www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.54.06.9
How to Cite:
Popovych, I., Semenov, O., Semenova, N., Zavatska, N., Kovalchuk, Z., & Zavatskyi, Y. (2022). Research of readiness of teachers
of rural secondary schools for innovations. Amazonia Investiga, 11(54), 84-93. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.54.06.9
Research of readiness of teachers of rural secondary schools for
Дослідження готовності вчителів сільських загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів
до інновацій
Received: May 11, 2022 Accepted: June 28, 2022
Written by:
Ihor Popovych39
Oleksandr Semenov40
Nataliia Semenova41
Nataliia Zavatska42
Zoriana Kovalchuk43
Yurii Zavatskyi44
The purpose is to establish the interdependence
of key parameters and construct a factor structure
of teachers’ readiness to reform and deploy
innovative technologies in rural secondary
schools. Research methods: ANOVA factor
analysis with reduction of factor proportions,
standard valid and reliable psychodiagnostics
methods, statistical reliability coefficients.
Results. The factor structure ensures the
following main factors (73.92%). It has been
found that the main are “MARI” (F1) (52.56%)
and “CRI” (F2) (9.28%), which are
interconnected with “SLRI” (F3) (p≤.01) and F4
“PRI” (F4) (p≤.01). Conclusions. It has been
stated that the obtained scientific facts give an
objective understanding of the subject of
research and its determinants. The curriculum for
the initiative to modernize education in rural
areas is composed of established scientific facts
and argumentation of the results obtained. It was
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor, Full Professor of the Department of Psychology, Kherson State University,
Kherson, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education, Volyn
National University named after Lesia Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Volyn National University named after
Lesia Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine.
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work, Volodymyr
Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine.
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor, Department Psychology, Lviv State University Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Human Health and Physical Education, Volodymyr
Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine.
Popovych, I., Semenov, O., Semenova, N., Zavatska, N., Kovalchuk, Z., Zavatskyi, Y. / Volume 11 - Issue 54: 84-93 / June, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
noted that results will allow to operationalize the
educational and professional training of future
specialists in order to prepare them for
modernization of training and teaching.
Key words: educational process, health
improvement, educational innovations,
innovation, modernization of education.
All aspects of society have been enveloped by
innovative technology. The younger generation’s
physical culture and education are essential
aspects of people’s lives. Changing passive rest
to active rest, introducing healthy eating, and
enhancing an individual’s vitality are all subjects
that people in any region of the world, regardless
of gender, ethnicity, or religion, deal with on a
daily basis. Outlined human values have a close
connection with the physical culture and physical
education of each person. Physical culture,
physical education, and motivation to engage in
physical activity are laid down permanently from
birth. Secondary education institutions play a key
role in this process. To fulfill today’s
expectations, the school physical education
system must be modified and innovatively
Hypothesis. The authors suggest that explaining
the mental state of readiness to innovate physical
education teachers in rural secondary schools
will provide insight into the current status of the
problem and aid in developing reform and
innovation strategies.
The purpose is to establish the interdependence
of important characteristics and construct a factor
structure of teachers’ readiness to reform and
deploy innovative technologies in rural
secondary schools.
Literature review
Many researchers among the reasons for
reforming physical education see the following:
low level of physical activity of schoolchildren;
low motivation to engage in physical culture;
critical situation with the state of health of the
young generation; an increase in the number of
deaths during physical education lessons in
recent years (Leonenko & Krasilov, 2017;
Moskalenko, 2015). The grounds for the reform
give a foundation for creating a portrayal of a
modern physical education teacher who would
help partially, and preferably completely, to
resolve the accumulated issues. The reorientation
of secondary education institutions, particularly
those in villages, small urban-type communities,
and mountainous areas, necessitates rethinking
teaching and training activities. The authors
hypothesize that the remoteness from the
administrative center is to account for the slow
pace of reform and innovation in this sector. As
a result, such an important and topical subject
was studied.
P. Serdyukov (2017), after examining the present
status of education in the United States, finds that
educational innovation should focus on teaching
and learning theory and practice, as well as
students, parents, community, society, and
culture. The efficacy and time components of
education receive special emphasis in the context
of innovation research (Serdyukov, 2017).
O. Tsiuniak and S. Dovbenko (2019),
pedagogical innovation researchers, suggested a
variety of innovative technologies and methods
for implementing them. The innovation
methodology is defined as the integration of the
three components of the innovation process:
conception, mastery, and execution.
