www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.2
How to Cite:
Radul, V., Stryzhakov, A., Hornar, I., Radul, O., & Tkachenko, O. (2022). Research of future masters of pedagogy’s socio-
professional activity. Amazonia Investiga, 11(56), 18-27. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.2
Research of future masters of pedagogy’s socio-professional activity
Дослідження соціально-професійної активності майбутніх магістрів педагогіки
Received: July 25, 2022 Accepted: August 27, 2022
Written by:
Valerij Radul2
Artem Stryzhakov3
Irina Hornar4
Olga Radul5
Olga Tkachenko6
The purpose was to conduct an empirical study
of the content parameters of future masters of
pedagogy’s socio-professional activity. Valid
psychodiagnostic methods, purposeful
observation, and statistical data processing
methods were used to display relevant content
parameters of socio-professional activity. With
the clarification of reliable correlations, an
ascertaining strategy was developed. It was
revealed that respondents’ general activity (GA)
had reliable connections with all parameters of
motivation: internal (rs=.208; p<.01), external
negative (rs=.099; p<.05), and external positive
(rs=.128; p<.05), as opposed to creative activity
(CA), which was only reliably associated with
internal motivation (rs=.198; p<.01). It was
discovered that creative activity had the most
reliable correlations with the individual’s self-
regulation parameters four in total: modeling
(rs=.088; p<.05), programming (rs=.112; p<.05),
flexibility (rs=.228; p<.01) and independence
(rs=.245; p<.01). It has been established that
creative activity is essential in the development
of the social and professional activity. It is
concluded that it is preferential to operationalize
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Researcher of the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Laureate of the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State
Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Radul, V., Stryzhakov, A., Hornar, I., Radul, O., & Tkachenko, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 56: 18-27 / August, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
received scientific facts into educational and
professional training and professional
development of future masters of pedagogy.
Key words: social maturity, personal growth,
personality development, personality formation,
educational process, educational and
professional training.
Modern student youth aspires to achieve rapid
success in personal and professional
development and formation. High-speed
communication technologies and a wide range of
modern applications have an impact on the
formation of ideas and the demand for quick
success. These technologies and means can
instantly transport an individual to any part of the
world, immersing them in multiple media spaces
simultaneously, overcoming thousands of
kilometers of distance, and eradicating
communication and cultural barriers. The new
socio-psychological reality, dictated by the rapid
pace of technological progress, and
socioeconomic and political transformations in
society, has a significant impact on future
specialists’ socio-professional activity. The
educational and professional training of future
teachers necessitates the development of modern
competencies with an anticipatory character that
will contribute to the integration of Ukrainian
higher education institutions into European and
global educational and scientific spaces.
Implementation in global dimensions
necessitates the growth of social and professional
activity, flexibility, tolerance, and the creation of
a safe educational environment. The
development of future masters of pedagogy’s
social and professional activity combines social
and psychological objectification, appropriate
behavior, constructive relationships with the
environment, and an active social and
psychological position.
Hypothesis. The study of future masters of
pedagogy’s socio-professional activity will allow
significant scientific facts to be discovered that
should be operationalized in their educational
and professional training and professional
The purpose was to conduct an empirical
assessment of the content parameters of future
masters of pedagogy’s socio-professional
Literature Review
The study of the phenomenon of activity entails
the disclosure of the individual’s internal driving
forces, the need-motivation sphere. At the same
time, activity is a way for an individual to model,
structure, and implement operation,
communication, and behavior. A person
autonomously acquires the qualities of such a
system through these functions, allowing oneself
to function successfully in the interpersonal
space. The interpretation of V. Radul (2011a)
that it is advisable to focus on the social and
professional activity as a component of the social
maturity of the personality of the future specialist
is of interest in the context of our study.
It has been studied that the individual uniqueness
of a person’s voluntary activity during his
interaction with the environment is indicated and
studied through the concept of individual style of
the most diverse forms of mental activity and
operation (Adler, 1956). The activity of the
student’s and teacher’s personalities can be
traced in the unity of the reproduction of external
and internal societal trends. On the one hand, the
future teacher’s social activity is the level of
their personality development; on the other, it is
a hierarchy of types of operations that, at
successively changing stages of personality
development, become leading in relation to the
successful resolution of teaching and upbringing
tasks (Radul, 2011a).
