularization and improvement of Ukrainian
choral art. In addition, digitization makes it
possible to exchange experience with other
representatives of choral art and to make changes
in the modern development of domestic
Literature Review
Currently, scientists are doing significant work
on studying the development and formation of
digital technologies and their impact on the
cultural and moral situation of the country and
creative professionals: singers, actors,
composers, etc. (Stephenson & Limbrick, 2015).
The global digitization of the world opens up
opportunities to present the cultures of any
country and bring into reality the opportunity to
get familiar with even the most distant countries
of the world (Talsik, 2015). The scientist A.
Kovalenko (Kovalenko, 2015) notes that
Ukrainian choral art is a pearl among the
historical heritage of nations and should be
presented to the international community.
Teryaeva L. (Teryaeva, 2017) highlights the
stylistics features of expressing the Ukrainian
song and focuses the attention on the quality of
the performance of choral compositions. The
most characteristic feature of the creativity of
Ukrainian choral art is the use of an emotional
palette of feelings and the possibility of applying
them both for historical events and in amusing
singing of mentality manifestations. The
historical experience of Ukrainian choral art is
explored by the authors Pichuhina L. and
Lukyanova I. (Pichuhina, 2015; Lukyanova,
2014) from the standpoint that the Ukrainian
song contains national symbolic meaning for the
people. It is the song that makes it possible to
preserve the idea and national consciousness; as
the author notes, it is very important to structure
the songs according to the time and the essence
of their message. Some authors believe
(Teryaeva, 2017) that the development of
Ukrainian choral art is connected with the thorny
Velychko-Solomennyk, Z., Velychko, N., Bondarenko, A., Kyrylenko, Y., Shumska, L. / Volume 11 - Issue 58: 151-160 /
October, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
path of the formation of Ukraine and its
independence. It is precisely because of the
difficult path towards gaining the country’s
independence and the customs of the Ukrainian
people that there is a high level of Ukrainian
choral art. Such authors as Johnson C. &
Gorgoretti B. (Johnson, 2017; Gorgoretti, 2019)
pay particular attention to studying modern
digital technology. The scholars reveal the main
aspects of the creation and development of digital
infrastructure and types of digital technologies.
Qualitative features of using digital technologies
in the marketing, financial and cultural sectors
have been determined. Evrard Yves notes (Yevs,
1997) that modern big data processing
technologies and the ability to access powerful
web services, modelling opportunities for
cultural processes, the creation of virtual
concepts and prototypes, modelling songs and
other means of digital technologies can serve to
improve the quality of Ukrainian choral art. In
addition, in order to achieve the set goals, it is
worth showing all the characteristic features of
Ukrainian choral art formation with the help of
digital technologies. Another group of authors,
Román Álvarez, Silveira, J. M, Puentedura, R. R
(Román Álvarez, 2017; Silveira, 2016;
Puentedura, 2015), have discovered that the
impact of digitalization on the development of
Ukrainian art lies in the transformation to modern
motifs, with elements of using traditional tools.
The role of musical instruments in the
performance of a choral song plays an important
role; after all, it is on their basis that the musical
culture of the people is created. The traditional
Ukrainian instruments are: kobza, torban,
trembita and bagpipe. In contemporary choral
art, Ukrainian art plays a key role, forasmuch as
the performance quality and the uniqueness of
these instruments influence the formation of
world music culture in the direction of choral art.
Galuszka Patryk, and Brzozowska Blanka note
(Galuszka & Brzozowska, 2017) that Ukrainian
traditional instruments were reproduced in digital
sound and, if desired, sound engineers can use
them when composing music works. Thus, the
authors investigate Ukrainian choral art in terms
of modern digital technologies and their impact
on the cultural segment of the world music.
Despite the majority of studies conducted on the
issue of the impact of digitization on the
development of Ukrainian choral art, there is a
need to popularize Ukrainian choral art on the
world cultural market. This necessity is caused
by the factors of the Russian-Ukrainian war and
the formation of national consciousness,
conducting the Ukrainization of the society, the
strengthening of the Ukrainian brand and the use
of modern tools of digital technologies to
structure the heritage of Ukrainian choral art.