Interestingly, the main task of pedagogical
innovation is the continuous search for and
introduction of new, most effective teaching and
education technologies, resulting in the
development of highly adaptable to changing
conditions, active, creative personalities capable
of analyzing, overcoming challenges, and critical
thinking (Tsiuniak & Dovbenko, 2019). In the
context of our research, attention is paid to the
study of creating an ecosystem based on
creativity and innovation in complex
competencies that fulfill the professional
demands of the twenty-first century (Romero
Carrión et al., 2020). Transversal competencies
are crucial qualities that employers of modern
organizations need from new professionals,
according to research. Researchers have
advocated that the curriculum on labor market
requirements be routinely updated to close the
gap between the abilities obtained by university
students and those required by employers
(Romero Carrión et al., 2020). R. Urcid Puga and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
J. Rojas (2018) focus on a multifactor approach
for educational innovation development. The
model developed reflects the current state of need
for educational innovations in higher education
institutions. This methodology enables to
systematically consider university capabilities to
assess the feasibility of change and take action
(Urcid Puga, R., & Rojas, J. C., 2018).
M. Gusarova, D. Nikolaeva, and T. Bezhentseva
(2021) emphasized the necessity of integrating
the study of the existing situation in the regional
market of education, research, and innovation in
order to establish a strategic university growth
plan. The findings of an empirical study are
provided, as well as possible successful
partnerships between higher education
institutions and the region’s and country’s
governments and major enterprises in order to
train and retrain pedagogical workers (Gusarova
et al., 2021). This articulation of the mentioned
challenges demonstrates the importance of
integrating the efforts of all courses of physical
education teacher training for secondary schools,
particularly in rural regions. We understand that
teacher innovation preparedness is a complicated
issue that needs a coordinated approach that
includes modernizing educational and
professional training, as well as developing
effective training programs and creative
capabilities for teachers with experience in rural
settings. Young professionals who have
successfully finished their education may not
usually express a desire to go to the countryside
and establish a job. This is also an important
element that must be considered.
In the educational actions of a physical education
teacher, the desire to learn something new is a
specific condition of readiness. In practice, it has
been discovered that a large number of teachers
successfully administer the curriculum, employ a
diverse range of approaches, methodologies, and
educational technology, but do not strive to
improve. Such physical education teachers do not
strive to develop an active, creative personality
in their students who will be able to overcome
obstacles, face problems head-on, take initiative,
and think critically. We have come to the
conclusion that preparing a physical culture
teacher capable of innovation necessitates
specialized training, as well as internal criteria
for developing new (Bartkiv, 2010), which may
match the social expectations of participants in
the innovation process (Popovych et al., 2021b).
The authors consider physical education
instructors’ mental states of readiness to innovate
as a distinct dominating state of activity with a
combination of motivational and valued, self-
regulatory and neuropsychological efforts,
responsibility, creativity, and tolerance for the
educational process’s topics (Tsiuniak, 2019;
Popovych et al., 2020a; 2020b). We focus on the
use of online education for physical education
teachers’ educational and professional
development in a distance format (Hudimova et
al., 2021; Kharytonov et al., 2021). In today’s
world, it’s critical to employ appropriate
technology to develop high-quality educational
content, and therefore shouldn’t neglect students’
and teachers’ tolerance and empathy (Know,
Materials and methods
Methodology. Special attention in the
methodological dimension was paid to the
research of psychological patterns, mental states
in sports, competitive (Plokhikh et al., 2021),
professional (Halian et al., 2021), and other
human activities (Blynova et al., 2020; Blynova
& Kruglov, 2019; Popovych et al., 2021a;
Shevchenko et al., 2020) associated with extreme
trials (Kuzikova et al., 2020a; 2020b; Nosov et
al., 2020; Zinchenko et al., 2019). All of the
research examined are useful in the context of
defining a scientific problem.
Participants. The study involved teachers of
secondary schools: Severodonetsk region
(Ukraine) (n=36), Kherson region (Ukraine)
(n=30), Lviv region (Ukraine) (n=22), Volyn
region (Ukraine) (n=24). The sample was
represented by 122 participants ranging in age
from 22 to 67 years, in particular, n=81 males
(66.39%) and n=41 females (33.61%) (M=43.9;
Procedures and instruments. The following
psychodiagnostic methods were used Readiness
for Innovation” (“RІ”) (Tsiuniak, 2019); the
method “Motivation of Professional Activity”
(“МPA”) (Rean, 2008); the questionnaire The
Level of Social Expectations” (“LSE”)
(Popovych, 2017); Test of Life-Meaningful
Orientations (“LMO”) (Leontyev, 2006); the
questionnaire “The Level of Subjective Control”
(“LSC”) (Bazhin et al., 1984) during the 2020-
2021 academic year.