The main goal of any humane society is the
creative disclosure of human potential, for which
a person is able to creatively reveal oneself,
express oneself, and assert oneself, but not
selfishly, for oneself, but through socially
significant activities (Merlin, 2009). Socially
significant activities shape the contours and
determine the subject’s place and role at all
stages of the professional educational process. At
the same time, the content and parameters of
educational and social spaces are determined by
the subject’s operation. Increasing future masters
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of pedagogy’s socio-professional activity is a
self-creation process.
Personification, innovation, and a democratic
system are dominant in modern society. Society
is able to reproduce itself for the future, the
universal prevails over the local, and there is an
orientation towards instrumental values. A
modernizing society’s emphasis on innovation is
an important systemic component (Radul, 2011b;
Tsiuniak et al., 2020).
According to B. Novikov (1998), activity, unlike
processes of operation, forms moments of
the progressive movement of the operation itself
its formation, development, and change. The
main point, in his opinion, is that the actual
activity is determined by the operation, that is, it
is the activity of the operation. The activity
contains the energy of its carrier. The activity of
the future teacher’s personality reflects societal
external and internal trends. The teacher
demonstrates a valuable method of modeling the
content of socially significant operations,
communication, and behavior, through which the
individual gains the ability to exist independently
as a system in the interpersonal space. This
causes, during the process of social activity
formation, an active search, creation, and
transformation of conditions for satisfying
socially significant needs in accordance with the
individual’s position, values, and requirements
(Novikov, 1998). As a result, social activity is a
personal way of comparing oneself to others,
defining one’s position, and building a growing
professional and educational space.
According to E. Zeer (2011), the developing
professional and educational space is
characterized by the following conditions:
1) Coordination, interaction, and mutual
development of coordinate vectors provide
stability, balance, and resilience to the
educational space and its processes. Innovative
transformations ensure evolutionary
development; 2) disintegration and unbalancing
of educational space components disrupt its
determination, stability, and balance, resulting in
strong fluctuations and the formation of moments
of instability, as well as the emergence of
bifurcation points. The destruction of stability
results in the formation of open educational space
and critical development points.; 3) the selective
functioning of the open space in the mode of
interaction of its components is determined by
the self-organization and spontaneous search for
mutual coordination of all components of the
vector coordinates of the educational space. A
dynamic equilibrium state is established. The
process of development takes on an evolutionary
character. The normative provisions of the
documents that regulate the functioning of the
components of the educational space in the mode
of mutual coordination provide the space with
stability (Zeer, 2011). We conclude that
permanent societal changes disrupt the
evolutionary development of the educational
space. At the same time, future pedagogical
masters must have developed competencies that
will ensure social and professional activity in
today’s changing conditions.
The retrospective analysis confirmed the rich
theoretical and empirical scientific heritage on
activity problems, which has its origins in
philosophy and is comprehensively represented
by all humanitarian and socioeconomic sciences.
Social and professional activity are important
skills for future pedagogy masters. This
competence is an integrated formation that
combined in the course of educational and
professional training the parameters of the
respondent’s general and creative activity, self-
regulatory readiness, and parameters of the need-
motivation sphere.
Materials and methods
Methodology. Individual social maturity is a key
concept in the development of socio-professional
activity research methodology (Radul, 2011b).
The modern concept of student youth social
activity (Stupak, 2021) and self-regulation
readiness (Hulias, 2020; Hulias & Hoian, 2022;
Popovych et al., 2020a; 2020b) is taken into
account. A number of empirical works in the
contexts of educational and professional
formation, as well as personality development,
were studied in order to develop an ascertaining
research strategy. The research studies are
combined in the accompanying directions:
1) structural components of an individual’s self-
regulation readiness (Halian, 2019; Popovych et
al., 2021c); 2) individual activity (Halian et al.,
2020a; Plokhikh, 2021; Plokhikh et al., 2021);
3) personal mobility (Blynova et al., 2020d);
4) professional and educational space
construction (Blynova et al., 2020c; Hudimova,
2021); 5) management system (Nosov et al.,
2020a; 2020b; 2021; Zinchenko et al., 2020);
6) educational and professional training (Halian,
et al., 2020b; Popovych et al., 2021a; Radul et al.,
2022; Shevchenko et al., 2020a; 2020b;
Zaverukha et al., 2022). The studies under
consideration are either directly or indirectly
related to our research strategy for the
respondents’ socio-professional activity.
