www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.54.06.29
How to Cite:
Stepanenko, O., Kozinchuk, V., Polishchuk, N., Varianytsia, L., & Kishko, K. (2022). Modernising the theoretical and practical
aspects of national education system development. Amazonia Investiga, 11(54), 306-314. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.54.06.29
Modernising the theoretical and practical aspects of national education
system development
Modernizar los aspectos teóricos y prácticos del desarrollo del sistema educativo nacional
Received: July 1, 2022 Accepted: August 9, 2022
Written by:
Stepanenko Olena114
Kozinchuk Vitalii115
Polishchuk Natalіia116
Varianytsia Liudmyla117
Kishko Karina118
The purpose of scientific exploration is to
determine the factors influencing the processes
of modernization of education in the national
cluster. The task of the article is to characterize
the socio-economic, political, and cultural
elements of national development that influence
the educational space, forming the basis for the
implementation of innovative transformations in
the practical learning activity and their prospects
in the strategies of educational development. In
addition, modernization of education occurs in
the context of globalization challenges, which
leads to a certain leveling of the national factor.
However, it is the national characteristics that
often become the fundamental elements
identifying the educational identity of a state or
region. The methodological arsenal through
which the attempt is made to implement the
objectives of the scientific article can be divided
into a general scientific cluster (analysis,
systematization, classification); elements of
scientific-pedagogical discourse (pedagogical
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Education Communal
Institution of Higher Education «Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education» of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council Ukraine, Dnipro,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Theology Departmen
Private Higher Education Institution «Ivano-Frankivsk Academy Ivana Zolotoustoho» Ukraine.
Associate Professor of Vocational Education, Labor Training and Technology Rivne State University of Humanities, Faculty of
Documentary Communications, Management, Technology and Physics, Department of Vocational Education, Labor Training and
Technology, Ukraine.
PhD in Pedagogy (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences) Associate Professor Department of Pre-School and Primary School
Education State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University” Ukraine.
Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.), docent Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Genetics, Plant
Physiology and Microbiology 88000, Ukraine.
Stepanenko, O., Kozinchuk, V., Polishchuk, N., Varianytsia, L., & Kishko, K. / Volume 11 - Issue 54: 306-314 / June, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
experiment, modeling); philosophical-scientific
methods (dialectics, synergy) The optimal result
of education modernization is to increase the
efficiency of the educational system while
preserving the national authenticity of the
educational environment.
Keywords: national education, educational
strategies, educational process, educational
innovation, transformation of education.
National education has a number of features that
determine its development in the global general
education environment. At the same time, two
key contexts stand out:
o National Education as an Authentic Element
of Socio-Cultural Development of Society;
o National education in the system of global
educational paradigm.
We consider education in the state or suprastate
education at the macro level, which determines
all components of the functioning of education.
One of these components is the process of
modernization of education. Modernization
should be considered in two contexts because in
this way it is possible to study this process most
fully and from all angles.
The state takes a pragmatic approach to
education, as it does to any other sphere.
Modernization at the national level and at the
domestic educational level are completely
different, both in their intended purpose and in
the format of education. At the national level
modernization is carried out to improve the
effectiveness of the education system. In
addition, the state always monitors the results
and consequences of the modernization of the
national education system.
The state must consider the needs of all
participants in the educational process. It is
necessary to motivate the teaching community,
applicants, and administrations of educational
institutions to the need to implement innovations
in the educational system.
Modernization of education is impossible
without a worldview transformation in society.
Since we are considering national education, we
should talk about such aspects as mentality,
cultural identity. Society must be mentally ready
for educational transformations, otherwise, no
initiatives from the state will succeed. In this
context, we can clearly distinguish between
theoretical and practical aspects of the
modernization of national education. Theoretical
are considered to be national educational
strategies that define long-term or short-term
ways of developing education. Practical ones
refer rather to the elements of the functioning of
the system of national education (pedagogical
innovations, educational technologies, digital
educational space).