The “RI” questionnaire (Tsiuniak, 2019).
According to the formula, the Coefficient of
Knowledge for Innovation on Test Questions
(CKITQ) was calculated as the ratio of the
number of correct answers to the total number.
The interpretation of the obtained data is
Determining the Coefficient of Knowledge for
Innovation According to Detailed Answers
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(CKIADA). Internal homogeneity is measured as
α-Cronbach αRI = .822.
The “МPA” method (Rean, 2008). The key
components are the Internal Motivation
Component (IMC), External Positive Motivation
Component (EPMC), and External Negative
Motivation Component (ENMC). The internal
homogeneity is α-Cronbach αMPA = .867.
We used the questionnaire “LSE” (Popovych,
2017) in order to study the evaluation-reflexive
criterion of readiness of teachers of rural
secondary schools for innovation. The studied
components are Level of Awareness of the
Expected Events of Personality (LAEEP), Level
of the Expected Attitude Towards the
Participants of Interpersonal Interaction
(LEATPII), Level of the Expected Performance
of Personality (LEPP), and Level of Social
Expectations of Personality (LSEP). The internal
homogeneity is α-Cronbach αLSE = .898.
The test “LMO” (Leontyev, 2006). Five of
parameters: Life Goals Component (LGC),
Locus of Control-life (LCl), Locus of Control-
self (LCs), Process Component (PC), Result
Component (RC). The internal homogeneity is α-
Cronbach αLMO = .809.
The questionnaire “LSC” (Bazhin et al., 1984)
allowed us to assess personal responsibility. The
questionnaire “LSC” (Bazhin et al., 1984):
IAAP, IRP, IALRP. The internal homogeneity is
α-Cronbach αLSC = .809.
Statistical analysis. All analytical operations
were carried out using the cutting-edge software
“SPSS” v. 27.0. The research utilizes criteria and
reliability factors to objectively confirm
established scientific facts.
Table 1 presents the results of the research by
psychodiagnostic methods “RІ”, “МPA”, “LSE”,
“LMO”, and “LSC”.
Table 1.
Respondents’ parameters on readiness for pedagogical innovative activity according to psychodiagnostic
methods (n=122)
Arithmetic mean (M)
Mean-square deviation (SD)
Questionnaire “RI”
Coefficient of Knowledge for Innovation on Test
Questions (CKITQ)
Coefficient of Knowledge for Innovation
According to Detailed Answers (CKIADA)
Method “MPA”
Internal Motivation Component (IMC)
External Positive Motivation Component (EPMC)
External Negative Motivation Component (ENMC)
Questionnaire “LSE”
Level of Awareness of the Expected Events of
Personality (LAEEP)
Level of the Expected Attitude Towards the
Participants of Interpersonal Interaction (LEATPII)
Level of the Expected Performance of Personality
Level of Social Expectations of Personality (LSEP)
Test “LMO”
Life Goals Component (LGC)
Locus of Control-life (LCl)
Locus of Control-self (LCs)
Process Component (PC)
Result Component (RC)
Questionnaire “LSC”
Internality in the Area of Achievements of
Personality (IAAP)
Internality in Relationships of Personality (IRP)
Internality in the Area of Labor Relations of
Personality (IALRP)
Source: Personal elaboration, 2020-2021.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The empirical results obtained using
psychodiagnostic techniques “RI”, “MPA”,
“LSE”, “LMO”, and “LSC” were within the
The purpose of the Spearman (rs) correlation
analysis was to determine the association
between СKITO and CKIADA, and the
parameters of other methods (Tabl. 2).
Table 2.
Correlation matrix of associations between the studied parameters of respondents’ readiness for
pedagogical innovative activity (n=122)
Internal Motivation Component (IMC)
External Positive Motivation Component (EPMC)
External Negative Motivation Component (ENMC)
Level of Awareness of the Expected Events of Personality (LAEEP)
Level of the Expected Attitude Towards the Participants of Interpersonal
Interaction (LEATPII)
Level of the Expected Performance of Personality (LEPP)
Level of Social Expectations of Personality (LSEP)
Life Goals Component (LGC)
Locus of Control-life (LCl)
Locus of Control-self (LCs)
Process Component (PC)
Result Component (RC)
Internality in the Area of Achievements of Personality (IAAP)
Internality in Relationships of Personality (IRP)
Internality in the Area of Labor Relations of Personality (IALRP)
Source: Personal elaboration, 2020-2021.