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Participants. The study included second-year
master’s students from Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State
Pedagogical University (Kropyvnytskyi,
Ukraine). Six different groups of both full-time
and part-time master’s students participated in
the survey (n=104). Among them, there were n =
34 males (32.69%) and n=70 females (67.31%).
The sample’s average age was 21.67 years
Organization of Research. The empirical section
was planned and carried out between September
and October 2021, i.e. during the first semester
of the 2021-2022 academic year. In advance,
standardized questionnaire forms, targeted
observation protocols, and biographical data
questionnaires were created. The survey was
conducted anonymously in accordance with
scientific research ethics. To conduct the
research, permission was obtained from the
faculty administration and the university’s
ethical committee.
Procedures and instruments. The questionnaire
“Motivational structure of the personality”
(“MSP”) was used to determine the levels of
parameters of general and creative activity
(Milman, 1990). In addition to general (GA) and
creative activity (CA) parameters, the method
allows determining the following: level of life
support (LLS), desire to communicate (DC),
level of comfort (LC), and social usefulness
(SU). At the second stage of the application of
the “MSP”, profiles of future masters of
pedagogy were built based on the results of these
scales. Motivational and emotional profiles
reveal information about the studied
phenomenon. The α-Cronbach, parameter was
established, which met the requirements for this
kind of research and was set at .834.
The questionnaire “Style of self-regulation of
behavior” (“SSRB”) was used in the study of
future masters’ social and professional activity to
establish the parameters of self-regulatory
readiness (Morosanova, 1991). The
questionnaire was developed for scientific
research to diagnose various aspects of
individual self-regulation. The questionnaire
includes one integrated scale as well as six major
ones. The integrated scale is the general level of
self-regulation (GLSR), which characterizes a
person’s voluntary activity level of self-
regulation. Six major scales reflect the major
regulatory processes: planning (PL), modeling
(MD), programming (PG), and
results’ evaluation (RE), as well as the regulatory
and personal properties of flexibility (FX) and
independence (ID). Respondents marked the
standard form of the questionnaire by selecting
one of three possible answers. The α-Cronbach
parameter was established and was at the level of
.867, which met the requirements for this kind of
The research’s ascertaining strategy involved
determining the respondents motivational
structure, which was accomplished using the
questionnaire “Motivation of professional work”
(MPW) (Rean et al., 2006). The
psychodiagnostic method “MPW” (Rean et al.,
2006) has been tested and recommended for
professional and pedagogical occupation
research. There are three scales in the
methodology: internal motivation (IM), external
positive motivation (EPM), and external negative
motivation (ENM). The development of internal
motivation is critical. External positive motives
are also more effective than external negative
motives in educational and professional
occupations. The α-Cronbach parameter was
established, which met the requirements for this
type of research and was at the level of .907.
Statistical Analysis. “SPSS” v. 23.0 was used to
carry out the empirical research strategy. For
graphic visualization, the graphic editor “MS
Office Word 2007” was used. Basic descriptive
characteristics were used to present empirical
data. To establish reliable relationships,
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (rs) was used.
Correlations with р≤.05 were considered reliable.
Results and discussion
Table 1 presents the empirical results of three
questionnaires: “Motivational structure of the
personality” (Milman, 1990), “Style of self-
regulation of behavior” (Morosanova, 1991), and
“Motivation of professional work” (Rean et al.,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Empirical results based on research questionnaires (n=104)
Arithmetic Mean (M)
Deviation (SD)
General Activity (GA)
Creative Activity (CA)
Level of Life Support (LLS)
Desire to Communicate (DC)
Level of Comfort (LC)
Social Usefulness (SU)
General Level of Self-Regulation (GLSR)
Planning (PL)
Modeling (MD)
Programming (PG)
Results Evaluation (RE)
Flexibility (FX)
Independence (ID)
Internal Motivation (IM)
External Positive Motivation (EPM)
External Negative Motivation (ENM)
Source: Personal elaboration, September/October, 2021.
