www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.53.05.28
How to Cite:
Yaremko, R., Vavryniv, O., Tsiupryk, A., Perelygina, L., & Koval, I. (2022). Research of content parameters of the professional
self-realization of future fire safety specialists. Amazonia Investiga, 11(53), 288-297. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.53.05.28
Research of content parameters of the professional self-realization of
future fire safety specialists
Дослідження змістових параметрів професійної самореалізації майбутніх фахівців з
пожежної безпеки
Received: April 28, 2022 Accepted: May 26, 2022
Written by:
Roman Yaremko118
Olena Vavryniv119
Andrii Tsiupryk120
Lina Perelygina121
Ihor Koval122
The research purpose is a theoretical analysis and
empirical study of content parameters of
professional self-realization of future fire safety
specialists. The author implemented a retrospective
analysis and identified key parameters of the
professional self-realization of a future rescuer. A
summative assessment with the construction of a
correlation matrix of significant relationships
between key parameters was applied, and graphical
visualization of the obtained data was presented.
The psychophysiological state was analyzed at the
training facility “Psychological training ground”.
Significant relationships were established within
the parameters: “Propensity for risk” and “Need for
recognition” (rs = .291; p .01) and “Need to set
complex goals and achieve them(rs = .208; p .
01); “Will, Openness and Democracy” with “Need
for recognition” (rs = .219; p .01). It was found
that the vital goal-value of “Will, Openness and
Democracy” has a high operational capacity and is
a key value orientation in respondents’ professional
self-realization. It is generalized that obtained
scientific facts of the empirical research should be
Lecturer at the Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy, Institute of Psychology and Social Protection, Lviv State
University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy, Institute of Psychology
and Social Protection, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy
Institute of Psychology and Social Protection, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine.
Head of the Department of Psychology of Activity in Special Conditions, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine,
Kharkov, Ukraine.
Deputy Head of the Department of Educational, Social and Humanitarian Work and Psychological Support, Lviv State University
of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine.
Yaremko, R., Vavryniv, O., Tsiupryk, A., Perelygina, L., Koval, I. / Volume 11 - Issue 53: 288-297 / May, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
operationalized in academic and professional
training of fire safety specialists.
Key words: professionalization, cadets, fire safety
specialists, risk propensity, neuropsychological
Scientists from many countries and those
involved in the relevant field constantly draw
attention to the professional development of an
individual, his/her professionalization and
professional self-realization. A competent
specialist with developed competencies that meet
the current needs is the basis of strong public
policy of any country. The issue of professional
self-realization is organically related to personal
development. The maturity of Self-concept, Self-
image, reflection and the level of social
expectations of a person influences his/her
professional self-realization. Global instability
and transience, permanent military conflicts, and
turbulent socio-economic policy dictate terms
and requirements for the training of a future
specialist. These terms and requirements affect
the qualitative and quantitative parameters of
academic and professional training and
determine the temporal and spatial components
of the educational system. The processes of
social democratization and humanization taking
place Ukraine directly affect the professional
self-determination of the young personality and
content parameters of self-realization of future
Hypothesis. It is assumed that the study of
content parameters of the professional self-
realization of future fire safety specialists will
allow obtaining important scientific facts
associated with respondents’ motivational and
affective-voluntary dimensions, which should be
implemented in academic and professional
Purpose. To conduct theoretical analysis and
empirical study of content parameters of the
professional self-realization of future fire safety
Literature review
The phenomenon of professional self-realization
was elucidated in psychological literature
through foundational works by K. Horney
(1993), A. Rean (2008), C. Rogers (1959). The
issue of human self-realization and self-
actualization was considered in terms of
humanistic psychology. At the same time, the
phenomenon of self-realization needs to be
studied in the context of psychological practice.
The phenomenon of self-realization is
characterized by both philosophical and
psychological aspects. The concept of self-
realization is partly identical to self-
actualization. It was found that an essential
component of self-realization is a person’s
demonstrative goal setting of his activity. Self-
realization begins with social self-determination
and continues until the end of a person’s life
(Rean, 2008).