National institutional capacity is important in
promoting education modernization (Zhou,
2019). The role of state macro-management
largely determines the strategic priorities for the
development of a particular area of public
activity. Socio-political, socio-economic, and
cultural factors create the basis for the practical
implementation of educational transformations.
The state performs the controlling function of the
educational system. Education, in its turn,
functions according to its own paradigmatic
canons, allowing the intervention of state
The purpose of scientific exploration is to
determine the factors that ensure the
modernization of education at the national level.
The main research question of the article is the
influence of socio-economic, political, and
cultural elements of national development on
innovative transformations in the education
system. National educational strategies shape the
priorities and ways of educational
modernization. Educational activity in
educational institutions implements innovative
transformations, introducing national education
to global educational trends while preserving its
identity and distinctiveness.
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Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The problems of modernization of education are
widely enough represented in the modern
scientific and pedagogical discourse. When
considering the problems of modernization of the
national education system two clusters of
scientific research are distinguished:
o modernization of public education in the
context of global educational
o internal national aspects of modernization of
the educational environment.
Zhou (2019) discusses the activism of state
institutions and agencies in modernizing national
education. Zhang (2019) notes the importance of
preserving the ethnic identity of the national
education system. Malik (2018) identifies key
aspects of the development of a multicultural
educational environment and highlights ways of
modernizing education relevant for
implementation in national communities.
The relationship between educational
modernization and transformation within the
state is described by Sun (2021). Al-Ababneh &
Alrhaimi (2020) note that educational
governance is essential to the successful
planning, implementation, and control of
national educational modernization. Universal
practice-oriented elements of education
modernization are highlighted in Diachok,
Chernukha, Tokaruk, et al. (2020). Solmaz,
Alfaro, Santos, et al. (2021) argue that in the
national dimension, the effectiveness of
technological or digital innovation depends on
the level of community development. The
theoretical-methodological and teaching-
methodological aspects of the modernization of
the national education system are outlined in
Antonivska (2022).
The human dimension of educational
transformations within a particular national
community was investigated in the work of
Daniëls, Hondeghem & Dochy (2019).
The methodological arsenal for the study of
national education modernization consists
mainly of the methods of scientific and
pedagogical discourse. However, since the
problem has a nationally-oriented coloring,
cultural, sociological, and other methods of the
general humanities-scientific cluster are added.
The methodological basis of scientific
exploration consists of three fundamental
o General scientific methodology. Through
analysis, classification, and systematization,
a general national educational paradigm is
formed, where the practice-oriented
components, which are modernized and
improved, and theoretical and
methodological elements, which determine
the priorities of development, are clearly
o The methodology of scientific and
pedagogical discourse. Pedagogical
experiment along with other empirical
methods allows to actualize of the practical
aspects that need modernization or are being
modernized. Modeling provides an
understanding of the ways of development
of a separate national education system as
well as the development of education of a
separate community (state, regional or
cultural) in the globalization context.
o Philosophical-scientific methodology. The
dialectical method allows correlating
practical and theoretical elements of national
and global educational systems in the
context of the need for their progress and
development. The synergetic method
provides a correlation of national education
system modernization positions in practical
and theoretical manifestation due to the
principles of self-organization and
Sociolinguistic methods are an important and
relevant element in the consideration of the
problems of modernization of education, as they
provide an understanding of the communicative
component of the modernization processes of
digitalization (Antonivska, 2022).
A new methodology that is relevant in the
context of modernization of the education system
and concerns the pedagogical specialist is
defined as the development of pedagogical
technology of teachers (ETPD) (Lidolf & Pasco,
In the current interpretation, research and
development (R&D) methodology is integrated
into the national education system (Gustiani,
2019). Implementing an interdisciplinary
methodology allows education applicants to
develop professional competencies by
synthesizing knowledge and skills across many
disciplines to solve individual problems, which is
not possible with a single disciplinary dimension
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(Ashby & Exter, 2019). We see the methodology
of meaning-pedagogy as a relevant
methodological approach for considering the
problems of education modernization, which
fully allows us to take into account the mental
and cultural aspects of national life
(Beligatamulla et al., 2019).
