www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.15
How to Cite:
Vashchenko, O., Kopeliuk, O., Sediuk, I., Bondar, I, & Kornisheva, T. (2022). Analysis of musical art trends in Ukraine in the 21st
century. Amazonia Investiga, 11(56), 142-149. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.15
Analysis of musical art trends in Ukraine in the 21st century
Análisis de las tendencias del arte musical en Ucrania en el siglo XXI
Received: September 10, 2022 Accepted: September 30, 2022
Written by:
Vashchenko Olena65
Kopeliuk Oleh66
Sediuk Ihor67
Bondar Ievgeniia68
Kornisheva Tetiana69
Thus, the development of Ukrainian music
underwent a gradual evolution until the Russian
aggression began in 2022. After the fall of the
Soviet Union, Ukrainian-language music was not
in favor, but after 2014 and especially after
February 24, 2022, it became mainstream.
Among Chusach varieties of musical art in
Ukraine, the most common are pop, rock, rap,
jazz, etc. The new opportunities that the Network
has opened up for performers also have many
hidden dangers. This is primarily about piracy,
which significantly reduces the profits from
selling your own. At the same time, thanks to
multimedia and high-speed Internet, the
exchange of musical novelties became more
efficient. In particular, for a long time, Ukrainian
music was characterized by the same trends as in
the West: song plots, rhythms, popular styles of
music, etc. It should be noted that the demand for
Ukrainian music increased after Russia's military
aggression. The Russian product was banned. So,
if similar trends unfold in the same way, Ukraine
will continue to see the emergence of new
talented collectives. It should be noted that pop
and rock are promising directions of music
development but rap also looks extremely
PhD in Art Studies Senior Lecturer of Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Music History, Faculty of Performing and Musicology
at Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, Ukraine.
Assistant Professor, PhD in Musicology Performance and Musicology Faculty Special Piano Department Kharkiv I.P. Kotlyarevsky
National University of Arts Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Assistant Professor PhD in Musicology Special Piano Department Arts Performance and Musicology Faculty Kharkiv I.P.
Kotlyarevsky National University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Science Professor A.V. Nezhdanova Odessa National Music Academy, Choral Conducting Department Odesa, Ukraine.
Candidate of Study of Art, Associate Professor Department of Musical Arts, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine.
Vashchenko, O., Kopeliuk, O., Sediuk, I., Bondar, I, Kornisheva, T. / Volume 11 - Issue 56: 142-149 / August, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Keywords: Ukraine, music, perspectives of
development, trends.
Nowadays various transformations are taking
place not only in the music market of Ukraine but
massive accents in the world music industry are
changing. So now there is a change in the key
foundations of musical institutions and trends,
primarily due to the development of modern
technology. This concerns both popular genres
and academic ones. Note that the new musical
product has become publicly available, which
could not be imagined back at the end of the 20th
century. Twentieth century. The enormous power
and capacity of the Internet has deprived the
creators of musical products of the opportunity to
earn a lot of money by releasing new albums, as
modern Internet piracy is poorly controlled.
Today, popular music has influenced it to
become an integral part of human life. As a result
of using music from modern gadgets, new
programs for music distribution have begun to be
actively introduced, and new social networks
have been created. Consequently, modern
information channels, in particular YouTube and
Tick-Tock, influence the improvement of the
music industry rating. The study of trends in
contemporary music in Ukraine is a relevant
topic for research. First of all, given that as a
result of Russia's military aggression against
Ukraine, Ukrainian (Ukrainian-speaking) music
art has now received a new impetus for
development. Ukrainian musical products on the
themes of freedom, human choice, war, and the
victory of Ukraine appear en masse.
Consequently, an important task for our article is
to identify current trends in world music, to
investigate the trends of contemporary musical
art in Ukraine. In general, the work aims to
analyze the main trends and tendencies of the
musical art of the XXI century.