Research Goals. The purpose of the research is
to analyse the use of modern means of digital
technologies in order to popularize the heritage
of Ukrainian choral art and the formation of
digital heritage with the aim of spreading it to the
world cultural market. Moreover, digitalization
provides opportunities for exchanging the
experiences between different cultures at the
current moment in time, actually creating
permanent channels of communication between
different cultural communities. Therefore, the
academic paper pays attention to cooperation
with other countries and the possibility of
improving Ukrainian choral art. The scientific
work examines aspects of modern Ukrainian
choral art development based on the use of digital
technologies and the exchange of experience
with other countries. The results of the analysis
are the determination of prospects for the further
development of Ukrainian choral art and the
formation of its achievements in terms of
national art and culture.
In the course of the research, a number of
scientific methods were used, with the help of
which the problem was revealed in the context of
global digitalization. The use of digital
technologies (Lukyanova, 2014) for the
development of Ukrainian choral art has been
substantiated both in the technical process of
performing musical compositions, and with the
aim of popularizing Ukrainian choral art in the
world community. The main methods of
developing digital technologies are as follows:
big data processing, distance education, mobile
applications and remote communication
channels. The analytical method has been applied
in order to examine modern digital technologies,
which are used for the analysis and formation of
qualitative approaches towards implementing the
choral songs. The method of exploratory analysis
has made it possible to outline the prospects for
the development of Ukrainian choral art through
interaction with other cultures and their influence
on the national culture. In addition, a number of
digital technologies create all conditions for the
development, storage and structuring of the
Ukrainian people’s musical works as the
embodiment of traditions and customs. It is with
the help of such methodologies that digitalization
has the greatest impact on Ukrainian choral art.
Ukrainian culture contains a number of traditions
and customs, which take place together with the
performance of choral songs. Therefore, in order
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
to qualitatively outline their influence on the
development of the world community and the
historical period of the formation of Ukraine, it is
worth implementing modern tools of digital
technologies and modelling. With the help of the
synthesis method, the main characteristic
features of the choral song for the Ukrainian
mentality have been determined and the
significance of their performance for the
Ukrainian culture has been outlined. Digital
technologies perform a number of functions that
help simplify analytical and communication
activities. The comparative method based on the
comparison of traditional means of development
of choral art and digital means was applied in
order to investigate the signs of the development
of Ukrainian song. Thus, the identified methods
make it possible to solve the issues of the
research topic in detail and on a reasonable basis.
The modern world is characterized by the
development of digitization processes that affect
all spheres of human activity, including cultural
ones. Ukrainian choral art has an ancient history
and has been constantly developing both
stylistically and compositionally (Lukyanova,
2014). Thanks to the development of digital
technologies, the opportunity of improving the
quality of performance and recording the highest
quality tape for listening becomes possible.
Digital technologies create opportunities for
editing and correcting the sound of music and
vocal processing. All these tools influence the
level of perception of Ukrainian culture in the
global dimension.
The introduction of the Internet in the world has
created mass access to people’s information and
the possibility of its exchange between each
other. The importance of the Internet influence
on social-economic development and the
formation of cultural heritage and exchange with
other representatives of countries are difficult to
overestimate (Rampstedt & Johannes, 2019). It
was the use of the Internet that became a key
factor in the development of modern choral art
and the opportunity to get acquainted with the
compositions of other representatives of world
culture. The digitization aspects of Ukrainian
choral art can be considered from the standpoints
as follows:
Formation of modern instruments and
approaches to performing choral songs;
Creation of platforms for learning and
improving the playing of traditional musical
Online access to vocal teaching practices
and its variability based on world
Opportunities of improving the performance
of compositions, structuring, modelling
according to criteria and implementing a
technical and analytical approach to a choral
Popularization of Ukrainian choral art on the
world market and provision of a visual
picture of the activities of Ukrainian
representatives of choral art;
Creation of a national library of musical
works and compositions that can be used to
popularize Ukrainian culture and art;
Availability of special digital platforms for
learning and improving vocal skills and
musical abilities.