According to research methods, the key
parameters (M and SD) of the descriptive
frequency characteristics were within the limits
of the authors’ proposed norm (Milman, 1990;
Morosanova, 1991; Rean et al., 2006). The
obtained empirical data showed no significant
differences from the findings of previous studies
on educational and professional activities
(Tsiuniak et al., 2020).
Correlations were established between the
general (GA) and creative activity (CA)
components of the “MSP” (Milman, 1990) and
the main parameters of the “SSRB”
(Morosanova, 1991) and “MPW” (Rean et al.,
2006) methods (Table 2).
Table 2.
Correlation matrix of general and creative activity connections with applied method parameters
Planning (PL)
Modeling (MD)
Programming (PG)
Results Evaluation (RE)
Flexibility (FX)
Independence (ID)
Internal Motivation (IM)
External Positive Motivation (EPM)
External Negative Motivation (ENM)
Source: Personal elaboration, September/October, 2021.
Note: GА general activity; CА creative activity; rs correlation by the Spearman method; R ranking
of correlations; * р<.05; ** р<.01.
The correlation galaxy of general activity (GA)
and creative activity (CA) with the studied
parameters are shown in Fig. 1, using the ranking
(R) of correlations from strongest to least
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Correlative galaxy of general and creative activity by ranks
Source: Personal elaboration, September/October, 2021.
Note: positive connections with p.05; positive connections with p≤.01; IМ Internal
Motivation; ID Independence; EPМ External Positive Motivation; ENM External Negative
Motivation; PL Planning; RE Results’ Evaluation; FX Flexibility; PG Programming; МD
The created correlation matrix (see Tabl. 2) and
correlation galaxy (see Fig. 1) revealed that
respondents’ general activity (GA) had reliable
connections with all motivational parameters: IМ
(rs=.208; p<.01), ENM (rs=.099; p<.05) and EPM
(rs=.128; p<.05), in contrast to creative activity
(CА), which had reliable connections only with
IМ (rs=.198; p<.01). It was established that GA
had three statistically significant correlations
with self-regulation parameters: ID (rs=.156;
p<.05), PL (rs=.091; p<.05) and RE (rs=.086;
p<.05). At the same time, CA was superior in
terms of both the quantity and quality of
statistically significant correlations with self-
regulation parameters, which total four: MD
(rs=.088; p<.05), PG (rs=.112; p<.05), FX
(rs=.228; p<.01) and ID (rs=.245; p<.01). We
realized that CA is critical in the formation of
social and professional activity. Internal
motivation is provided as a mental resource to
CA, and it has a decisive influence on the
formation of the future master’s self-regulatory
readiness. What was notable was the lack of
significant correlations between CA and ENM
(p.05) and EPM (p.05). It was also crucial that
IM had the strongest correlation with GA. The
clarified correlations corrected understanding of
the perspective of building a formative
experiment of the researcher’s social and
professional activity. Focusing on the unity of
general and creative activity with the established
interconnections of motivation structure and self-
regulation parameters clarified the study of this
complex socio-psychological phenomenon.
The development of motivational and emotional
profiles of respondents in accordance with the
“MSP” was an important stage in the study of
future masters socio-professional activity
(Milman, 1990). The method of developing a
motivational profile’s based on the sum of points
on motivation scales. There are five types of
motivational profiles: progressive (PT),
regressive (RT), impulsive (IT), expressive (ET),
and flattened (FT). Figure 2 illustrates two types
of motivational profiles.
Figure 2. Types of the motivational profile of the subjects (n=104)
Source: Personal elaboration, September/October, 2021.
Note: PT Progressive Type; RТ Regressive Type; ІТ Impulsive Type; ЕТ Expressive Type; FТ
Flattened Type.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
As the respondents showed average and above
average values on the parameters affecting the
motivational profile, it was expected that PT
would have the highest representation (n=33;
31.73%). All other types were distributed fairly
evenly, ranging from 14.42% to 19.23%. We
believe that the presence of relatively high RT
values (n=17; 16.35%) represented a hidden
resource that should be converted into PT
through a qualitatively constructed educational
process. It is worth noting that FT had the lowest
value (n=15; 14.42%). This suggests that these
respondents’ motivational needs were not clearly
The next step was to empirically determine the
number of choices made by respondents and to
create an emotional profile of the subjects. The
emotional profile was divided into four
categories: sthenic (ST), asthenic (AST), mixed
sthenic (MST), and mixed asthenic (MAST).