Results and Discussion
Modernization of education involves updating all
of its elements, depending on the needs of the
educational space and the aspirations of
participants in the educational process. If in the
educational (pedagogical, organizational, or
methodological) dimension modernization
follows clearly defined algorithms, then in the
national educational dimension the system faces
certain contradictions between global innovative
trends and traditional educational devices.
Consequently, we get a format in which
modernization is an irreversible process, but all
transformations take into account the principles
of the national worldview.
Education governance is a determining factor in
the development of this sphere of public activity
(Al-Ababneh & Alrhaimi, 2020). Modernization
of education takes place in several dimensions
and each of them should have organized and
effective management (see Table 1).
Table 1.
Management of modernization actions in education
Educational and pedagogical dimension
Development of educational strategies and
teaching and methodological arsenal based on
progressive methodological guidelines
Educational and organizational dimension
Introduction of alternative formats for organizing
the educational process
Information and Communication Dimension
Providing the necessary resources developing and
broadcasting instructional content
Techno-digital measurement
The use of the latest digital technologies in the
educational environment
Source: Own development of the authors
Each of these dimensions requires clear
management. Within the educational
environment, such management is practically
impossible since education is not a completely
autonomous sphere and is largely dependent on
the economy or culture. There is no such
problem for the state level since the state
apparatus ensures a constant and coordinated
policy on all socio-cultural spheres from all
sides. Consequently, modernization is also
carried out according to certain algorithms and
depending on the real possibilities of providing
educational transformation.
Education becomes the ideal platform for the
training of human resources for the state
apparatus. Therefore, modernization elements
concern such a concept as leadership in education
(Daniëls, Hondeghem & Dochy, 2019). The
human dimension is also in need of
transformation and reform. Preparing not just a
specialist who acquires professional
competencies, but also a leader who is able to
take responsibility and be proactive. Reforms in
education are one of the most important tasks of
the state system. The goal of these reforms is to
ensure the effective development of all
participants in the educational process (Choi &
Walker, 2018).
The balance of supply and demand in the labor
market plays an important role in the positioning
of education in the national dimension.
Education adapts to socio-economic demands.
Modernization of education occurs not so much
for the sake of changes in education. As a rule,
the transformation of the educational
environment is dictated by the professional and
qualification parameters that the community
needs (Baldyniuk et al, 2021).
One of the fundamental directions of
modernization is the digitalization of the
educational process. The use of technology
significantly increases the quality of education.
In many ways, the implementation of educational
technology (EdTech) depends on the level of
development of the community which
implements these innovations. The peculiarity
(EdTech) is a systematic approach in their
implementation in practice (Bozkurt, 2020). The
state apparatus, functioning at the national level,
is able to form the proper algorithms for the
application of technology. The digital age
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
focuses not on form, but on efficiency
(Olszewski & Crompton 2020). The digital
component acts as an innovative factor for the
national dimension of education.
“The convergent impact of globalization, ICT,
and the explosion of knowledge has led to
phenomenal changes in contemporary society
that have challenged every aspect of our modern
way of life. To cope with these fast-moving
changes, we need to prepare a specialist for this
digital age. To prepare citizens with a
cosmopolitan worldview, an intercultural
understanding, the ability to work in
multicultural environments on group projects,
and the ability to think creatively and critically,
we need a progressive approach to providing
education. Arguing that education is the engine
and strength of a nation based on its quality
education, a country must provide a calibrated
education to prepare globally competitive
citizens.” (Malik, 2018).
An integral part of the formation of a coherent
system of national education is the information
segment. Information has many nuances that
require correlation in its use in the educational
space. Therefore, modernization of the
information component in the national dimension
is similar to computer programs that require
constant updating for successful operation.
Working on the information cluster should all
participants in the educational process, ensuring
the effectiveness of this element in the
educational system (Chen et al., 2020).