An important difficulty is the lack of scientific
research on modern Ukrainian music. This
further emphasizes the relevance of the article,
which is also intended to be a certain outcome in
the coverage of this issue.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Analysis of trends in contemporary Ukrainian
music has not yet become an object of special
scientific investigation. At the same time,
Ukrainian scientists are making many attempts to
classify, generalize and predict the further
development of Ukrainian music art. Foreign
researchers have much more experience in the
study of this complex issue (modern musical
trends). However, by applying the available
theoretical basis to Ukrainian realities, we can
generalize our own results and investigate
possible future development of Ukrainian music.
The literary basis of our article is quite thorough.
In particular, Barret (2017) investigated modern
trends in electro and acoustic music. The scientist
paid special attention to the problems of the
terminological plan and tried to define a
composite term “electroacoustic music” Bank
(2020) characterized the peculiarities of the
development of European musical art. Garrison
(2019) explored major motifs in Western musical
art. Raposo et al. (2020) in a collective
monograph analyzed key trends in music, design,
and art. Interiano et al., (2018) also investigated
current trends in music sphere. Ukrainian
researchers have explored the peculiarities of the
development of Ukrainian musical art. For
example, Lastovetska-Solanska, (2019) analyzed
the problem of the formation of modern musical
infrastructure in Ukraine. The researcher
believes that musical infrastructure as one of the
main terms of the musical-historical process is a
direct reflection of musical requirements,
preferences, and tastes of society, its artistic and
cultural aspects (Lastovetska-Solanska, 2019).
Taking this into account, Lastovetska-Solanska
(2019) offers her own author's explanation of
musical infrastructure - a separate structure of
musical life of society, determined by the type of
organization of musical education and concert
and theater life of society, determined by specific
social goals of philosophical and aesthetic
dimensions, influencing the development of the
composer within a particular national style and
genre (Lastovetska-Solanska, 2019). Note that
among the factors influencing the development
of the musical industry are historical, national,
mental, climatic, geographical, political,
economic political-economic, and others.
Among recent major monographic studies, we
note the work of Sonevytsky (2019). In this
work, the researcher characterized the musical
culture of Ukrainians, minorities living in
Ukraine. Sonevytsky (2019) also characterized
the peculiarities of Ukrainian music development
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
through the prism of contemporary trials: the
Revolution of Dignity (2013-2014), the Russian-
Ukrainian war (2014 - and now). This
monograph investigates the peculiarities of the
transformation of the Ukrainian musical space as
a result of the influence of the above-mentioned
events. In addition, the works of Ukrainian
historians, who have highlighted the peculiarities
of the development of the Russian-Ukrainian war
and its impact on the branch of culture, are
important for our study. In particular, Kuzio
(2021) defined the main directions of the cultural
clash between the Ukrainian and Russian sides.
So, the literary base of our study is quite
extensive. However, there is still a lack of narrow
specialized works devoted to our theme. This
opens before us an opportunity to work on a
topical topic and make original conclusions.
The study is built on general scientific logical
research methods. Such general scientific
methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, and
deduction were important for our work. Based on
the method of comparison, we managed to trace
the peculiarities of the development of trends in
the world and Ukrainian music. Besides, the
axiological method allowed to pass from general
statements (axioms) to specific conclusions and
suggestions about the future development of the
music industry in Ukraine. Possible further
trends in the development of Ukrainian music
have been analyzed based on the prognostic
method of research. The paper also uses the
historical method of research, which reflects
certain ideological aspects of post-Soviet
Ukrainian society, which subconsciously
tolerated Russian or Russian-language music and
In addition, the work uses special empirical
methods of research, among which is
observation. The main data for the empirical
research were media recordings, in particular the
materials of the leading Ukrainian media “TSN”,
“Unian”, etc. At the same time, a considerable
part of these materials was information from
social networks and YouTube. It should be noted
that in the work based on the category
“Trending” on the YouTube platform it was
possible to investigate the tastes and preferences
of the Ukrainian audience and trace the
development of Ukrainian music trends.
