www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.53.05.14
How to Cite:
Mazurkevich, O., Tkachenko, V., Kharkov, S., Voropayeva, T., Mosendz, O. (2022). Cultural bases of the national system of
education: modern tendencies and factors of development. Amazonia Investiga, 11(53), 146-154.
Cultural bases of the national system of education: modern tendencies
and factors of development
Культурологічні основи національної системи виховання: сучасні тенденції та
фактори розвитку
Received: April 7, 2022 Accepted: May 9, 2022
Written by:
Mazurkevich Olha64
Tkachenko Victoria65
Kharkov Serhii66
Voropayeva Tatiana67
Mosendz Oksana68
The article analyzes the culturological features of
the national education system. Particular
attention is paid to defining the importance of
environmental education. The paper also
describes the influence of the education system
on the formation of multicultural, national-
patriotic, environmental competencies. The
study is formed on the basis of the use of both
general theoretical methods and the use of special
pedagogical methods: observation, specification,
modeling. Using the historical method of
research, the article traces the peculiarities of the
interpretation of culture from the XIX century. to
the present. Some attention in the work is focused
on empirical methods of collecting and
interpreting information. The results emphasize
that the culturological foundations of the national
education system need further study. This is due
to modern paradigms of development of world
cultural science, new digital technologies, the
peculiarities of the functioning of modern
polyethnic communities. In addition, the national
system of education in the cultural spirit
Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Head of the educational Vinnytsia Institute of Clothing Design and
Entrepreneurship, Department of Tehnology and Design of Garments, Ukraine.
PhD in Art Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Folk Instruments of Ukraine I.P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National
University of Arts, orchestral faculty, Department of Folk Instruments of Ukraine Constitution Square, Ukraine.
Postgraduate Deputy CEO (Deputy General director) Kyiv Zoological Park, Ukraine.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor senior researcher at the Center for Ukrainian Studies Taras Shevchenko
National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Philosophy, Center for Ukrainian Studies, Ukraine.
Lecture The Department of Art Studies, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Dnipro Faculty 9 Mykhailo Hrushevsky St.,
Dnipro, Ukraine.
Mazurkevich, O., Tkachenko, V., Kharkov, S., Voropayeva, T., Mosendz, O. / Volume 11 - Issue 53: 146-154 / May, 2022
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
influences the formation of environmental
competencies by educating a tolerant and
democratic attitude to the world. Awareness and
intolerance of society to non-environmental
behavior affect the transformation of the
environmental situation in general. Children who
have received a thorough environmental
education begin to actively promote the
ecological way of life in adult life. In addition,
children, in contrast to adults, have a greater
increase in intolerance to environmental crimes.
Keywords: national system of education,
culturology, influence, current trends.
Cultural bases constitute an important part of
modern state systems of youth education. Given
the development of multicultural communities,
the study of this field acquires additional
relevance because dynamic changes require
comprehension, interpretation, and practical use.
For this reason, modern trends and factors in the
development of European and American models
of interaction between education and science in
this process represent a separate problem for
scientific analysis. In Ukraine, cultural studies is
a rather young discipline, which finally took
shape at the beginning of the XXI century.
Accordingly, the orientation and borrowing of
the world experience are the important elements
of the future Ukrainian educational system,
considering the transformation in the modern
sciences of the multicultural society.
Another factor influencing modern culture is the
development of computer technology and
software and digital technology in general. This
innovative component of modern culture requires
research through the prism of cultural and
anthropological aspects. We are talking about the
ideas about the latest tools, and creative and
creative resources, which will allow interaction
organically with the educational system. It is
known that modern culture is based on different
types of technologies related to production
processes, safety, work organization, data
preservation, tourism, and entertainment, etc.
Therefore, for the training of specialists whose
activities will be related to culturology, the
necessary aspects are the development of
appropriate competencies related to digital
support. This condition in modern society is
necessary, so its integration into the educational
processes is also necessary.
At the same time, a separate factor influencing
the formation of the national system of education
is environmental education, which in modern
European countries occupies an important place.
The comparison with the Ukrainian system of
upbringing is very important taking into
consideration the low efficiency of the latter
(Anspoka & Kazaka, 2019; Serdyukov, 2017).