When we consider the problems of
modernization of the national education system,
we should realize that the modernization of
education in the modern world primarily
concerns the practice-oriented segment, which
undergoes radical changes through the
introduction of new technological or digital
elements. Digitalization and technologization
completely renew the material and technical and
educational-methodological support of the
educational process. Therefore, practice-
oriented aspects are a priority in the processes of
education modernization (Diachok, Chernukha,
Tokaruk, et al., 2020).
The moral and spiritual aspects of educational
development should not be dismissed either. Of
course, when we consider the national system of
education, modernization is primarily in need of
teaching and pedagogical or material and
technical elements. When the moral-spiritual
segment in education is actualized, then we are
not talking primarily about modernization in the
usual materialized meaning, but about the
renewal of worldview beliefs. For example, in
the Western world modernization in education is
perceived as something ordinary and customary
and does not provoke any reaction. Educational
transformations in more conservative
communities need to prepare society for
innovations in education or other areas. In this
context, the spiritual development of societies is
a paradigmatic dimension (Moulin-Stożek,
2020). Moral-spiritual values represent a kind of
worldview stabilizer in times of turbulent
transformations in social life. In education,
spirituality provides insight into the needs of
modernization and facilitates the adaptation of
new methods of teaching and new mechanisms
of the educational process.
In higher education institutions where theology
and art are taught, the specialties "Sacred Art"
and "Theology of the Icon" provide for the
acquisition of comprehensive knowledge by
applicants for education, as well as
consolidation, expansion and deepening of
knowledge of abilities and skills of future
specialists of the degree of "bachelor" and
"master" of higher theological education. Priority
subjects to ensure the acquisition of this
knowledge are the disciplines "Sacred Art" and
"Theology of the Icon", which were introduced
in the late 90's in the educational programs of
specialties of cultural and artistic direction in the
institutions of catechetical and theological
direction. Within the limits of these subjects the
tasks which are defined in deepening of
knowledge of the future expert to theoretical and
practical application of knowledge of art history,
acquaintance with history of formation and
development of world and Ukrainian art as a part
of culture and its place in the system of artistic,
theological, art and cultural-educational
practices. The knowledge acquired while
studying the discipline will enhance the
competitiveness of young professionals in the
labor market. The study of artistic and cultural
aspects of sacred art provides the formation of
practical skills of the student theologian -
catechist and teacher; his communication
experience for further pedagogical activity,
creation of performing interpretive concepts,
their delivery to listeners. An important
component of modern research in the theological
and artistic direction becomes the Ukrainian
content and context, in particular reliance on the
practice of iconographic and iconological works
of Ukrainian artists, the modern experience of
perception and understanding of sacred art
(theology of the icon), in particular academic, by
Ukrainian cultural connoisseurs.
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The national dimension is an existentially
important continuity and heredity of educational
space. In this aspect, quite often there are
contradictions associated with the influence of
modernization of education, in some places
without alternative changes to the traditional
precepts of the educational process.
“The heritage of ethnic cultures is an important
topic in the field of educational anthropology. As
the most important channel for the transmission
of ethnic cultures, education has a strong
influence on this heritability. Today, however,
the speed of globalization is rapidly increasing.
In domestic or foreign education, in elementary
or higher education, the increasing challenges in
education are leading to profound changes. One
of the most important developments in education
today is the cultivation of diversity. Increasing
diversity in education will have a profound effect
on the inheritance of ethnic cultures.” (Zhang,
The above contradictions are resolved differently
in different national communities. The Western
world, historically more accustomed to
globalization and integration formats, sees
modernization of education as a priority. At the
same time, oriental communities, which are more
conservative, are quite cautious in introducing
educational innovations at the national level,
always correlating them with traditional elements
of their culture.