Results and Discussion
At the heart of contemporary musical culture is a
commercial component. At the present time,
there is a clear market relationship in musical art,
in which the creator of a new musical product
should be guided by the demand of the
appropriate target audience (Weekhout, 2019).
Another significant feature of the contemporary
world music product is its internationalism. It is
about the fact that in the context of the systemic
improvement of the media, mass music art is
distributed everywhere (regardless of
geographical factor) (Bank, 2020).
Consequently, contemporary audiences can often
become international and multicultural, so the
values of the current music product should be
varied and international.
Another weighty criterion of contemporary
musical culture is its technological
sophistication. In particular, it is based on new
modern technological innovations and solutions.
The basis of the technology is the media, which
filters information for the consumer, forming an
idea of "good" or “bad” taste. In today's music
culture, cultural value broadcasting plays an
important role (Barrett, 2017). It is based on the
power of words, music, and a variety of
expressive means reaching a spectrum of
emotional coloration. In addition, the appeal to
mass music culture affirms values in society
(Bank, 2020). Thus, certain cultural references
and criteria are formed, which can also be
expressed with the use of musical culture.
Despite this, we emphasize that the fundamental
values in contemporary music remain universal
ideas, built on the values of different cultures,
philosophies, and religions. In particular, the
themes of freedom, peace, love, social problems,
loneliness, etc. are now becoming particularly
relevant in the world.
One of the noticeable components of
contemporary musical art is the hedonistic
aspect. We are talking about the fact that
hedonism itself is almost the main function of
musical culture. The latter is primarily oriented
to meet the needs and demands of the target
audience (De Luca et al., 2019).
At the same time, the current diversity of musical
styles has led to the prevalence of niche music
products over mass ones. Radio and television
cease to influence the tastes of listeners, so the
Internet plays a key role in the distribution of
modern music products. In particular, in the
United States of America, the music show
business actively cooperates with such popular
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
resources as YouTube, Billboard, iTunes to
promote their own music (Garrison, 2019). These
factors influence the formation of modern trends
in the music industry.
In the late twentieth century, there was an active
development of forms, types, and styles in both
mass music culture and academic culture. These
trends have not bypassed Ukraine. Broadcasting
global thought and current popular values,
musical culture synthesizes national and
European culture, as well as the culture of the
Americas, this desire is increasingly reflected in
modern musical compositions
(Bohayevskyi, 2020) Thus, Ukrainian listeners
have been actively involved in the dissemination
of European music in recent years. European
music has become more popular among
Ukrainian listeners than ever before.
At the same time, academic musical art has
retained its basis, in which there are elements of
postmodernism, eclecticism, polystylism, but as
a result of the blurring of boundaries between
different musical genres, a peculiar combination
of classical music and modern digital
technologies has taken place. This practice is
global in the XXI century.
A separate trend of academic performance is the
appeal to the holding of individual music
festivals aimed at popularizing classical music in
a new performance. For example, the
International Music Festival “Music in Old Lviv”
aims to present the works of Ukrainian
composers through the prism of the urban,
architectural landscape of Lviv. The main
organizer of this event is the Myroslav Skoryk
Lviv National Philharmonic. The symbolic
combination of the past with the present
demonstrates that during the most difficult times
the appeal to the traditions of the past turns into
a kind of “chronicle” for future generations.
It should be noted that the key modern trends in
music art include genre differentiation of music.
It means that the current musical art is
characterized by the development of various
styles and trends. Note that today researchers
provide different information about the total
number of styles of modern music. However,
most agree that there are about a hundred of
them. In addition, some researchers point out that
modern musical art in its development tends to
transform the style into a genre (Fraser, 2018).
An example of this process can be such genres as
ragtime, blues, rock, and roll, etc.