Thus, now there is a need for the formation of a
man of national culture, which combines the
system knowledge of both national culture,
harmonious national consciousness, orientation
on ethnocultural, and environmental values, as
well as tolerance and the ability to inter-ethnic
and intercultural dialogue. All this requires
purposeful actions to organize the process of
formation of a person of national culture in the
system of national education (Merenuik &
Mereniuk, 2019; Zelenska, 2021, p. 181201).
Therefore, the article aims to analyze the cultural
foundations of the national education system
through the prism of comprehension of modern
trends and development factors. To reveal the
main problem, it is proposed to divide the
structure of the study into separate sub-items,
which will deal with specific issues. In particular,
the definition of the general place of culture in
the system of education and upbringing, the
influence of the national upbringing system on
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the education of multicultural competencies were
singled out, the necessity of the national
upbringing system in patriotism formation was
outlined, the importance of the modern
environmental education was described.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The theoretical basis of our work is built based
on culturological and pedagogical studies of
modern authors.
In particular, Serdyukov (2017) characterized the
main innovations in the modern educational
process. First of all, the author focused on
education and upbringing in the United States,
his analytical review discusses key barriers to
innovation and characterizes the main ways to
increase the rate of innovative transformation in
the education system.
Kromydas (2017) analyzed the current state of
higher education, he paid special attention to the
analysis of the cultural aspects of European
Idris et. al., (2012) highlighted the influence of
national education on the formation of patriotism
and self-identification principles.
Khojasteh et al., (2020) investigated measures
of national identity in the educational system of
Iran, France, the United States, and Japan. The
researcher noted that although the Iranian
national education system is somewhat different
from the American and European systems, all of
the selected countries focus on the development
of national and indigenous cultural heritage and
customs in school curricula.
Brighouse (2020) studies are devoted to
contemporary problems in the educational
sphere. Selected cultural aspects of a
multicultural education system are described in
Walter (2017). Slamet et al., (2021) investigated
the problem of the formation of multicultural
competence. These researchers note that
multicultural education is quite an innovative
approach, which not only transforms the system
itself but also solves some discriminatory issues
in the pedagogical process. Ukrainian
researchers have also addressed the problems of
modern pedagogy within the framework of the
cultural approach.
For example, Rutkovska (2021) highlighted the
discussion in the Ukrainian professional
environment about the prospects of using
culturological approaches in national systems of
education. In her opinion, culture is an important
tool in the development of modern democratic
society, a kind of means to achieve the unity of
its elements.
Zelenska (2021) investigated the problem of
implementing culturological education in higher
education institutions for training specialists in
international relations. The specialist believes
that culture is an indispensable element in
education, so separate culturological courses
should be introduced in the training of a wide
range of specialists in humanities disciplines.
The work is built on the application of theoretical
research methods: analysis, synthesis, induction,
and deduction. The article also used special
pedagogical methods of research, including
observation. With the help of concretization, the
formation of cultural foundations of the national
system of education is reflected. The work also
uses the method of abstraction, which provides
an ascension from the abstract to the concrete. It
is used in the analysis of the general theoretical
approaches and positions and the formation of
specific conclusions. Particularly, with the help
of this method we were able to pass from the
definition of the importance of culturological
education in general to individual educational
practices used in the EU countries. Besides, with
the help of the historical method of research, we
have managed to trace the peculiarities of
interpreting culture at different times. The article
notes that it was only at the end of the 19th
century that culture began to be studied within
the framework of conceptual scientific trends (in
particular, axiological, formational,
anthropological, etc.) which formed the basis for
the future cultural studies. As a result of using the
comparativists method of research, we managed
to compare the peculiarities of public education
systems in Canada and EU countries: FRG,
France. Separate attention in the work is focused
on empirical methods of information collection
and interpretation. In particular, the problem of
further implementation of cultural foundations in
the national system of education is covered based
on the predictive method. Also, the study is
shaped by the use of the statistical method,
consisting in a qualitative analysis of the
experimental data.
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Culture in the system of education and
National education is the main social institution
designed to ensure both the preservation and
development of national culture. Consequently,
modern educational and training processes
should be aimed at the formation of the cultural
competence of a modern person.
Culture is a powerful factor in social
development because all directions of human
activity are connected to it: starting from material
production up to creative manifestations.