Note: CKITQ Coefficient of Knowledge for Innovation on Test Questions; CKIADA Coefficient of
Knowledge for Innovation According to Detailed Answers; ** p≤.01 and * – p≤.05.
The CKITQ was shown to have a positive
significant correlation with IMC (rs=.129; p<.01)
and EPMC (rs=.099; p<.05). It was found that the
parameter Coefficient of Knowledge for
Innovation According to Detailed Answers
(CKIADA) had a positive significant correlation
only with IMC (rs=.121; p<.05). The CKITQ had
a positive significant correlation with the LAEEP
(rs=.301; p<.01), Level of the Expected
Performance of Personality (LEPP) (rs=.139;
p<.01) and the Level of Social Expectations of
Personality (LSEP) (rs=.171; p<.01). It was also
found that the parameter Coefficient of
Knowledge for Innovation According to Detailed
Answers (CKIADA) had a positive significant
relationship with the Level of Awareness of the
Expected Events of Personality (LAEEP)
(rs=.286; p<.01), the Level of the Expected
Performance of Personality (LEPP) (rs=.129;
p<.01) and the Level of Social Expectations of
Personality (LSEP) (rs=.159; p<.01).
It has been found that the CKIADA had a
positive significant correlation with LGC
(rs=.104; p<.05) and PC (rs=.107; p<.05), also
with the parameter according to the “LSC”
method IALRP (rs=.125; p<.01).
Following that, a comprehensive statistical data
processing instrument, factor analysis using the
ANOVA approach, was used. The use of factor
analysis allowed us to minimize the number of
relevant factors from seventeen to four. That is,
it grouped the factors we selected into
comparable groupings. Such statistical
compression of the investigated factors enabled
the establishment of new scientific findings. The
collected four factors included the factor
structure of rural general educational institution
teachers’ preparedness for innovations. The
coverage of the specified criteria varied by
72.69% (Tabl. 3).
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
Factor loadings of the studied parameters (n=122)
CRI (F2)
PRI (F4)
Dispersion, %
∑ dispersion, %
Source: Personal elaboration, 2020-2021.
Note: MARI (F1) Motivational and Activity Readiness for Innovations; CRI (F2) Cognitive Readiness
for Innovations; SLRI (F3) Sense-Life Readiness for Innovations; PRI (F4) Procedural Readiness for
“MARI” (F1) of teachers of rural secondary
schools highlighted the reliance on positive
EPMC (.967), ENMC (.819), LEPP (.698), LSEP
(.754), IALRP (.943), IAA (.943) and negative
parameters LEATPII (-.601), LCs (-.659), LCl (-
.889), IALRP (-.945). “MARI” was the key
factor (52.56%) that indicated the importance of
the positive dependence on the expected result of
the activity, motivational component, on the
general meaning of life. This factor was
characterized by motivational and activity self-
“CRI” (F2) of teachers of rural secondary schools
reflected: CKITQ (.949), CKIADA (.949),
LAEEP (.676). “CRI” had a high level of
dispersion (9.28%) and showed the importance
of knowledge for innovation. This factor was
important in the factor structure.
“SLRI” (F3) of teachers of rural secondary
schools reflected the dependence of innovative
pedagogical activities on one parameter: LGC
(.619). This one parameter was named “SLRI”
and showed the importance of semantic and vital
parameters in the readiness of teachers for
innovations. This factor had a dispersion
(6.73%), and also had high vital self-regulation
and semantic activity.
“PRI” (F4) of teachers of rural secondary schools
reflected PC (.651) and IMC (-.645). “PRI” is
characterized by training activity that has
procedural nature. The internal motivation was
the focus of research subjects who were
dominated by this mental state of innovative
activity. “PRI” (F4) had the smallest dispersion
(4.12%), and simultaneously, had high
procedural self-regulation activities.
Thus, according to the results of mathematical
processing, four main factors (72.69%) have
been presented, which determined the factor
structure of readiness of teachers of rural
secondary schools for innovations in pedagogical
activity (Fig. 1).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Factor structure of subjects.
Source: Personal elaboration, 2020-2021.
The correlation connections of the subjects’
factor structure are shown. Table 4 demonstrated the data in a form of the subjects’ correlation
Table 4.