Factors determining the process of self-
realization are human needs, interests, goals, and
ideals. The need for personal self-realization can
be considered fundamental. Its main essential
feature is polyvalence, namely, the possibility of
satisfying it in almost all spheres of life. Other
determinants of the self-realization phenomenon
are internal aspirations, motives of an individual,
his/her internal need, and external drivers that act
breaking through internal causes. The individual
can be forced into particular activity, but one
cannot be forced to realize oneself. Thus, internal
activity is an essential prerequisite for a future
specialist’s self-realization. The study of gender
aspects of self-realization, motivational factors
of self-realization, in particular, self-realization
as a factor of mental health, sparks academic
interest (Malimon, 2018).
A person can fully realize and implement all of
his/her aspirations and opportunities only if one
oversteps the aforementioned personal
boundaries. However, ensuring conditions for
going beyond own “Selfcan be challenging for
some individuals. Sometimes a person should, on
the contrary, become part of something major
and global. An individual often has no resources
to confront reality, hence merges into it. S
Rubynshtein (2003) justified that a person does
not resist reality but is the center of his being, and
his whole life flows in this reality. Complete
detection (internalization) is a determinant of
intrapersonal transformation, and this aspect
describes human life as a unique and
phenomenological event (Rubynshtein, 2003).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In addition to the above, A. Kovaleva (2005)
believes that self-realization is the process of
personality becoming, which results in the
emergence of values goals, directions, and
ways of activity adequate for individual abilities,
and the ability to independently and authentically
realize own mission through goal setting
(Kovaleva, 2005). Summing up, professional
self-realization is a person’s inner desire to exert
the most influence on himself and keep as much
reflected subjectivity in professional activity as
Professional self-realization as a way of personal
functioning and development is reduced to three
main classes of mental phenomena, that is, it can
act as a process, state (review at a certain stage),
and property of the subject. This fact is
highlighted and substantiated in the studies of
psychological phenomena (Blynova et al.,
2020b; Popovych et al., 2021b). Self-realization
as a process is a predominant class of mental
phenomena and allows a comprehensive and
systemic study of human life. Therefore, the
subject’s self-realization combines the
awareness, choice, and implementation of those
aspects of individuality that contribute to his self-
expression, the realization of potential, the
formation of a personal system of narratives,
values, motives, ideas about himself, setting
goals, and determining ways to achieve them and
creating himself (Maksymenko & Osyodlo,
2019). Researchers of professional self-
realization attribute the following to the main
formal dynamic characteristics: maturity degree,
i.e., awareness, integrity, availability and
development level of the life and professional
program and self-determination; breadth, i.e., a
variety of ways to achieve professional goals and
decision-making; heterogeneity/homogeneity of
the system of principles, values, ideals, goals,
motives, expectations; situational
variability/stability susceptibility to random
external influences, changes in the individual
state, mood; intensity of the self-realization
process, i.e., speed and productivity; the nature
of dynamics, i. e., progressive, abrupt, cyclic;
success, effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy of
professional self-realization direct indicators,
in particular, the degree of satisfaction with
various spheres of professional activity and life
as a whole, subjective quality of life, well-being
and happiness; indirect indicators, i.e., rate of job
burnout (Maksymenko & Osymenko, 2019).
Content parameters of the professional self-
realization of future fire safety specialists are
considered components and mental formations
that belong to the rescuer’s motivational,
behavioral, regulatory, and operational spheres.
The level and maturity of the mentioned
parameters influence competence and the
implementation of emergency rescue operations.
Materials and methods
Methodology. The methodological output data of
the empirical study of content parameters of the
professional self-realization of future fire safety
specialists have rendered professional self-
realization as an integrated complex of needs,
interests, ideals, and purpose of professional
activity. The listed complex of mental formations
in the content dimension is a set of motivational,
behavioral, regulatory, and operational
components in the context of professional
training (Blynova & Kruglov, 2019). Popovych
et al., 2020b; Vavryniv, 2020). Fourth-year
cadets are at the final stage of forming
professional self-realization and have a high
operational readiness to perform professional
duties. In constructing a summative research
strategy, the author has used the experience of
experimental studies of the professional sphere
of an individual (Halian, 2019), adaptation
(Blynova et al., 2020a; Popovych et al., 2020a;
2021c) and self-regulation of specialists in the
modified operational climate (Hudimova, 2021;
Hudimova et al., 2021; Kharytonov et al., 2021;
Kuzikova et al., 2020; Popovych et al., 2020c;
Shevchenko et al., 2020), a predictive component
of professional activity (Plokhikh, 2021;
Plokhikh et al., 2021; Popovych et al., 2021a) in
the influence of the corporate culture of the
educational system on the formation of
professional self-realization (Blynova et al.,
2020c). Since rescue work is associated with
extreme conditions of work performance, studies
covering extreme conditions and excessive
physical and psycho-emotional loads of
respondents were taken into account (Nosov et
al., 2020a; 2020b; Zinchenko et al., 2019; 2022).