However, the main categories in culture are not
material things, but the person and the society in
which it is located. Consequently, an important
aspect of the national system of education is the
formation of human culture (Hornbeck et al.,
2019). The leading task of this process is the
creation of the cultural base of the future teacher,
the formation of skills of cultural perception, the
formation of important cultural requirements and
interests to improve the culture of
communication, and the development of cultural
knowledge (Richards, 2019).
We associate the mentioned transformations in
the field of education with the transition to the
cultural-creative function of education and
pedagogy, which should be aimed at creating a
cultural base for national systems of education.
Based on the analysis of the content of culture,
and its significance in the modern society we can
highlight the key aspects of culture as a social
value, having the purpose to help people
understand the world around them, designate
their place in the world, to form the basic norms
of behavior to regulate social relations between
people (Zelenska, 2021).
Note that by the first half of the 19th century the
concept of culture was viewed somewhat through
the prism of rational and philosophical
interpretation of moral, aesthetic, and legal
norms. At the same time already at the end of the
XIX century culture was studied within the
framework of conceptual scientific trends (in
particular axiological, formational,
anthropological, etc.). The latter has formed the
basis for future culturology. It should be noted
that the notion of “culturology” is widely spread
in Eastern Europe, while in the English-speaking
countries such a subject is called Cultural studies,
and in the German-speaking countries, it is called
Kulturwissenschaft. In addition, culture in these
regions is predominantly interpreted in socio-
ethnographic terms.
Given the context of modern education, the basis
of cultural studies is a unanimous approach to the
interpretation of pedagogical aspects and the
vision of the systemic functioning of the
pedagogical system. Thus, culturological
approaches, being the methodological bases and
methods of forming personality-centered
education, allow us to study education in the
meaning of the process of mastering culture,
aimed at the development of the personality as a
whole. We believe that mastering culture as a
basic value is human development.
Thus, the role of education, at the same time its
fundamental aspects closely related to culture, is
increasing in the implementation of the potential
of culture to improve the person. The
manifestation of the specificity of the cultural
potential of education is a scientific approach to
the justification of measures, and ways of its
effective implementation in different spheres
(including education) (Bolden & O’Farrell,
2019; Saarinen, 2020).
At the same time, education should become a
process of active inclusion of the individual in
the mastering of the universal culture of mankind
(we are talking about national, and historical). In
addition, it affects the formation of a cultural
worldview, and personal choice: appropriation of
other cultural values (spiritual, professional,
life). Thus, culturally-oriented education
presupposes a person's conscious mastery of
culture. In this, we see the special importance of
education in the development of culture
(Brighouse, 2020). At the same time, the key
values of upbringing are also somewhat related
to upbringing. We are talking about the free
development of the individual, the priority of the
national in upbringing, and resistance to
universal values (educational-scientific, cultural,
and natural) upbringing, etc. (Richards, 2019).
The culturological approach in the process of
education and upbringing is necessary for
dynamically developing countries. It is
especially relevant for Ukraine, where
educational functions are changing significantly.
Modern problems of education are highlighted in
the studies of the famous pedagogue and
psychologist J. Bruner, including his work “The
Culture of Education” (1996). This scholar noted
that pedagogical problems should not be limited
to mere curriculum design, approval of
educational standards, or multi-step testing
(Rutkovska, 2021). These problems lose
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
importance when the society of a state lacks a
solid humanitarian policy and does not solve
urgent social and cultural problems. J. Bruner
noted that a view of the meaning and content of
education derives from society's point of view
and its goals. At the same time, he notes that the
educational sphere, unfortunately, does not
perform its leading integrative and cultural
functions (Rutkovska, 2021). The latter, in turn,
should contribute to the spiritual development of
man, and his unity with society. This researcher
has developed a special scheme demonstrating
the main educational achievements: “writing -
education - competence - culture mentality”. At
the same time A. Pavlenko as a supporter of the
pragmatic approach to modern education noted
the role of the transformation of educational
paradigms in reforming the educational system.
In his opinion, in the modern world humanities
education is focused individually on students
(pupils) but creates an opportunity for
comprehension of the general culturological
paradigm. The culture logical paradigm is
addressed to understanding the importance of
culture, art, and science for the development of
modern civilization. She concluded that modern
culturological education actualizes value, moral
and reflexive ways of thinking and acting, and
behavior. Thanks to well-chosen educational
tools, productive, social, and creative interaction
between people of all ages and genders are
ensured (Rutkovska, 2021). In addition, teaching
children the basics of culture lays a strong
pedagogical foundation for subsequent self-
education and self-development, the formation of
individuality (Walter, 2017, p. 25).
