Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.31
How to Cite:
Khramova, L., Lobanova, O., Shmulskaya, L., Firer, A., & Efits, O. (2022). Analysis of conceptual approaches to the definition of
the concept of "functional literacy". Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 297-305. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.31
Analysis of conceptual approaches to the definition of the concept of
"functional literacy"
Анализ концептуальных подходов к определению понятия "функциональная
Received: May 2, 2022 Accepted: August 21, 2022
Written by:
Ludmila Khramova134
Olga Lobanova135
Larisa Shmulskaya136
Anna Firer137
Olga Efits138
The relevance of the article is due to the attention
paid by the pedagogical community to the
category of "functional literacy", the ambiguity
of its interpretation in scientific research, the
requirement to respond to the changing demand
of society for the quality of education. Moreover,
the results of a survey of practicing teachers
indicate some difficulty in understanding
functional literacy. The purpose of the study is to
analyze conceptual approaches to defining the
concept of "functional literacy" and develop a
generalized model of the structural elements of
functional literacy. To achieve this goal, a
combination of general scientific methods was
used: a descriptive method, including methods of
comparison, interpretation and generalization;
synchronous theoretical analysis of conceptual
approaches to the definition of the concept of
"functional literacy" and its components;
questioning; pedagogical forecasting; modeling.
As a result of the study, conceptual approaches
to the definition of the concept of "functional
literacy" were analyzed, the definition of the
concept of "functional literacy" and its
components mathematical literacy, natural
PhD in Economics, Director, Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute branch of Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsk, Russia.
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute branch of Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsk,
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute branch of Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsk,
PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer, Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute branch of Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsk, Russia.
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, Lesosibirskij Pedagogical Institute branch of Siberian Federal University, Russia.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
science literacy, reading literacy, financial
literacy was given. In the conclusions, the
authors note that the analysis of conceptual
approaches to the definition of the concept of
"functional literacy" and its components
contributes to the improvement of the ways and
mechanisms for the formation of functional
literacy of students.
Keywords: functional literacy, mathematical
literacy, reading literacy, financial literacy,
natural science literacy.
Functional literacy in education is becoming one
of the main topics for discussion at all levels:
from government agencies in the field of
education to educational institutions.
(Häggström and Schmidt, 2021). The modern
world has become much more complex, the
visual-digital world has replaced the analogue-
textological surrounding world, which requires
the expansion and reinterpretation of the concept
of "functional literacy" (Mangnus et al., 2021).
Since functional literacy is understood as the
ability of a person to use the knowledge acquired
during life to solve a wide range of life tasks in
various fields of human activity, communication
and social relations, its development in
schoolchildren is necessary for the development
of society as a whole. An insufficiently
developed level of functional literacy among
adolescents prevents their adaptation and
socialization in society (Yates, 1995).
The purpose of this study is to describe the
approaches of Russian and foreign researchers to
the definition of "functional literacy" and its
components. This goal predetermines the
solution of the following tasks:
to analyze and generalize the approaches to
the definition of the concept of "functional
literacy" in scientific research;
to ascertain the ideas of educational
practitioners about functional literacy
through a survey;
to develop a generalized model of the
structural elements of functional literacy.
The research hypothesis is a generalized model
of the structural elements of functional literacy,
developed on the basis of an analysis of the
conceptual approaches of Russian and foreign
researchers of the problem under consideration,
will reveal the problems of the formation of
individual components of functional literacy in a
unified approach to reading literacy,
mathematical literacy, natural science literacy,
financial literacy.
Literature Review
Due attention is paid nowadays to the formation
of students' functional literacy in Russia: regular
government events are held, road maps have
been developed for methodological support of
teachers on the formation of functional literacy in
students, grants are allocated for the
implementation of measures to improve the
functional literacy of students, etc. (Zuckerman
et al., 2013). Researchers note a change in
society's demand for the quality of general
education in Russia. This is due to objective
information about the quality of general
education in the Russian Federation in
comparison with international standards (Basyuk
& Kovaleva, 2019).