All the analyzed studies made it possible to
formulate a summative strategy for clarifying
content parameters of the professional self-
realization of future fire safety specialists.
Participants. In 2021, from February to
December, an empirical study was organized
following the summative strategy. The study
involved eight groups of fourth and fifth-year
cadets (n=198) who were in training, specialty
261 “Fire Safety”, at Lviv State University of
Life Safety (Lviv, Ukraine). The predominant
part of the respondents was male (n=183;
92.42%), and the rest was female (n=15; 7.58).
The sample group’s average age was 20.87 years
(SD=1.75, range 20-23 years). The sample was
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
randomized and comprised all groups obtaining
the relevant degree.
Organization of Research. Throughout the
second term of 2020 2021 and the first term of
the 2021 2022 academic years, a summative
assessment of empirical data was carried out. The
questionnaire collected respondents
biographical data. The following methods
facilitated the assessment of content parameters
of the study of the professional self-realization of
future fire safety specialists: “Definition of life
goals and values of the personality” (“LGVP”)
(Ivanov & Kolobova, 2002); The study of the
motivational profile of personality (“MPP”)
(Richie & Martin, 2004) (“MPP”) (Richie &
Martin, 2004); methodology Diagnostics of
personal risk propensity” (“PSK”) (Schubert,
2002); training facility “Psychological and
training ground” (Lviv State University of Life
Safety, 2022).
The methodology “Definition of life goals and
values of the personality” (“LGVP”) (Ivanov &
Kolobova, 2002) was applied to establish the life
values of the respondents. It is a kind of verbal
projective test. The methodology relies on
humanistic initial provisions, which state that
personality is a product of socialization and
develops through the assimilation of social
norms approved in a particular society. The
psychodiagnostic test defines fifteen life goals-
values of the cadets: Will, Openness and
Democracy (“WOD”); Safety and Security
(“SS”); Health (“H”); Financial Security (“FS”);
Power and Influence (“PI”); Personal Growth
(“PG”); Service to People (“SL”); Popularity
(“P”); Attachment and Love (“AL”);
Attractiveness (A”); Sense of Satisfaction
(“SS”); Interpersonal Relationships (“IR”);
Spiritual Culture (“SC”); Autonomy (“A”);
Spiritual-Religious Life (“SRL”). The
homogeneity of the responses was recorded: α-
“The study of the motivational profile of
personality(“MPP”) (Richie & Martin, 2004)
determines the needs, which are organically
combined in the phenomenon of professional
self-realization and make up its core. The MPP
questionnaire consists of twelve scales: Need for
high wages (“HW”); Need for good working
conditions (“GWC); Need for work structuring
(“WS”); Need for social contacts (“SC”); Need
for stable relationships (“SR”); Need for
recognition (“R”); Need to set and achieve
challenging goals (“CACG”); Need to manage
others (“MO”); Need for the diversity of feelings
(“DF”); Need to be creative (“C”); Need for self-
improvement (“SI”); Need to be in demand
(“D”). The homogeneity of the empirical data
was observed: α-Cronbach = .867
The next technique is “Diagnostics of personal
risk propensity” (“PSK”) (Schubert, 2002).