Historically, the modernization of education
together with the development of science is
uniformly transformed into the modernization of
the country as a whole. That is, we observe an
interrelated process: first, the state, using all
necessary levers, provides modernization of the
national educational sector, and then the result of
educational development becomes the
locomotive of state progress. Such investment in
education has a high return. One of the positive
consequences of the modernization of national
education is the further modernization of public
administration (Sun, 2021).
Public policy is aimed at the basic principles of
sustainable development. Radical changes or
revolutionary shifts in any sphere have a
devastating effect on the state structure.
Therefore, the system of national education is
shaped by the principles of stability, not
excluding the introduction of innovation. The
transformational capacity of education
contributes to the transition to resilience (Kioupi
& Voulvoulis, 2019). Education acts as a
stabilizing factor in the life of the state.
Innovation in education is implemented
gradually, which allows for the constancy of
development. The results of modernization
become benchmarks for reforms in other sectors.
A cross-disciplinary approach is better suited for
the national education system to modernize the
industry (Bassachs et al., 2020). In general,
traditional for the educational process in
institutions of catechetical-theological education
trends of interdisciplinary interaction have
already in recent decades caused not only the
appearance of separate subjects of general
humanities, philosophical-theological, cultural-
artistic cycle, uniting different branches of
knowledge, but also actualize in the formation of
new interdisciplinary educational programs,
specialties and specializations of private
institutions of higher education. One of the
significant theological fields in this interaction is
the history of sacred art and theology of the icon.
The study of historical and artistic aspects of
Christian East and West constitutes an integral
component of the humanities disciplines, among
which pedagogical and professionally oriented
ones take precedence. Through interdisciplinary
integration, we get a powerful synergistic effect
that significantly increases the level of
interaction between the participants in the
educational process (see Fig. 1).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 1. Synergistic interaction in the system of national education
Source: Own development of the authors
Educational departments and institutions develop
educational strategies that plan the development
of the national education system. Depending on
the needs of the state and global challenges,
planning for the modernization of education in
the long term and short-term plans is formed.
The administration of educational institutions
receives the necessary algorithms to form the
priorities of the educational institution. With the
right approach, the autonomy of an educational
institution is gradually formed, allowing to carry
out educational modernization, correlating its
course and potential consequences with the
national educational strategies.
Pedagogical specialists develop practically
oriented working curricula and programs, taking
into account the trends of educational
development and guided by the guidelines of the
national educational strategy. Curriculum and
practice elements of the educational process are
improved and supplemented in accordance with
modernization plans.
Finally, applicants of educational levels, from
pupils to students, are interested in the national
education system to be competitive at the
international level and prepare demanded and
highly qualified specialists. Acquisition of
necessary hard-soft- and digital skills is actually
impossible without modernization of education
with the attraction of progressive ideas of
digitalization, technologization, and
informatization of education.
This is how the synergetic effect of the
modernization of the national education system
is formed when each participant of the
educational process understands the purpose and
format of innovative transformations. In
addition, the modernization of the national
education system opens up new opportunities at
the international level, as the subjects of national
education can cooperate with colleagues from
other states or in the global world educational
In addition, in today's globalized world, we have
the opportunity to observe, virtually online, what
positive or negative consequences result from the
implementation of innovations in a particular
national community. This experience can be
useful in implementing similar transformations
in another national space.
institutions and
applicants of
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Consequently, the national education system
under any conditions needs modernization,
because the rapid global development of
civilization dictates its own conditions of socio-
cultural development. When we consider the
national educational cluster, modernization in it
has several dimensions, one of which is the
theoretical and practical transformation of the
educational environment. Theoretical precepts
are expressed by educational strategies that
determine the priorities of national education
development, which lay down the principles,
ways, and means for modernization. Practically
oriented modernization of education depends on
the state's capacity to provide its infrastructural,
technological, and informational conditions.
An important aspect in the modernization of
national education is the preservation of its
authenticity. Naturally, education must respond
to total globalization, integration processes, and
the internationalization of modern socio-cultural
space. However, it should be understood that the
identity of national education (along with culture,
language) is a fundamental element of national
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