At the same time, music using ethnic and neo-
ethnic instruments is gaining popularity (Barrett,
2017). The preservation and neo-folklore
reproduction of music with the help of folk
musical instruments is becoming an independent
trend. A vivid confirmation of this is the fact that
in Eurovision, one of the world's major music
competitions, performances with the use of folk
motifs and instruments can be seen more and
more often. Quite often the participants dress in
folk costumes, which testifies to the popularity of
folk culture in contemporary art. The recent
victory of the Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra
at Eurovision 2022 is a clear confirmation of this
It should be noted that the tendency of synthesis
of cultural traditions is noticeable in modern
music. Today's popular music combines motifs
of South American cultures, modern Europe, the
East, etc. At the same time, there is a pronounced
demand for Celtic, Indian, African motifs in the
world (Garrison, 2019).
In addition, the trend of “musical nostalgia” is
widespread in the global music industry. This
term was introduced into scientific circulation
recently. Modern experts understand this
phenomenon as an appeal to the music of past
decades (Pelchat & Gelowitz, 2019). Based on
this trend, we can observe how concerts on retro
themes, memorable evenings, etc. are organized.
At the same time, leading music television
channels can broadcast “long-forgotten” concerts
(Scripp & Gilbert, 2019).
In addition, the trend of music crowdfunding is
now widespread in the world of music. This
phenomenon is quite new for the domestic
market and is a process of voluntary fundraising
among those willing to support the
implementation of a project. In the field of music
culture, it may also include donations from fans
to support their favorite artists. This trend stems
from many factors, including the transition to
digital media and uncontrolled piracy, which
does not allow artists to earn much from official
sales of new albums (Barrett, 2017).
Thus, analyzing the trends of mass music culture,
we have characterized the features and trends of
this segment of culture. We believe that modern
information technologies and new models of
communication have influenced the formation of
closer contacts between authors and their
listeners. Thus, having interactive media at their
disposal, the listener begins to influence the
participants of the music industry and culture,
and the consumption of music products in
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
general (Ren, 2021). Thus, we can summarize
that the modern listener shapes demand and
influences supply in the art market of the music
With this in mind, let's analyze what popular
music Ukrainians listen to as of March 2022. 6
works by Ukrainian artists are currently in the top
20 YouTube music trends. The 6th position in
YouTube trends is occupied by the composition
of the artist Skofka “Oy na oy”. This song tells
about the terrible actions of Russian troops in
Ukrainian cities, the experiences of the lyrical
hero about the future of his native land (Boyko,
2022). The whole song is permeated with longing
for the past peaceful time. The 7th place is taken
by the video of the concert of Ukrainian singer
Tina Karol and Amelia Anisovich at the Charity
Concert in Poland. In 11th place is the song
“Ukraine will live” by O. Vynnyk. The key motif
of this composition is similar to the Anthem of
Ukraine. This song talks about the riches of the
Ukrainian land, the whole text is permeated with
faith in the future victory of Ukraine. At the same
time, the song “Ukrainian Rage” by Ukrainian
singer Khrystyna Solovii is on the 16th line of
YouTube trends. This song is a kind of cover of
the famous rebel song “Bella ciao”. It should be
noted that the composition is dedicated to the
heroes, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and all
those who are now fighting for the Ukrainian
land. The song of the Ukrainian band "SKY"
called “Don't retreat and don't give up” is in 17th
place on this resource. On the official video of
this song, you can see photos of the current war
and its terrible consequences for Ukrainian
families. However, the calls that are constantly
heard in the song “Do not retreat and do not give
up” We have nothing to fear anymore!” are
especially uplifting. The last 20th place is
occupied by the song of the Ukrainian singer
under the pseudonym NK “I am Ukraine”
(Boyko, 2022). Specific conclusions can be
drawn from these data, which are summarized in
Table 1.
Table 1.
Rating of Ukrainian songs that are in the trends of Ukrainian YouTube. As of March 2022.