Consequently, the cultural approach in the
pedagogical field is important because modern
social transformations indicate the increasing
importance of culture in human life, which
affects the development of national education in
The influence of the national system of
education on the formation of multicultural
The main tasks of the modern upbringing process
should correlate with the formation of important
human personal qualities and feelings in a child:
patriotism, tolerance towards each nation,
people, their languages, cultures, and customs;
the sense of humanity and humanism towards
people, nature, sense of duty and responsibility.
Note that the culturological principles of the
education system should contribute to the
formation of the foundations of multicultural
education. In particular, as a result of a specially
organized multicultural environment, specific
tasks of multicultural upbringing can be solved.
For example, it is not only about fostering respect
for native culture or history but also to familiar
with the achievements of foreign culture. At the
same time, it is also important to foster a tolerant
and democratic attitude toward the historical and
cultural achievements of other peoples (Cherng
& Davis, 2017). In a properly formed
multicultural environment, it is possible to solve
other tasks of cultural education: stimulation of
spiritual growth in preschool children and their
parents, laying the foundations of an integrative
vision of space in educational, political,
economic prisms, development of the general
cognitive activity of a person (Anspok & Kazaka,
Since a multicultural developing space is an
integrated category that accommodates a variety
of spheres of the child's activities, it is important
to provide special conditions, and a stable
psychological atmosphere (Slamet et al., 2021).
These conditions should influence the
development of a tolerant and democratic
attitude among all participants in the educational
process. In addition, it should be based on mutual
understanding and readiness to perceive people
of other nationalities. The development of
creative individuality is impossible without
mastering the universal cultural heritage (Cherng
& Davis, 2017; Idris et al., 2012). Thus, the
purposeful application of the basics of a
multicultural environment in the process of
personality formation is considered a certain
means of providing a tolerant attitude to different
peoples and their cultures.
The importance of the national system of
education in the formation of patriotism
The crisis phenomena in the spiritual sphere, the
reduction of the role of value orientations in the
society require the comprehension of the
processes of socialization of the individual under
the conditions of changing social relations,
dictate the necessity of studying the role of the
ethnocultural educational environment, the
mechanisms of translation of ethnocultural
values in this process (Idris et al., 2012). Thus,
there is a need to study the formation of the
process of national culture in an individual. The
latter should combine systemic knowledge in the
sphere of, based on culturological principles, is
the formation of a sense of love for the homeland.
We believe that the most important conditions of
the identity of the nation are the preservation of
language, national traditions, and culture
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(Arredondo & Gordon Reinoso, n.d.). At the
same time, the oblivion of national culture leads
to a loss of national identity and the
manifestation of negative qualities. Thus, the
destruction of national culture leads to the loss of
national roots (Cherng& Davis, 2017). At the
same time, modern society needs an active,
active, educated citizen with the best traits of
national character (Cusati et al., 2021). Yes, this
problem can be solved by education, formed on
cultural bases, in particular, the education of a
modern person should take place in the
conditions of dialogue of modern science and
culture. At the same time, the effectiveness of
national culture formation in the system of
national education depends on the continuity and
progression of this process, including preschool,
general secondary, and vocational education
(Idris et al., 2012). However, let us note that the
implementation of such gradualness and
systematisms in this system implies the search
for new approaches, the theoretical development
of the problem of the formation of the national
culture of the individual as a strategy, goal, and
result of the entire system of national education.
According to the research of modern teachers,
the study of folk culture, traditions, and history
of their own people form the knowledge of the
essence of national psychology, and the
development of national consciousness. We
believe that such a process should begin at an
early age. At the same time, the orientation of the
school to the national culture is a key condition
for the preservation, development, and mastering
of ethnic culture by children. The system of
national education formed based
onculturological aspects, is able to educate a
person with a positive ethnic self-identification
in the spirit of civic and national patriotism
(Jaskułowski et al., 2021). Thus, we are of the
opinion that the content of educational work
should include a thorough study of the
components of folk culture and history. In
addition, curricula should be saturated with
national components of the content of education
and upbringing. Note that in the educational and
training process of EU countries, in particular
France and Germany, there is an emphasis on
cultural education and respect for the past. The
example of the FNS, where cultural
achievements were combined with modern
multicultural society, is illustrative. Germany's
past has demonstrated that a nation with great
cultural achievements can also turn into
initiators of the bloodiest conflicts in history.