The concept of "functional literacy" first
appeared in the works of Russian scientists in the
early 2000s. For example, Leontiev (2016)
characterized this concept as follows: “A
functionally competent person is a person who is
able to use all knowledge, skills and abilities that
are constantly acquired throughout life to solve
the widest possible range of life tasks in various
Khramova, L., Lobanova, O., Shmulskaya, L., Firer, A., Efits, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 55: 297-305 / July, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
spheres of human activity, communication and
social relations". Leontiev (2016) notes that a
person with a high level of functional literacy is
able to use the acquired knowledge, skills and
abilities to solve various life problems, problems
in social, scientific activities, in communication.
Functional literacy is the ability to adapt as
quickly as possible in the external environment
and to function actively in it.
Azimov & Shchukin (2009) define functional
literacy as "the ability of a person to enter into a
relationship with the external environment and
adapt and function in it as quickly as possible."
Functional literacy should be distinguished from
common literacy, which presupposes a person's
possession of such skills as reading, writing,
listening, and solving arithmetic actions of
different levels. Functional literacy is a higher
level of skills and abilities that contribute to the
successful, productive solution of social,
professional tasks (Azimov & Shchukin, 2009).
Vinogradova et al., (2018) defines functional
literacy as a basic education of a person, which
allows its systematic practical use. The definition
of functional literacy in the PISA (Program for
International Student Assessment) study is
associated with the skills and knowledge
required by fifteen-year-olds to function fully in
modern society. Thus, functional literacy
according to PISA is a set of defined
competencies, where competence refers to the
ability of students to apply knowledge and skills
acquired in school in life situations (OECD,
In some works, the concept of functional literacy
is used in terms of "information literacy" in
vocational training. Thus, Koler-Povh & Turk
(2020) note that the systematic training of
engineering students in Slovenia in compulsory
information literacy programs objectively
increased their competence in publishing.
Similar results in medical students at the
University of Texas in the formation of
professional competencies were noted by Waltz
et al., (2020).
A combination of general scientific methods: a
descriptive method, including methods of
comparison, interpretation and generalization;
synchronous theoretical analysis of conceptual
approaches to the definition of the concept of
"functional literacy" and its components;
pedagogical forecasting; modeling was used to
achieve this goal.
The methodological basis of the research is the
modern philosophy and methodology of
pedagogical science. Within the framework of
the study, the epistemological principles are of
particular importance: the relationship between
theory and practice in the process of scientific
cognition, the principle of consistency, the
dialectical unity of the general and the particular
in pedagogical phenomena.
Results and Discussion
To understand functional literacy, the authors
will consider its components, namely: reading,
mathematical, natural science, financial literacy.
Reading literacy can be considered the
foundation of literacy in general and functional
literacy in particular. The concept of "reading
literacy" appeared in Russian pedagogy
relatively recently. This term has become
widespread due to a number of international
diagnostics, in which Russia has participated
since the end of the 20th century. The original
definition of reading literacy was developed for
the first PISA study in 1998-2001 based on the
consensus of a group of experts from countries-
participants in the PISA-2000 test (OECD,
2019). This definition was based in part on the
International Reading Literacy Survey and the
International Adult Literacy Survey. The
definition of reading literacy used in the PISA-
2000 test has developed under the influence of
modern reading theories based on the idea of the
active nature of reading, models of text
comprehension and theories of solving reading
problems. In accordance with these ideas, the
linguistic person understands the text due to
some "previous" background knowledge, which
makes it possible to perceive and interpret the
text depending on the socio-cultural
characteristics of the reading context and the
reader himself. The reader needs to apply
different strategies and skills to make sense of the
text, which depend on the goals of the reading
and the type of text (Walgermo et al., 2018).