All these factors of the development of Ukrainian
choral art arose with the processes of digitization
in the world. Primarily, digitization processes
concern the economic and social-economic
development of the country. Nevertheless, any
digital technologies can be used for cultural and
spiritual forms of interaction with the world and
even personally for each person. Digitization is a
global phenomenon that forms the use of
software, a special digital infrastructure and
characteristic tools for its implementation
(Stephenson & Limbrick, 2015). The
components of digitization are digital
technologies. The use of digital technologies also
determines the level of penetration of
digitalization into the researched sphere. It is
digital technologies that are of great importance
and practical implementation of the possibility of
modernizing pedagogical practices to choral art,
the availability of digital means of processing
compositions and the formation of innovative
approaches to the cultural experience exchange
(Lukyanova, 2016). In addition, digitalization is
of great importance for building Ukrainian self-
awareness, consolidating the national brand on
the world stage and familiarizing the world with
Ukrainian traditions and customs, which is very
important during the Ukrainian-Russian war.
Stimulating the processes of Ukrainization of the
population by means of art is the most effective,
forasmuch as Ukrainian culture is sophisticated
and unique in terms of its historical development.
The Ukrainian choral song reflects the Ukrainian
mentality, the character traits of every Ukrainian
and contains informational authenticity about the
soul of Ukrainians the choral song.
Let’s consider how digitization influences the
development of Ukrainian choral art in Table 1.
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
The influence of digitalization technologies on choral art*
Digital technology
Nature of influence
Big data processing
It makes it possible to structure Ukrainian choral songs according to features
of performance, cultural direction, thematic message, compositional structure
and thematic distribution. In addition, big data processing technology adjusts
any parameter according to which a choral song will be distributed and
analysed, which can improve the quality of analysis, ways of studying and
popularizing Ukrainian choral art.
Infrastructure for
modelling, analysis
and scenario creation
Digital modelling tools make it possible to build a composition from digital
elements and use mathematical tools to create scenarios for their performance,
which qualitatively improves the possibility of the development of modern
Ukrainian choral art. Also, this technique is used for grouping the common
features of various songs of peoples, historical analysis, etc.
Development of
The development of remote communication channels, such as: web resources,
mobile devices make it possible to conduct online training, implement remote
performances, exchange experiences without physical presence and open the
door to world musical culture.
Virtual reality
Recent virtual reality platforms create effective means of visual and auditory
perception of musical compositions of choral art for the society. A number of
music programs are being built around the world, where the user can see one
or another culture in virtual reality. This way of displaying Ukrainian choral
art can much better acquaint people with the Ukrainian mentality and culture.
Digital learning
Digital learning platforms directly influence the quality and speed of
mastering subjects by students. Nowadays, there are a number of musical
applications that help in learning vocals; there are special techniques that
recognize the timbre and quality of the voice sound. There are also
applications that can help you learn to play various musical instruments
offline. All this promotes the development of Ukrainian choral art, because it
contributes to its accessibility for users from all over the world and improves
the quality of education of Ukrainian students.
Digital synthesizer
tools and directing
The current state of digital technologies opens up possibilities for processing
vocals, adjusting the sound of musical instruments. In addition, it becomes
possible to introduce electronic means of sound, which is sometimes practiced
by the newest schools of musical art. In Ukrainian choral art, the practice of
digital processing of vocals and instruments for improving the format and
sound quality of the composition is popular.
Digital technologies
of vocal synthesis
Digital technology has had a huge impact on choral art around the world. With
its help, one can simulate any voices and use them as an element to imitate,
create compositions based only on the use of digital technologies and, as a
result, make attempts to reproduce in real life. In addition, the digital synthesis
of vocals allows better distinction and improvement of sound quality. This
digital technology has a significant impact not only on the development of
Ukrainian choral art, but also on the world.