“PSK” identifies the risk appetite of the
respondents and establishes the extent to which
risk is necessary and appropriate. The
respondents answered twenty-five questions
using a bipolar five-point Stapel scale. The
respondents were grouped by levels: low risk
propensity too cautious; average risk
propensity; risk appetite. The homogeneity
coefficient was α-Cronbach = .912
Undergoing the training complex “Psychological
training ground” was a critical stage of the
psychodiagnostic test (Lviv State University of
Life Safety, 2022). The complex is a time-tested
training ground developed by the academic staff
of Lviv State University of Life Safety (Lviv,
Ukraine). “Psychological training ground”
contributed to analyzing the respondents’
psychophysiological state under realistic
conditions. The respondents passed through the
following elements of the training ground: a gym
for additional physical activity; a training path
that combined a thermal zone (checking a
person’s endurance under elevated temperature
in the room. The maximum temperature is
+60°С), a maze (to improve orientation in
different structures and narrow manholes of
different configurations); an apartment layout
and production area (to simulate actual fire
conditions, non-standard situations, and effective
search for victims).
Procedures. The study of content parameters of
the professional self-realization of future fire
safety specialists rested on a summative
assessment with the establishment of reliable
correlational relationships. All respondents filled
in the questionnaires, “LGVP”, MPP”, “PSK”,
and passed through the complex “Psychological
training ground”. The research adheres to the
principles of awareness, voluntariness, and
confidentiality. These principles have ensured
the reliability of answers, discipline, and
responsibility of the respondents during the
study. A causal relationship was established
between the goals-values which took three top
positions and the scales of the motivational
profile and the respondents’ risk propensity.
Statistical Analysis. To conduct statistical and
mathematical data processing, “SPSS” v. 23.0 was
applied. The following operations were carried out:
typical frequency descriptive characteristics were
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
determined; reliable relationships were identified
using the Spearman coefficient (rs); differences
between the ranks of the studied parameters were
established according to the Mann−Whitney U-test;
differences in the levels of р≤.05 and р≤.01were
Results and discussion
Tabl. 1 provides empirical data according to the
method Definition of life goals and values of the
personality” (“LGVP”) (Ivanov & Kolobova,
2002). Fifteen life goals-values were ranked, and
frequency descriptive characteristics were
presented: M arithmetic mean; Sx sample
standard error; SD standard deviation.
Table 1.
Ranking and frequency descriptive characteristics of respondents’ life goals-values according to “LGVP”
Will, Openness and Democracy (“WOD”)
Safety and Security (“SS”)
Health (“H”)
Financial Security (“FS”)
Power and Influence (“PI”)
Personal Growth (“PG”)
Service to People (“SP”)
Popularity (“P”)
Attachment and Love (“AL”)
Attractiveness (“A”)
Sense of Satisfaction (“SE”)
Interpersonal Relationships (“IR”)
Spiritual and Religious Life (“SRL”)
Spiritual Culture (“SC”)
Autonomy (“A”)
Source: Personal elaboration, 2022.
Note: R rank; M arithmetic mean; Sx sample standard error; SD standard deviation.
We state that vital goals-values have the highest
rating: “WOD” I rank; “SS” II rank; “H” III
rank. According to the Mann−Whitney U-test,
differences were found between the three ranks. In
particular, the statistical validity of differences is
observed between the first and second ranks
(U=14.81; p≤.01); second and third ranks
(U=18.22; p≤.01); first and third ranks (U=78.81;
Tabl. 2 provides empirical results of frequency
descriptive characteristics of other content
parameters of cadets’ professional self-realization
under “MPP” and “PSK”.
Table 2.
Frequency descriptive characteristics under “MPP” and “PSK” (n=198)
Need for high wages (“HW”)
Need for good working conditions (“GWC”)
Need for work structuring (“WS”)
Need for social contacts (“SC”)
Need to form stable relationships (“SR”)
Need for recognition (“R”)
Need to set and achieve challenging goals (“SACG”)
Need to manage others (“MO”)
Need for the diversity of feelings (“DF”)
Need to be creative (“C”)
Need for self-improvement (“SI”)
Need to be in demand (“D”)
Propensity for Risk (PR)
Source: Personal elaboration, 2022.
Note: M arithmetic mean; Sx sample standard error; SD standard deviation.
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The obtained parameters of frequency
descriptive characteristics under “MPP” and
“PSK” are generally within the approbation
norms, as proposed by the authors of the
methods, and within the results received by the
researchers using the relevant tools in similar
studies (Bedan et al., 2021). It is established that
the “PSK” method (Schubert, 2002) states that
(n=136; 68.69%) of the subjects are ready for
risk, (n=36; 18.18%) show average indicators,
which means that such respondents will risk
when the risk is paid, and (n=26; 13.13%) of
future fire safety specialists are too cautious.