PISA defines reading literacy as the ability of a
person to understand and use written texts, reflect
on them and engage in reading in order to achieve
their goals, expand their knowledge and
capabilities, and participate in social life
(Zuckerman, 2010). This definition gives
grounds to assert that the concepts of "reading
literacy" and "reading" are synonymous only in
part. Reading in Russian pedagogy is considered
as "the process of transcoding a graphically fixed
text into sound speech, its understanding" (L'vov,
1997). Reading results in comprehension and
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comprehension of written texts. The concept of
"reading literacy" implies an active, purposeful
and constructive use of reading in different
situations and for different purposes. The reader
brings into the act of reading his cognitive
abilities (attention, memory, ability to critical
analysis, logical thinking, visualization);
motivation (purpose of reading, interest in
content, self-assessment of reading efficiency);
knowledge (lexical and thematic knowledge,
linguistic and discursive knowledge, knowledge
of understanding strategies) and experience.
The Progress in International Reading Literacy
Study (PIRLS) considers reading literacy as “the
ability to understand and use written language in
all its variety of forms for purposes required by
society and / or valuable to the individual.
Readers construct their own meanings based on a
variety of texts. They read to learn, to participate
in school and out-of-school reading
communities, and for fun” (Mullis & Martin,
2015). The presented definition also indicates the
metacognitive competence of a linguistic
personality with a high level of reading literacy,
namely: involuntary intellectual control of
information processing processes; knowledge of
the stages of metacognitive actions; reflection of
cognitive processes; justification of the chosen
methods, techniques and methods of teaching;
inclusion of this product in the overall picture of
the world and oneself.
In modern Russian teaching practice, the most
popular and generally accepted definition was
proposed by Vinogradova et al., (2018): reading
literacy is the need for reading activity for the
purpose of successful socialization, further
education, and self-development; readiness for
semantic reading and perception of written texts,
analysis, assessment, interpretation and
generalization of the information presented in
them; the ability to extract the necessary
information to transform it in accordance with
the educational task; navigate with the help of
various textual information in life situations. The
presented definition, in our opinion, reflects the
key points of reading literacy and indicates such
important aspects as motivational (the need for
reading activity), cognitive (perception of written
texts, analysis, evaluation, interpretation and
generalization of the information presented in
them) and pragmatic (textual information makes
it possible to solve specific problems in certain
life situations).
The above definitions help to single out and
characterize the main structural elements of
reading literacy.
1. Situation. This nomination is understood as
life circumstances that presuppose the
solution of a problem or the achievement of
a particular goal based on the text.
Conventionally, four types of situations can
be distinguished: personal, educational,
public, business. Each type of situation
presupposes its own set of texts: personal
situations biography, letter, live journals,
blogs, etc.; educational textbook, manual,
article and other scientific and educational
literature; public situations official
documents, forums, news websites, etc.;
business situations announcement,
instruction, laws, decrees, orders.
2. The text with the help of which a problem is
solved or a certain goal is achieved.
Depending on the format of information
presentation, the texts can be continuous
(information is presented exclusively in a
verbal way); discontinuous (information is
presented in a non-verbal way in the form of
tables, diagrams, figures, etc.); mixed
(inside one text information is located both
in solid and non-continuous formats).
3. Reading skills. The indicated structural
component presupposes the readiness of the
subject to most effectively perform actions
in accordance with the goals and conditions
in which one has to act, namely: to find
information in the text; integrate and
interpret it; evaluate the content and form of
the text. Moreover, reading skills provide for
mastering different strategies for reading
texts: strategies for pretext activity, strategy
for textual activity, strategy for post-textual
Mathematical literacy is also an important
component of functional literacy. It should be
noted that at present the concept of
"mathematical literacy" is not well-established in
both domestic and foreign scientific literature.
This term was one of the first to be mentioned in
the United States back in 1944, when the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(NCTM) commission announced in its post-war
plans that the school should ensure the formation
of mathematical literacy for all students.