Correlation matrix of subjects (n=122)
CRI (F2)
PRI (F4)
CRI (F2)
PRI (F4)
Source: Personal elaboration, 2020-2021.
Note: ** p≤.01 and * p≤.05.
The most significant (p≤.01) were the ratios of
CRI (F2) and SLRI (F3) (.199), MARI (F1), and
CRI (F2) (.121). MARI (F1) and CRI (F2) had
the most significant connections with MARI
(F1), SLRI (F3), and PRI (F4). Thus, CRI (F2)
was the most important in the factor structure of
We did not find research on the mental states of
readiness for innovation of teachers in secondary
schools in rural areas. In the framework of the
debate, research on mental states of innovation
readiness (Tsiuniak et al., 2020), and innovative
professional training of future professionals
(Botagariev et al., 2021) are of scientific interest.
The purpose of Botagariev et al.’s (2021) study
is to see how effective the suggested
experimental program is in forming future
teachers’ professional preparation. Researchers
concentrated on the intellectual and creative
aspects of teacher development. This finding
supports the information we got regarding the
relevance of creativity in teachers’ readiness for
change and innovation. Another research
(Fernández-Rivas & Espada-Mateos, 2019)
focuses on the cognitive style of instructors,
which supports our empirical findings in the
factor structure, particularly the presence of the
mental state “Cognitive Readiness for
Innovations” (F2). It is important to note that this
state is one of the most important in the pursuit
of innovation. Empirical research of masters of
pedagogy’s inventive mental states (Tsiuniak et
al., 2020) emphasizes the interrelation of
important characteristics of innovation readiness
and offers the factor structure. It also supports
our idea of a holistic solution to this challenge
that begins with professional development in
higher education. Innovative technologies in
children and youth have been discovered to
contribute to the deepening of physical culture
and health work, increased interest in regular
physical education, and the development of
independence, creativity, and initiative
Volume 11 - Issue 54
/ June 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(Leonenko & Krasilov, 2017). This remains true
for both students and teachers who are interested
in innovation, confirming our previously
identified mental state of “Motivational and
Activity Readiness for Innovation” (F1), which
accounts for the majority of factor load variance
(52.56%). Another research found and stated
that introducing new approaches into the
physical education system raised motivational
performance as well as physical attributes,
affected the formation of spiritual values, and
improved respondents’ health (Korkishko et al.,
2019). The validity of the applied measures of
innovation readiness and the effect derived from
the application of innovative technology is
confirmed in this study. Teachers view blended
learning, which combines full-time and distant
learning, to be an alternative to full-fledged
online learning in today's reality of the COVID-
19 pandemic. In the current circumstances, the
combined format can meet the expectations of
students’ health and education. It should be
noted that a continuous active search for teachers
is capable of ensuring the best possible outcome
in current societal transitions (López-Fernández
et al., 2021).
The obtained empirical facts, theoretical
analysis, generalization, and discussion provide
justification for asserting that the obtained data
should be operationalized into educational and
professional training, refresher courses, and
competence formation technologies for future
teachers to implement successful reforms and
innovations. The findings will make it possible
to operationalize future specialists’ educational
and professional training in order to prepare
them for the modernization of training and
1. It is generalized that teachers’ mental state
of readiness for innovative activity is a
unique dominant state of activity involving
a combination of motivational, self-
regulatory, and neuropsychological efforts
and responsibility, creativity, and tolerance
for the educational process’s subjects.
2. The ANOVA factor analysis constructs the
structure of factors affecting teachers’
readiness for innovation, reforms, and
innovations in rural secondary schools. The
factor structure includes four primary
components that account for the coating’s
entire variation (72.69%).
3. It has been found that the main is
“Motivational and Activity Readiness for
Innovations” (F1) (52.56%) and “Cognitive
Readiness for Innovations (F2) (9.28%),
which are interconnected with “Sense-Life
Readiness for Innovations” (F3) (p≤.01) and
F4 “Procedural Readiness for Innovations”
(F4) (p≤.01).
4. It is substantiated that the gathered
scientific facts, theoretical analysis, and
generalization provide a basis for their
operationalization in training, refresher
courses, and technologies for the
development of competencies for future
teachers to successfully reform and
innovate. These methods will help in the
excellent organization of change
management in the secondary school
educational process in rural areas.
5. The hypothesis has been confirmed. The
findings will make it possible to
operationalize future specialists’
educational and professional training in
order to prepare them for the modernization
of training and teaching.
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