* Source: compiled by the author
From the above provisions, it follows that digital
technologies directly influence the quality of the
choral art performance, which can improve
stylistics and compositional structure. In a
historical sense, by applying modelling methods,
it becomes possible to reconstruct the clear
motives of choral songs and reproduce them in
the style of historical times. In addition, with the
help of digital technologies, it is possible to
process vocals and sound instruments of
Ukrainian songs. All this is important for the
further development of Ukrainian choral art
(Teryayeva, 2017). Currently, the main task of
any cultural structure of the Ukrainian space is
the popularization of the Ukrainian idea, national
symbolism, identity and spiritual symbolism. It is
with the help of digital technologies and large-
scale digitization processes of the cultural world
centre that Ukraine has access to digital channels
of communication with the whole world.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
This is precisely why the priority task of the
development of Ukrainian choral art in 2022
should be its popularization: formation of
information about choral songs and their
historical development, participation in musical
thematic events, creation of videos and media
materials with elements of Ukrainian choral art.
The ways of popularizing Ukrainian choral art
through applying digital technologies are
reflected in Table 2.
Table 2.
Application of digital technologies for the popularization of Ukrainian choral art*
Nature of influence
Social networks
They create opportunities for communication between representatives of
Ukrainian choral art with other world communities and encourage other people
to study and examine Ukrainian choral art.
Electronic National
The formation of an electronic national library of songs will be able to much
better acquaint users with Ukrainian musical compositions and provide access
to the analysis of choral songs. It contributes to the improvement of the
Ukrainian brand on the world market. It also acts as a cultural treasury of the
Ukrainian people.
Distance platforms
of communication
There are many resources for mutual learning, conferences, remote musical
performances, video recording, etc. All these events make it possible to
popularize Ukrainian choral art in the world.
This product of digital technologies contains a set of Ukrainian choral
compositions for the purpose of their further distribution. As a rule, there are
graphic and multimedia materials that provide contact with Ukrainian culture
on a visual level.
Multi-media, videos,
movies, clips
They create a number of media materials for posting on social networks, TV,
video hosting, etc.
*Source: compiled by the author
Technologies for the popularization of Ukrainian
choral art will be able to provide access to the
world cultural community and qualitatively
improve the process of Ukrainian choral art
development, involving foreign teachers,
exchanging experience, etc. The world in
conditions of digitization creates an endless
vortex of information, which people constantly
exchange with each other and improve their skills
(Kovalenko, 2015). Consolidation of Ukrainian
choral art in this vortex can contribute to the
improvement of both the Ukrainian brand on the
world cultural arena, as well as the improvement
of performance techniques and the possibility of
reconstruction of existing compositions of the
choral genre.
The result of the functioning of digital
technologies is access to information and its
exchange. This is precisely why the direct
influence on the development of Ukrainian
choral art lies in the possibility of exchange, the
experience of using traditional instruments of
other countries, applying the modern practices of
musical performance. For instance, Ukrainian
choral groups such as: “Bandurists’ Chapel”,
“Verbena”, Men’s Choir Chapel “Dzvin” use
traditional Ukrainian instruments in their
performances with modern processing tools and
support infrastructure, which significantly
improves the sound level (Teryayeva, 2017).
An important direction of the development of
Ukrainian choral art in the conditions of
digitization is the introduction of digital
technologies into educational and pedagogical
activities. The future of Ukrainian choral art is
concentrated in students of music schools and
universities who have chosen a musical career
(Lukyanova, 2014). It is with the help of digital
technologies that teaching traditional Ukrainian
choral art becomes more effective and accessible.
The main advantage of learning with the help of
digital technologies is independence from the
student’s location. Let’s consider the current
level of digital infrastructure of musical
institutions and establishments (universities,
private schools, etc.) in Table 3.
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
The level of digital infrastructure equipment of music institutions and establishments, %*
Technology / year
Access to the Internet
Use of software
Digital infrastructure
Participation in international events
Distance education
Availability of the subject of “digital directing”,
“digital vocal synthesis”, etc.
*Source: compiled according to the data of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
As one can see, Table 3 represents the main
tendencies of digitization in teaching Ukrainian
choral art. The importance of the effectiveness of
learning and teaching choral art contributes to the
global national idea and the development of
choral art in general. That is why it is worth
paying attention to the introduction of digital
technologies into the cultural and educational
process of choral art.