Figure 3 illustrates the types of emotional
Figure 3. Types of the emotional profile of the subjects (n=104)
Source: Personal elaboration, September/October, 2021.
Note: ST Sthenic Type; AST Asthenic Type; MSТ Mixed Sthenic Type; MAST Mixed Asthenic
ST was discovered to be dominant (n=43;
41.35%). We conclude that the development of
parameters affecting future masters of
pedagogy’s emotional intelligence determined
the structure and provided the dominant
indicators of ST. The sthenic type of future
masters was a reflection of active actions and
objective emotional experiences of educational
process subjects. The empirical data we obtained
were supported by A. Halian’s study (2021).
Respondents with a dominant ST were motivated
to solve problems constructively, and they were
mobile and manageable in conflict situations.
Due to the developed parameters of self-
regulatory readiness for the likely course of
events, such respondents did not lose their
temper, were well versed in the expectations of
the educational process subjects, and
predicted the likely scenario of event
development (Popovych et al., 2021b). The
MAST data (n=11; 10.58%) were the lowest. The
“MSP” method’s creator (Milman, 1990)
established that PT of the motivational profile
has a consistently positive relationship with the
ST of the emotional profile. We did not
investigate this correlation, but we did note that
the overlap of these profiles among respondents
indicated a mature active position,
progressiveness of views, and the formation of
socio-professional activity in the latter, as a sign
of social maturity. (Radul, 2011a).
In the context of our research findings, there was
a discussion about how programming, modeling,
and generally designing one’s future affect social
maturity, mobility, and socio-professional
activity (Blynova et al., 2020a; 2020b), as well as
the desire for digitalization and the
implementation of cutting-edge technologies
(Kulish et al., 2020). According to empirical
results, the development of programming and
modeling as key parameters of self-regulatory
readiness of the subject of the educational
process affected the effectiveness of pedagogical
technologies (Tsiuniak et al., 2020) and the
formation of key competencies (Kazibekova,
We noted that the revealed high indicators of the
“SSRB” (Morosanova, 1991) on the PL scale
Volume 11 - Issue 56
/ August 2022
https://www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(M= 5.76; SD=±1.97) and the MD scale (M=
6.34; SD±2.76) were evidence of individually
formed features of promotion and retention of
activity goals, as well as the formation of
conscious activity planning. Such respondents
always plan, and their plans are realistic,
detailed, and stable, with tasks that are as
operationalized as possible for today’s realities.
They have a strong desire to achieve the goal in
the present and in the future. It is recommended
that the obtained scientific facts be used in the
development of a formative experiment of future
teachers’ socio-professional activity,
emphasizing important correlations and clarified
scientific facts.
1. Retrospective analysis confirmed that socio-
professional activity is an important
competence for future pedagogy masters. It
is established that socio-professional
activity is an integrated entity that combines
respondents’ general and creative activity,
self-regulatory readiness, and need-
motivation parameters in the direction of
educational and professional training.
2. An empirical research ascertaining strategy
has been developed. It was discovered that
respondents’ general activity had reliable
connections with all parameters of
motivation: internal (rs=.208; p<.01),
external negative (rs=.099; p<.05), and
external positive (rs=.128; p<.05), however,
creative activity was only reliably connected
with internal motivation (rs=.198; p<.01).
We explain this by pointing out that in the
formation of social and professional activity,
creative and problem-solving technologies
rely solely on internal motivation.
3. It has been established that creative activity
had four reliable correlations with key
personality self-regulation parameters:
modeling (rs=.088; p<.05), programming
(rs=.112; p<.05), flexibility (rs=.228; p<.01),
and independence (rs=.245; p<.01). It was
determined that creative activity is critical in
the formation of socio-professional activity
as a component of the social maturity of the
future specialist’s personality.
4. The purpose has been met, and the
hypothesis has been proven. It is concluded
that it is recommendable to operationalize
received scientific facts into educational and
professional training and professional
development of future masters of pedagogy.
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