The study of changes in the psychophysiological
state took place at the academic and training
complex “Psychological training field”. As a
result, 36.92% of the participants remained calm
and focused, with a confident facial expression,
even breathing, unchanged face color, and their
movements were well-coordinated, accurate, and
gentle. 22.34% had a slight excitement, a
frowned forehead, clenched lips, and their
breathing was somewhat hurried but rhythmic. In
20.55% there was a slight redness (pallor) of the
skin, quite coordinated movements, but with
some effort, and a small tremor of the fingers.
14.19% felt moderate excitement; they had
stained jaws, hurried and irregular breathing,
expressively red or pale faces, moderately
strained movements, clumsiness, and tremor of
the fingers. 3.00% of the respondents had intense
excitement, gritted teeth, noticeable asymmetry
of facial expressions, a sharp increase in
breathing, the face covered with spots and
significant sweating, pronounced stiffness, and
movements not proportional to the effort. Note
that the average score of respondents’ successes
in passing through the training complex was: 5.0-
4.1 29.44%; 4.0-3.1 38.32%; 3.0 and below
Correlational relationships between content
parameters of professional self-realization and
motivational profile of the respondents were
determined. Tabl. 3 presents the values of the
relationships in the form of a correlation matrix.
Table 3.
Correlation matrix of the study of professional self-realization (n = 198)
Motivational profile parameters
Content parameters of professional self-
Need for high wages (“HW”)
Need for good working conditions (“GWC”)
Need for work structuring (“WS”)
Need for social contacts (“SC”)
Need for stable relationships (“SR”)
Need for recognition (“R”)
Need to set and achieve challenging goals (“SACG”)
Need to manage others (“MO”)
Need for the diversity of feelings (“DF”)
Need to be creative (“C”)
Need for self-improvement (“SI”)
Need to be in demand (“D”)
Source: Personal elaboration, 2022.
Note: WOD Will, Openness and Democracy; SS Safety and Security; H Health; PR Propensity for Risk; *
p<.05; ** р<.01.
Сorrelation pleiades in the study of professional
self-realization of future fire safety specialists
were represented graphically. It allowed the
author to visually outline reliable positive and
negative correlations of the dimensions
concerned (Fig. I).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figura 2. Correlation pleiades of parameters of the professional self-realization of future fire safety specialists (n=198)
Source: Personal elaboration, 2022.
Note: negative correlations under p.01; negative correlations under p≤.05; positive
correlations under p≤ .05; positive correlations under p≤.01; HW Need for high wages; GWC Need for
good working conditions; WS Need for work structuring; SC Need for social contacts; SR Need to form stable
relationships; R Need for recognition; SACG Need to set and achieve challenging goals; MO Need to manage
others; DF Need for the diversity of feelings; C Need to be creative; SI Need for self-improvement; PR
Propensity for Risk.
It was found that the following parameters have
the most reliable correlations: “WOD” seven;
“PR” six (p≤.05; p≤01). Note that “Propensity
for risk” has two strongest ties: “Need for
recognition” (rs=.291; p≤.01) and “Need to set
complex goals and achieve them” (rs=.208;
p≤.01). Another tie of the same level was also
fixed in a pair of parameters “Will, Openness and
Democracy” and “Need for recognition”
(rs=.219; p≤.01). Established relationships (p
0.05).01) are explained by the fact that
“Propensity for risk” and “Will, Openness and
Democracy” are stimulated by a powerful social
need for recognition. In addition, “PR” has
another stimulus “SACG”, which is the
strongest one and indicates that the need to
perform complex tasks and achieve the goal is
participants’ life orientation. This plexus of ties
shows that a formed need to set complex goals
and achieve them, together with the social need
for recognition, is a powerful incentive in
developing professional self-realization of future
fire safety specialists. Other reliable ties at p.05
were established, among which fifteen were
positive: WOD&HW (rs=.133; p≤.05);
WOD&SC (rs=.102; p≤.05); WOD&SR (rs=.101;
p≤.05); WOD&C (rs=.097; p≤.05); WOD&SI
(rs=.089; p≤.05); SS&HW (rs=.092; p≤.05);
SS&GWC (rs=.086; p≤.05); SS&SR (rs=.083;
p≤.05); SS&D (rs=.085; p≤.05); H&GWC
(rs=.093; p≤.05); H&WS (rs=.086; p≤.05); H&R
(rs=.083; p.05); H&D (rs=.089; p≤.05);
PR&HW (rs=.086; p≤.05); PR&SR (rs=.096;
p≤.05); PR&DF (rs=.084; p.05), and two were
negative: WOD&MO (rs=-.089; p≤.05);
PR&MO (rs=-.086; p≤.05). Obtained correlations
result from the fact that professional self-
realization depends on the maturity of many
content parameters that shape an integrated set of
values, needs, motives, and competencies of
future fire safety specialists. It was found that the
vital purpose-value “Will, Openness and
Democracy” has a high operational capacity and
is a key value orientation in respondents’
professional self-realization. It is essential to pay
attention to significant negative correlations
(p≤.05), which in both cases are related to the
“Need to manage others”. The beforementioned
indicates that graduate cadets predominantly
orient towards mastering professional content
components rather than formal subordination and
desire to manage.