However, the definition of this concept was not
given. The 1989 NCTM standards set out five
general goals to help students achieve math
literacy: "1) to learn to appreciate math; 2) to gain
confidence in their ability to master mathematics;
3) to be able to solve mathematical problems; 4)
to master mathematical speech; 5) to learn to
reason mathematically" (Crosswhite et al., 1989).
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The first attempt to provide a clear definition was
made in the original PISA program in 1999
(OECD, 1999), which was subsequently revised
and supplemented several times for subsequent
PISA cycles. Currently, most researchers, both
Russian and foreign, use the following definition:
“mathematical literacy is the ability of an
individual to reason mathematically, formulate,
apply, interpret mathematics to solve problems in
various contexts of the real world” (OECD,
2018). The context can be personal, professional,
scientific or public spheres of a person's life.
In the scientific and methodological literature,
many related concepts can be found:
"quantitative literacy", "statistical literacy",
"logical literacy", "critical mathematical
literacy". For example, Nikolskaya (1978)
defines the concept of logical literacy as an
indicator of the assimilation of a complex of
logical knowledge, abilities, skills to be mastered
by the graduate of a secondary school.
Kovaleva (2005) defines the concept of
mathematical literacy as "the ability of a person
to determine the role of mathematics in the world
in which he or she lives, to express well-founded
mathematical judgments and to use mathematics
in such a way as to satisfy the present and future
needs of a creative, interested and thinking
A number of Russian researchers consider the
mathematical literacy of students in the context
of the formation of their functional literacy.
Thus, Valeev (2020) characterizes a functionally
competent student in terms of mathematical
competence as capable of performing the chain
of actions indicated in the model of mathematical
literacy of the PISA study: "to recognize the
problems of the surrounding reality, formulate
them in the language of mathematics, solve them
using mathematical methods, analyze the
methods used, interpret the results obtained
taking into account the problem posed and
formulate the results of the solution." Thus, the
concept of "functional mathematical literacy" is
introduced in order to emphasize the inclusion of
mathematical literacy in the process of forming a
functional one.
In addition, the problem of the relationship
between the concepts of "mathematical
competence" and "mathematical literacy" is
widely discussed in the scientific literature.
According to Denischeva & Krasnyanskaya
(2017), functional mathematical literacy implies
the formation of students' mathematical
competence through a specially designed system
of tasks, divided into three groups. The first
group includes tasks that require the reproduction
of mathematical facts and methods, and the
performance of calculations for their solution.
The second group includes tasks aimed at
establishing connections and integrating material
from different areas of mathematics. The tasks of
the third group require the isolation of the
problem in life situations, solved with the help of
mathematics with the further creation of a
solution model. Based on this research, Valeev
(2020) proposes a three-level model of the
mathematical competence of schoolchildren, on
the basis of which he classifies the tasks from the
PISA mathematical literacy study according to
the corresponding levels.
In the understanding of Jablonka & Niss (2014),
"mathematical literacy", "quantitative literacy"
and "numeracy" focus on mathematics as a tool
for solving non-mathematical problems, while
the concepts of mathematical competence (and
competencies) and mathematical proficiency
focus on the fact that means mastering
mathematics in general, including the ability to
solve both mathematical and non-mathematical
In all the listed approaches to the definition of the
concept of "mathematical literacy", common
features can be distinguished. Thus, all
researchers emphasize its activity-oriented and
integrative nature. There is also agreement that
mathematically literate citizens should not be
experts in mathematics and that mathematical
literacy is based on knowledge that should be
available to everyone.
In PISA (OECD, 2018; OECD, 2019), natural
science literacy as a component of general
functional literacy represents a person's ability to
take active citizenship on issues related to natural
sciences and their willingness to take an interest
in natural science ideas. A natural science literate
person seeks to participate in a reasoned
discussion of problems related to natural sciences
and technology, which requires the following
competencies from the person: to explain
phenomena scientifically, to evaluate and plan
scientific research, to scientifically interpret data
and provide evidence.