Position in the rating
Song title
“Oy na oy”
“Ukraine is you”
Tina Karol
“Ukraine will live”
Oleh Vynnyk
“Ukrainian rage”
Khrystyna Solovii
“Do not retreat and do not give
“I am Ukraine”
At the same time, after the victory of the
Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra and due to the
emergence of new hits, the trend rating of
Ukrainian YouTube has changed significantly.
Thus, in the period from June 17 to July 1, the
most popular songs among Ukrainians were the
following: 1st place “Stefania” by Kalush
Orchestra. This composition is addressed to the
mother of the lyrical hero. Therefore, it became a
song of gratitude not only to his mother, to whom
he dedicated it, but also dedicated to all mothers
who worry about their children in difficult times
of war. In the 2nd place is the song “Home” by
Kalush Orchestra, which tells about the longing
for home. In the 3rd place is the composition
recorded by the duet of Artem Pivovarov and
Dorofeeva “Dumi”. The track is imbued with
longing and pain, as well as faith in the successful
future of Ukraine. In 4th place is a song called
“Ukraine will win” by O. Ponomarev, M.
Khoma, and other contemporary Ukrainian
artists (Boyko, 2022). Having analyzed the
media, other songs by Ukrainian singers are also
popular, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2.
Rating of Ukrainian songs that are trending on Ukrainian YouTube. Analysis from June 17 to July 1
Position in the rating
Song title
Kalush Orchestra
SkofkaKalush Orchestra та
А. Pivovarov and Dorofeeva
“Ukraine will win”
O. Ponomarov and others.
“Moskal is ugly”
Jerry Heil
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
It should be noted that almost all their songs have
a militarized context and are imbued with the
motives of Ukraine's victory. This phenomenon,
as it turned out, is now one of the main trends in
the modern music industry of Ukraine. The
number of Ukrainian-language songs has also
increased significantly, which is obviously a
reaction to political events (Roslon & Zavada,
2021) In addition, we would like to point out
such a trend as the creation of cover versions of
these works, which can be heard not only by
bands but also in arrangements for orchestras and
choirs. In particular, since the beginning of the
war, this was clearly reflected in the creation of
virtual projects with the participation of
children's choirs “Ukraine is you”, “I am
Ukraine” and others. Thus, even at the level of
academic music performance, there is an appeal
to the cultural sources of Ukrainian music. With
the help of arrangements of classical songs, they
are re-actualized in the musical space of Ukraine.
Therefore, the development of Ukrainian music
has gone through a long evolution. It is worth
noting that after the collapse of the Soviet Union,
Ukraine inherited a rather chauvinistic model of
social thinking. Everything that was Russian-
language was declared superior and urban, while
Ukrainian-language content was deliberately
humiliated and declared “rural”. Gradually, with
the development of our country's independence,
younger generations began to prefer Ukrainian-
language songs. Although this process is not as
fast as one might assume, a considerable
percentage of show business used the popularity
of the Ukrainian language in their projects. The
post-communist past, therefore, has not been
completely overcome, but the development of
Ukrainian music culture is undeniable. The
victories of Ukrainian artists at the Eurovision
Song Contests in 2003, 2014, and 2022
accelerated this evolution.
Russia's military aggression against Ukraine has
also affected the music market. First, at the
legislative level, the use of compositions by
Russian artists is prohibited, while Ukrainian
singers are allowed to use Russian to produce a
local product (Kuzio, 2021). This eliminated a
powerful competitor in the “shadow”, that is, in
the deep “underground”. Obviously, this
development will continue, and the Ukrainian
music product will gradually become the leader,
while the previously privileged Russian one will
disappear or be reduced to a minimum. The
patriotic wave, caused by admiration for
everything Ukrainian and rejection of the
aggressor's culture, will probably continue. This
will lead to the emergence of new names and
bands in the performing music culture of
Ukraine. The experience of The Kalush
Orchestra, the winners of Eurovision 2022,
indicates the beginning of this trend. The war has
led to the emergence of new songs from already
well-known Ukrainian artists dedicated to the
heroic resistance of the people (Sonevytsky,
2019). As a result, experts estimate that the top
20 videos of the Ukrainian segment of YouTube
include at least 8 Ukrainian-language songs.