For this reason, modern Germany is an
exemplary country open to international
cooperation, but the important achievements that
characterize the German nationality in its
educational aspects are unforgettable (Khojasteh
et al., 2020). In France, the obligatory emphasis
in the educational system is on the national
aspect. Note that civic education is on the
political order of the French government, which
is shaped by the consolidation of the republic and
the restoration of democracy. Khojasteh et al.
(2020) note that France's main legal documents
on compulsory education note the compulsory
teaching of reading, writing, and literature, but
the priority is also moral and civic education
(Khojasteh et al., 2020). Based on the
comparison, we see that today the German
system of cultural studies education is quite
promising, whereas in France one feels that the
pedagogical branches are under a certain
bureaucratic pressure (Slamet et al., 2021;
Warren, 2017). At the same time, Canada's
educational and teaching processes emphasize
history education and respect for the past. Given
that Canada is a relatively young country, history
lessons are integrated with geography,
citizenship, and economics, collectively called
Social Studies. This course aims to explore
societies at the local and global levels, their
heritage, and the nature of citizenship
(Khojasteh, et al., 2020). In addition, we note that
learning in Canada can take place in different
languages, which contributes to the consolidation
of the young Canadian nation based on the
cultural interaction of its different ethnic parts.
We are not talking about the classic
French/English division, but also about the
languages of other ethnic groups living in
Canada. Let us note that this practice contributes
to the cultural enrichment of these peoples, above
all, given the current transformational processes
taking place in the world.
The influence of culture on the formation of
environmental competence
At present, the peculiarities of the development
of culture lead to the transformation of its
meaning. Consequently, culture occupies a
prominent role not only in the purely educational
sphere but also in the environmental sphere. So,
nowadays, ecological culture is closely
connected with educational and educational
activities. Modern experts prove that the
beginning of environmental education is
extremely important because it is at the age of
growth that better explains the importance of the
environment and the need to protect it. Children
who have received “ecological knowledge”
begin to actively promote an ecological way of
life in adulthood. In addition, children (which is
associated with age peculiarities), unlike adults,
have a greater increase in intolerance of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
environmental crimes. Thus, we believe that one
of the cultural foundations of the national system
of education is environmental education because
awareness and intolerance of society to non-
ecological treatment can radically transform the
environmental situation in the country. At the
same time, the situation with ecological literacy
and consciousness can be considered
unsatisfactory. According to the calculations of
experts from the Renaissance Foundation, the
industry of environmental education is at a low
level, and public awareness of overcoming
environmental problems is at a low level. This
attitude to the environment in Ukraine is well
recognized by lawmakers, and in the “Strategy of
the ecological policy of Ukraine until 2030” it is
proposed, first of all, to strengthen this sector. So,
the activation of environmental education should
take a key place in the construction of national
educational strategies.
The influence of cultural studies on the national
system of education is quite tangible and
manifests itself in many aspects. In our opinion,
first of all, the awareness of the basic processes
of social integration and the diversity of these
forms, which have continued to develop
throughout history, is deepening. It is no accident
that mankind has chosen for itself a group mode
of coexistence. These needs for a collective form
of life are grounded in fundamental
psychological and social needs that manifest in
and are provided by culture (Richards, 2019).
Also, cultural studies at the present stage deepen
the awareness of the causes of the cultural
richness of humanity, which is associated with
many important processes: from adaptation to the
conditions of existence (at the stage of primitive
development) to the modern globalization
influence and the processes of interaction of
some peoples with another (which is associated
with the degree of growth of civilizations). Also,
thanks to cultural studies, evaluative and critical
judgments about the possible regularities of
historical stages of human history, which are
vividly reflected in the development of culture,
are deepened.
Consequently, as of today, important categories
of culture should be things not so much tangible
as intangible, in particular, the personal
development of the individual and the state of
society in which the individual is located. In our
opinion, one of the most important aspects of the
national system of education of modern countries
is the formation of human culture. We believe
that the mastery of modern digital technology in
the work of cultural studies should not be limited
to technical aspects. In our opinion, knowledge
of the mechanics of various programs, and the
ability to use them to work with presentations,
layouts, etc. do not guarantee a full
understanding of the cultural process of
development. Education should be considered in
unity with education.