However, despite best practices in studying
professional self-realization, scientists of various
branches of science have poorly covered the
issue of professional self-realization of future fire
safety specialists. We consider the analysis of
content parameters of the professional self-
realization of future fire safety specialists timely
and promising since the competence of rescuers
and, accordingly, the quality of emergency
rescue operations will partly depend on
professional success.
The attempt of V. Bedan et al., (2021) to establish
motivational factors of the professional self-
realization of the individual is relevant to this
paper. It was found that two groups, one with a
high and the other with a low level of
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional self-realization, showed radically
different motivational profiles. Persons with a
high level of professional self-realization have a
dominant motive for constant self-improvement
and recognition, and persons with a low level
for good working conditions and high wages.
The indicators of the former group confirm the
fact that a “need for recognition” (rs=.291; p≤.01)
is a content parameter of professional self-
realization with the maximum value. The modern
study of gender characteristics of professional
self-realization of the individual singled out four
factors represented by dichotomous pairs:
adaptation rejection, self-reflection
dissatisfaction, personal maturity immaturity,
volitional regulation emotional weakness
(Tsekhmister et al., 2021). These factors
empirically confirm theoretical constructs of
professional self-realization, which have been
analyzed and summarized at the initial stage of
the present research. We recognize that this
research, to a large extent, also refers to gender
one with a pronounced male differentiation.
Studies of professional self-realization in other
areas of human activity, in particular
pedagogical, established that a relationship
between social status, recognition, and individual
motivation is fundamental (Yağan et al., 2022).
Such scientific facts are considered consistent
with those ascertained in the present contribution
towards the dominant need for recognition.
Obtained scientific facts of the study of content
parameters of the professional self-realization
should be operationalized in academic and
professional training of fire safety specialists.
1. The article analyzed and justified that the
factors determining the process of self-
realization are human needs, interests, goals,
and ideals. The author states that the need for
personal self-realization is fundamental. It
was found that content parameters of the
professional self-realization of future fire
safety specialists comprise such components
and mental formations that belong to the
motivational, behavioral, regulatory, and
operational spheres of the rescuer.
2. It was noted that according to the ranking of
life goals-values, the following have the
highest rating: “Will, Openness and
Democracy” I rank; “Safety and
Security”– II rank; “Health” – III rank.
3. It was established that the strongest ties are
found in “Risk propensity”, “Need for
recognition” (rs=.291; p≤.01) and “Need to
set complex goals and achieve them”
(rs=.208; p.01). Such a tie was also fixed in
the vital goal-value “Will, Openness and
Democracy” and “Need for recognition”
(rs=.219; p≤.01). The study explaines that a
strong social need for recognition stimulates
“Risk propensity” and “Will, Openness and
Democracy”. This plexus of ties shows that
a formed need to set complex goals and
achieve them, together with the social need
for recognition, is a powerful incentive in
shaping the professional self-realization of
future fire safety specialists.
It was found that the vital goal-value “Will,
Openness and Democracy” has a high
operational capacity and is a key value
orientation in respondents’ professional self-
The author proved the hypothesis, achieved
the goal; obtained scientific facts should be
implemented in academic and professional
training of fire safety specialists.
Bibliographic references
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