According to Fakhriyah et al., (2017), studying
the level of education in physics and biology
among prospective primary education teachers in
Indonesia, "scientific literacy is interpreted as the
use of scientific information to solve problems in
everyday life." According to researchers,
scientific knowledge should be reflected in skills,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
attitudes and literacy for solving various
problems, therefore, it is necessary to be
proficient in research methods, noting that
professional knowledge is based on the
functional level. Achieving the functional level is
possible only through the involvement of
students in research activities and the practical
use of these activities.
Thus, natural science literacy is a level of
education that makes it possible to solve standard
life tasks in various fields of activity on the basis
of practice-oriented knowledge, including a set
of skills and abilities that ensure a person's full
participation in the life of society, a person's
ability to enter into relations with the external
environment, quickly adapt and function in it.
The PISA science literacy model formulates
contexts: personal, local (national) and global
issues, both contemporary and historical, that
require an understanding of science and
technology issues. Students are required to
demonstrate basic competencies: scientific
explanation of phenomena; understanding the
main features of natural science research;
interpreting data and using scientific evidence to
draw conclusions in a specific context. Attitude
towards science should be determined by an
interest in technology, an understanding of the
value of scientific study of issues, where
necessary, and awareness of environmental
problems, as well as an awareness of the
importance of solving them and knowing:
understanding the basic facts, ideas and theories
that form the foundation of scientific knowledge.
Such knowledge includes knowledge of nature
and technology (knowledge of content),
knowledge of methods of obtaining scientific
knowledge (knowledge of procedures),
understanding of the validity of these procedures
and their use (methodological knowledge) and
determines the results of learners.
According to the results of interim monitoring
(Froumin et al., 2018), a particular difficulty for
schoolchildren is the "transfer" of a life issue, a
problem into the scientific field. This indicates
that the process of teaching the disciplines of the
natural science cycle should include the
competence-oriented tasks based on real life
situations, experimental work, etc. that, in our
opinion, have been already reflected in modern
textbooks and educational-methodical
The next component of the functional literacy
framework is financial literacy. The relevance of
the formation of the foundations of financial
literacy is determined by the modern socio-
cultural situation, the development of a market
economy and the functioning of market entities,
which are all citizens of the country. In
connection with this, a significant number of
studies appear on the problem of improving the
financial literacy of various social groups: from
preschoolers to retirees.
It is worth noting that financial literacy does not
imply deep theoretical knowledge of the
specifics of the financial market, banking, etc. A
financially literate person should know how to
effectively manage and control the family
budget; how to plan cash expenses for the near
future and for the future; how to act in case of
unexpected loss of income; how to form a
financial reserve, etc. (Opletalová, 2015). At the
same time, foreign researchers associate
financial literacy of students mainly with
understanding the value of savings, the ability to
manage them, discussing money issues with
parents and teaching financial literacy at school.
(Grohmann et al., 2015; Moreno-Herrero et al.,
The low level of financial literacy limits the
ability of children, and then adults, to make
informed financial decisions, namely: to create
reserves of cash and regular savings, to plan for
old age, to know the main portfolios of financial
products, to be able to assess the risks associated
with certain financial products (Atkinson and
Messy, 2012). Therefore, research focuses on the
organization of financial education, starting from
the initial stage of education, which can be the
key to improving financial decision-making
among the population.
Summarizing the above, the authors note that
financial literacy is the assimilation of certain
behavioral models, understanding and
forecasting financial risks. Financial literacy is
essential for making sound financial decisions
and managing personal finances. It will be able
to manifest itself as a certain social quality of a
person, which makes it possible to consciously
participate in various processes related to money,
inevitably leading to personal and social
financial well-being.