Access to the Internet is a key indicator of the
choral art development in conditions of
digitalization. At the beginning of 2018, it was
about 78%, which is far behind the leading
countries, in which it exceeded 90%. The
possibility of using Internet technologies in
education provides an opportunity to quickly
master the material, develop analytical and
musical abilities. However, in 2021, with the
help of implementing the “Digital Agenda
2020” program, the Internet access rate of
educational institutions in 2022 is 91%, which is
a real breakthrough at the educational level. Such
indicators testify to the acceleration of the
digitization of the society and the improvement
of the possibilities of using current learning
practices and, as a consequence, the development
of Ukrainian choral singing.
The use of software is an important direction in
optimizing the sound character of a music
composition. Choral art consists of different
timbres of voices, performance styles and
approaches to their use with various traditional
musical instruments. The software makes it
possible to process and adjust the sound of choral
songs, as well as to explore the most optimal
structure of the composition. In 2018, the
software was available only in music universities
and some private music schools, which amounted
to 36% of the total number of music
establishments. However, the possibility of
improving the methods of interpretation of choral
songs, the formation of alternative principles of
performance has stimulated the implementation
of special software for mixing and processing
songs in most educational institutions; therefore,
as of 2021, this indicator reaches 51%, which is
a good result compared to previous years
(Kovalenko, 2015).
Digital infrastructure is of great importance for
the formation and development of Ukrainian
choral art from the point of view of marketing
activities and financing. Marketing activities are
aimed at positioning Ukrainian culture on the
global market and directing it to ensure effective
methods of popularization on the world market.
In addition, the digital infrastructure takes into
account the presence of recording studios,
processing capabilities, special tools of
electronic amplifiers, etc. (Pichuhina, 2015).
This indicator increased by 9% from 2018 to
2021, which indicates the gradual growth of the
digitalization of musical educational institutions.
Participation in international events using digital
communication methods is an important
component for sharing experiences. The
Ukrainian music society is a communicative and
educational community closely cooperating with
European, American and other countries of the
world in the direction of the exchange of musical
experience. This is what makes it possible to
improve one’s own musical art and stimulate its
Distance education in Ukraine has become much
more popular at the end of 2019, which is a
consequence of the development of the
coronavirus pandemic. Digital technologies, as a
component of global digitization, have enabled
students of musical art to continue their studies
based on using special digital platforms and
mobile applications in educational practice
(Teryayeva, 2017). In addition, distance
education has opened up new opportunities for
the use of choral art in platforms. Recording
individual vocals and combining them into one
composition became possible thanks to the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of digital technologies. Thus,
distance education is the most priority indicator
of the development of Ukrainian choral art. As of
2018, the possibility of distance education
services was present in 34% of educational
institutions; however, in 2021, this indicator was
84%, which is almost 2,5 times higher than the
initial result as of 2018. Thus, the prospects for
the development of choral art by means of
distance education are of great importance in the
global space.
There is a variety of modern educational
programs for processing vocals, instruments,
directing. Modern subjects usually have
traditional approaches to teaching. However, the
development of digital technologies in the choral
artist stimulates the introduction of modern
pedagogical and educational programs in
universities and schools (Pichuhina, 2015). The
profession of sound engineer is becoming more
popular. The development of choral art is the
possibility of electronic sound processing based
on software and special skills. In 2021, 41% of
schools and universities of music arts with a
choral arts discipline had training programs for
digital processing of vocals and instruments,
indicating an increase in the level of
digitalization coverage in Ukraine.
Thus, the general level of influence of
digitization on the development of Ukrainian art
is extremely high, and it promotes a positive
character. Digital technologies make it possible
for students to improve their abilities and skills,
as well as create tools for the popularization of
Ukrainian culture through choral art in the world
cultural community, which is a modern strategic
task of the national idea of Ukraine.