The popularity of Ukrainian song and music
content is confirmed by the success of charity
performances abroad. Such activities not only
bring real and immediate help but also in the long
run serve to popularize the Ukrainian song
product among foreigners (Ostashewski, 2021).
The interest of Europeans, Aryans, and
Americans in participating in charity concerts,
we note, will lead to the development of a new
direction of musical activity for Ukraine
crowdfunding. The search for benefactors
interested in the work of a particular band will
become a reliable source of income for the
industry in the future. Perhaps, well-known
digital platforms such as Patreon, ForFans, and
others will also be used for this purpose. Remote
support for Ukrainian music will also grow, if
only for the reason that many Ukrainians are
abroad, so they will not be able to return home in
the near future.
A difficult question is to look at the most popular
and mass genres. Undoubtedly, they will be rock
and pop, which were the flagships of the
Ukrainian media market before. At the same
time, it should be noted that under the influence
of Russia since the early 2010s rap music
gradually began to gain popularity in Ukraine.
First of all, it was about representatives of the
Russian direction, but today other performers are
gradually taking the lead. Obviously, the
progress of this music will only continue to
develop, and Ukrainians will listen to rap artists
more and more, perhaps even Ukrainian-
speaking ones. Academic art, in turn,
demonstrates openness and tendencies of
convergence and synthesis with popular and
media trends, while preserving the traditions of
the national performing school.
Thus, analyzing the trends of mass music culture,
we characterized the features and trends of this
segment of culture. It should be emphasized that
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
modern information technologies and new
models of communication influence the
formation of closer relations between authors and
their listeners. Having interactive media at their
disposal, the listener begins to influence the
music industry. With the help of media directly
the listener as a future consumer is involved in
the creative process of forming future “stars” and
hits. In particular, this can be done by voting
online or by SMS. Quite a striking example of
this is the Internet and SMS voting that takes
place at the main international music contest
“Eurovision”. Obviously, these things influence
the development of modern music art. In
addition, the main trends of contemporary music
are genre differentiation of music, the use of
ethnic and neo-ethnic instruments, the synthesis
of cultural traditions, music crowdfunding, and
“musical nostalgia”. However, changes are also
noticeable in the field of academic music. In
particular, the appeal to the traditions of
Ukrainian classical music, new arrangements of
Ukrainian folk songs, holding of characteristic
music festivals popularizes Ukrainian song and
culture in general. At the same time, Ukrainian
academic art has become closer to the audience:
with the help of modern projects, the public is
getting acquainted with the classical
achievements of choral and instrumental art.
To sum up, the development of Ukrainian music
underwent a gradual evolution until Russian
aggression began in 2022. After the fall of the
Soviet Union, Ukrainian-language music was not
in favor, but after 2014 and especially after
February 24, 2022, it became a mainstream trend.
Among the modern varieties of mass music in
Ukraine, the most common are pop, rock, rap,
etc. The new opportunities that the Internet has
opened for performers also have many hidden
dangers. First of all, it is about piracy, which
significantly reduces profits from the sale of their
own works. At the same time, thanks to
multimedia and high-speed Internet, the
exchange of musical novelties has become more
operative, there has been certain globalization of
the music market. In particular, Ukrainian music
has long been characterized by the same trends as
in the West: song plots, rhythms, popular styles
of music, etc. It should be noted that after the
beginning of Russia's military aggression, the
demand for Ukrainian music has increased. On
the one hand, Russian product was banned, but at
the same time, Ukrainian music proved to be
quite competitive against Western music.
Therefore, if similar trends continue, Ukraine
will continue to see the emergence of new
talented bands.
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