The formation of functional literacy in the
general education system is determined, first of
all, by the high-quality professional training of
teachers, since the level of educational
achievements of schoolchildren depends on the
nature of the educational tasks offered to them by
the teachers. As part of the monitoring of the
formation of students' functional literacy, a
Volume 11 - Issue 55
/ July 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
questionnaire was conducted among teachers
working in schools in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
(Russia) about their ideas about what functional
literacy is. Out of 287 teachers surveyed, the
overwhelming majority of 78% preferred to
choose an answer from the proposed
formulations, and only 22% of respondents
offered their own version of the wording of this
concept. For example, "a person's ability to
navigate in all spheres of life"; "The ability of a
person to enter into relations with the entire
external environment", "the ability to use
knowledge in everyday life", "the ability to apply
knowledge to solve life problems." 14% of
respondents chose the most generalized
superficial version of the wording as a definition:
"a person's ability to understand the processes of
real life", which does not include the active
application of knowledge in real life. 25% of the
respondents preferred the choice of the answer as
"a person's ability to navigate in modern
information" that is, it also includes a
predominantly component of understanding,
rather than the effective implementation of
knowledge and skills. 39% of teachers
emphasized the third formulation, which
includes "a person's ability to use in life what he
was taught in school", which is more consistent
with the official version of the definition of
functional literacy, since it reflects the ability to
use constantly acquired knowledge, skills, and
abilities to solve life tasks.
The analysis of the key concepts of the research
issue (mathematical, natural science, reading,
financial literacy) allowed the authors to develop
a generalized model of the structural elements of
functional literacy (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Generalized model of the structural elements of functional literacy.
Source: compiled by the author.
In the context of the research, the authors are
interested in the solution of the "life situation",
that is, the problem that students may face in real
life. The analysis of international comparative
studies of education quality shows that the
second element of the "scientific core" model
causes the greatest difficulty for Russian
schoolchildren; students solve a fundamental
problem (for example, an equation, inequality,
etc.) quite confidently, but they experience
certain difficulties when translating a life
situation into a scientific problem. The solution
of a fundamental problem (the third element of
the structural model is "search for a solution")
involves the search for forms, methods, means
and techniques for solving a scientific problem
and their use to obtain a result. Russian
schoolchildren do not experience any particular
difficulties at this stage. Interpretation of the
result of solving a scientific problem (life
situation) is difficult only if the student cannot
independently translate the "life situation" into a
"scientific problem".
A detailed analysis of conceptual approaches to
defining the concept of functional literacy and its
components in scientific Russian and foreign
research was carried out by the authors. The
results of the analysis confirm the feasibility of
considering the definition of "functional literacy"
Life situation
the problem
encountered in
real life
Scientific core
translation of a
life situation into a
scientific problem
Search for solutions
search for forms,
methods, means
and techniques for
solving the
interpretation of
the result of
solving a scientific
problem (solving a
life situation)
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and provide a detailed theoretical basis and a
wide range of tools for pedagogical modeling and
design. The author's generalized model of the
structural elements of functional literacy makes
it possible to understand the problems of the
formation of individual components of functional
literacy in a unified approach to reading literacy,
mathematical literacy, natural science literacy,
financial literacy.
Nowadays, it is important to consider not only
the assimilation of a certain amount of
knowledge by students, but also the quality of
general education in Russia, which determines
the importance of conducting research on the
state of the problem of the formation of
functional literacy. As a scientific result of the
study, the authors conclude that certain scientific
works on the problem of understanding
functional literacy and its components repeat the
existing ones, particular duplication of research
is observed. In this regard, the proposed scientific
results are, first of all, of theoretical value for
researchers of the stated problem and educational
practitioners, whose understanding of functional
literacy often remains fragmentary. The analysis
of conceptual approaches to the definition of the
concept of "functional literacy" and its
components, in our opinion, will contribute to the
improvement of the ways and mechanisms for
the formation of functional literacy of students.
The authors intend to propose a model for the
formation of functional literacy, taking into
account the regional specifics.
The article was prepared at the expense of a grant
provided by the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research, the Government of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory and the Regional Science Foundation:
project No. 20-413-242904 "Development of a
model for the formation of functional literacy of
students in the context of digital transformation."
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