The results of the research characterize the
influence of global digitalization processes on
the development of Ukrainian choral art. The
emergence of innovative digital technologies has
led to the emergence of new approaches towards
channel communications, pedagogical practices
and technical design of choral song
compositions. The Ukrainian practice of choral
art testifies to the rich culture of the Ukrainian
people (Puentedura, 2015). The availability of
tools for the development of choral art can
improve the quality and formation of a choral
song from two standpoints: the first lies in
improving the performance and processing of a
choral song itself; the second is the
popularization of choral art as the personification
of Ukrainian culture. Digital technologies, as the
researchers have noted, should contribute to the
development of modern learning rates and the
ability to access information. It is the availability
of information and the possibility of its use in
various forms of education that will serve as a
qualitative indicator of the activity of the
country’s cultural centre. In comparison with the
studies carried out by the author (Johnson, 2017),
he determines that musical culture changes very
quickly due to information availability, and it is
caused by a constant change in modern trends.
Other authors emphasize (Stephenson &
Limbrick, 2015; Talsik, 2015) that the features of
the choral art development during the period of
rapid digitization of the community undergo its
greatest elevation. It is the use of digitalization
processes that enables the Ukrainian musical
community (Kovalenko, 2015) to create a
methodology for the popularization of Ukrainian
choral art and to improve existing practices of
pedagogical activity.
Foreign scientists (Cook et al., 2019; Yves, 1997)
pay attention to using big data processing
technologies in music. According to their
viewpoints (Galuszka & Brzozowska, 2017), it is
proposed to investigate the indicators of using
musical instruments, sound frequencies,
forecasting the combination of different vocal
timbres and the introduction of digital
synchronization. Under this approach, you can
get a non-standard composition of choral art.
Ukrainian scientists (Galuszka & Brzozowska,
2017; Lukyanova, 2014) see the advantage of
digitization in ways of developing the
educational program and access to the world
market. It is with the help of such approaches that
it becomes possible to use the experience of a
wide range of cultures and interpret them on the
Ukrainian example. In addition, the author notes
that the process of using choral art in the context
of digitization will create a number of tools that
can help arrange a national electronic library and
musical historical heritage, which will benefit in
consolidating the brand of Ukrainian choral art
on the world stage.
Moreover, the development of Ukrainian choral
art in the conditions of digital technologies and
the enhanced using of distance learning
platforms, as the authors note, make it possible to
create an effective education system and
combine traditional means of teaching musical
technologies with innovative ones. Musical
groups (Teryayeva, 2017) that use traditional
musical instruments for choral singing can model
various folklore formats for ranking and
Volume 11 - Issue 58
/ October 2022
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
improving the song’s style when composing a
composition. It is with the help of digital
technologies that the development of the
compositional component of choral songs
becomes possible.
Prospects for further studies on the development
of choral art in conditions of digitization include
the analysis of using vocal synthesis technologies
from the technical perspective; from
communication and interactive standpoint the
use of digital platforms for the development of
vocal abilities and the acquisition of practical
skills on musical instruments. In addition, an
important direction is studying the
implementation of educational programs that
provide education with digital technologies in
music and choral singing, as an art of Ukrainian
Thus, based on the results of the research
conducted, it can be concluded that a qualitative
development of Ukrainian choral art has been
taking place in the conditions of global
digitalization and the emergence of innovative
digital technologies. The state of development of
digital technologies in Ukraine is closely related
to the processes of global digitalization and
coverage of all spheres of human life, including
the cultural one. Digital technologies contribute
to improving the quality of learning and
performance of a choral song.
The main principles of the choral art
development are the advancing of technical
means of processing compositions and the
possibility of their application during the
performance and writing of a song. Another
important direction in the development of choral
art is the possibility of popularizing Ukrainian
choral songs in the world community through
digital platforms and various remote
communication channels.
Digitization processes also apply to educational
programs, forasmuch as it is based on the using
innovative educational practices that one can
implement the most effective programs and have
access to educational methods from around the
world. Digital technologies make it possible to
analyse choral art and structure it according to
the relevant features. The perspective of choral
art in Ukraine is the development of
compositions with the possibility of combining
traditional musical instruments from other
countries, modelling the structure of music
works, improving vocal performance with digital
instruments, and promoting the advancement of
the educational process.
Based on the features outlined, the conducted
research has practical significance for the
development of choral art as Ukrainian culture in
music schools and universities. The strategic
result of the research consists in the description
of the tools for popularizing choral art as a means
of positioning the Ukrainian brand and
strengthening the Ukrainian idea in the world
cultural dimension.
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