We agree with Idris et al., (2012) that responsible
citizens are now attentive to issues of behavior,
attitudes, and reactions to people of a different
upbringing. The role of teachers in nurturing
students' sense of identity is special. At the same
time, the government has an important role to
play in the development of national education, in
particular by taking care of teachers and avoiding
the politicization of the educational process. As
far as the European model of cultural policy is
concerned, the experience of the Federal
Republic of Germany, which combines tradition
with modern trends, is extremely useful. After
World War II, the democratic governments of
Germany staked on an open society, a symbiosis
of cultures, and moved to the implementation of
the “unity in diversity” plan. In our opinion, this
rather smooth transition was promoted by the
traditional federal structure for these lands,
smoothly increasing since the 19th century.
Thus, the local governments of the lands have
shifted from the unification of Germany to the
policy of multiculturalism the unification of all
peoples inhabiting Germany. This process takes
place based on the search for dialogue, but also
based on local culture. For this reason, we
consider the German model of cultural and
educational policy promising for states with a
federal structure. The need to search for a
dialogue between the separate parts of the state
can develop into a search for a dialogue between
all the nationalities inhabiting the state.
Despite this, we believe that environmental
education should become an important part of the
national system of upbringing and education. In
particular, in Germany, from an early age
children are taught to respect the environment
and to coexist peacefully with it. Early
development of ecological competence allows to
carry out of effective policy in the field of
energy-saving, use of alternative energy sources,
etc. This is especially important for Ukraine, as
the situation with environmental security remains
extremely tense. It is not only about overcoming
the consequences of the Chornobyl disaster, but
also about further work with other operating
nuclear power plants. In addition, indigenous
reforms require environmental protection
legislation, oversight of rare animal populations,
Volume 11 - Issue 53
/ May 2022
https:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and the safe handling of water resources. We
believe that it is possible to overcome these
problems by developing environmental
competence from early school age.
Consequently, the culturological approach in the
pedagogical field is important, and it is especially
relevant for developing countries. We believe
that in the process of education the child should
become a participant in the movement of
mastering culture, first of all, national culture.
Thus, culturally-oriented education implies a
person's conscious assimilation of culture. On the
other hand, one of the leading indicators of the
viability of national cultures is the interaction
with other cultures, the ability to master their
achievements, and integration into the broader
cultural space. However, there is still no adequate
realization in practice of the pedagogical
potential of national culture, which can be
considered as an ideal model of the formation of
bearers of national culture, and socialization of
the younger generations in the conditions of an
ethnocultural environment.
Among European countries, the German
experience of the educational system, based on
the combination of the cultural achievements of
the German people with the current trends of
societal development (as well as environmental
trends), is the most advanced. Note that, in our
opinion, the German experience is extremely
useful for all states with a federal structure - it
demonstrates mechanisms for seeking cultural
interaction between the individual lands and all
the nations that inhabit those lands. At the same
time, a healthy application of patriotism is also
an important factor in the formation of modern
cultural foundations of educational systems. We
believe that patriotism as a love of one's own is
also an important basis for respecting the
achievements of others. For this reason, a modern
system of education and training (based on
government support and responsible teaching) is
the key to the development of culturological
policies in centralized countries. These
conditions should influence the development of
tolerant and democratic attitudes in society. In
addition, modern educational culturological
principles are formed based on mutual
understanding and readiness to cooperate with
people of other nationalities. Educational
paradigms must take into account the principle
that further development is impossible without
reference to the universal cultural heritage. We
believe that involving the basics of a
multicultural environment in the process of
personality formation is seen as a certain means
of ensuring a tolerant attitude towards different
peoples and their cultures. Bringing in a broader
evidence base in the future will shed more light
on these issues.
In addition, an important cultural element of the
national system of education is environmental
education. Unfortunately, the results of our
article show that not enough attention is paid to
environmental education in Ukraine.
Nevertheless, we think that an effective step to
overcome the existing problems will be the
intensification of cooperation with legislative
and executive authorities, the introduction of
nature protection as a separate discipline in
school and university programs, intensification
of educational and environmental outreach
activities on the Internet.
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